As a child, we all loved to build sand castles. Even adults who are at sea want to show their creativity and create something like that - a short-lived but beautiful sculpture. Although to be honest, few of us really get something worthwhile.

Artistic Spiritual Sand

The authors of the following photos were not satisfied with the usual small castle. They decided to turn the shapeless sand mass into a real work of art. What came of this can be seen in the following photos.

Huge statues look like living characters from ancient historical eras.

Sand sculpture collection
In these sand sculptures, every detail is perfected.

Sculpture dedicated motherhood.

Sand sculpture collection
The most precious treasure of every mother

Would you like to get a gold ticket?

Sand sculpture collection
The author of these sculptures, apparently, was crazy about the movie about Willy Wonka

A time machine and a spaceship at the same time.

Sand sculpture collection
Futuristic sculpture

Awesome disney castle.

Sand sculpture collection
Castle for the beautiful princess

This cathedral will seem simple to someone. But pay attention with what accuracy it is made.

Sand sculpture collection
The sand cathedral in its proportions is accurate, like the real one

Where are the passengers traveling on this train?

Sand sculpture collection
As if living people were embodied in these sand statues
Sand sculpture collection
This sculpture is beautiful from any angle

Try to move on if you dare.

Sand sculpture collection
Menacing Lord of Darkness

Everyone will receive a gift for the New Year.

Sand sculpture collection
Sand Santa Claus

Exclusive to fans Star Wars.

Sand sculpture collection
And may the Force be with you!

Garfield simple and charming.

Sand sculpture collection
It's nice to fry in the sun with the cat Garfield

These eyes are too real not to be afraid.

Sand sculpture collection
Shark Bugor from the cartoon about Nemo looks like a real

Predator freed from circus captivity.

Sand sculpture collection
It’s as if a dangerous predator seeks to catch its first prey after years of imprisonment

it A fairy bird from Vietnamese tales named Au Ko. The dragon fell in love with her. After the wedding, Au Co. laid as many as 100 eggs. After a while, hundreds of fairy and dragon kids hatched from them.

Sand sculpture collection
Fairy Au Ko with her babies