Muscle relaxant drugs help relieve pain and spasm in arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases caused by disorders in the bones and nerves. Midokalm's analogs contain the same active ingredient or substances with a similar mechanism of action. Taking medications is accompanied by a decrease in pathological muscle tone and associated pain syndromes, joint stiffness.

The active substance of Midokalm

According to pharmacological properties, tolperisone belongs to the group of muscle relaxants. This is the only active ingredient in Medocalm tablets. The content of the active substance is 50 or 150 mg.

Tolperisone eliminates muscle spasm caused by various pathological phenomena, has a moderate vasodilating effect.

Midokalm begins to act half an hour or an hour after taking the pill. The tolperisone hydrochloride from the preparation is well absorbed in the digestive tract, does not accumulate in the body, since it is excreted by the kidneys within 24 hours.

List of cheap Russian analogues

The tablets are manufactured by Gedeon Richter (Hungary) and Gideon Richter-RUS, a subsidiary of the Hungarian pharmaceutical company in Russia. Midokalm, on the packaging of which the name of the plant in the Russian Federation is indicated, is, in fact, a Russian-made drug. The cost of tablets of 50 and 150 mg is relatively low - from 300 to 390 rubles, depending on the dosage.

Musculoskeletal system diseases are usually treated for a long time. Sometimes you need to take painkillers and muscle relaxants all your life. Many patients think that treatment is cheaper.You can purchase analogues of the original drug (generics).

Cheap Russian structural analogues (manufacturer):

  • Tolperizon-OBL ("FP Obolenskoe");
  • Kalmireks-tabs (Sotex);
  • Tolperizon ("Ozone");
  • Tolizor ("Atoll").

The cost of Russian drugs: Tolperisone - from 137 rubles, Tolperizon-OBL in dosages of 50 and 150 mg - 165 and 290 rubles, respectively (30 tablets). Tolizor capsules also contain 50 or 150 mg of tolperisone. The price of this Russian analog of Midokalm with a maximum dosage of the active ingredient is 290 rubles (30 capsules). The cost of packing Kalmireks is 340 rubles.

Complete structural analogues of Midokalm

Preparations containing tolperisone in dosages of 50 and 150 mg are complete analogues of Midocalm. These are synonyms or generics that are prescribed for the treatment of diseases indicated in the list of indications of the original medicine.

In pills

The cheapest structural analogues of Midokalm in tablets are produced in the Russian Federation. These are drugs Tolperizon, Tolperizon-OBL, Kalmireks-tabs, Tolizor. Imported tablets containing tolperisone are presented on pharmacy shelves only with the original Midokalm product of the Hungarian company Gedeon Richter.

In ampoules

Midocal in injections is released in combination with lidocaine. In Russia, such preparations that are intended for injection are not registered and contain only tolperisone hydrochloride. The Russian analogue of the drug Midokalm-Richter in ampoules is a solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections Kalmireks.

Incomplete drug analogues

Kalmireks and Midokalm-Richter are combined drugs. These are incomplete analogues of Midocalm in tablets, since they contain not only the muscle relaxant tolperisone. The second component is lidocaine, an anesthetic.

Midokalm-Richter for injections is a transparent, almost colorless solution of the active substance and anesthetic component. The dose for one intravenous or intramuscular injection is 100 mg of tolperisone, 2.5 mg of lidocaine. Midokalm in ampoules is produced by Gedeon Richter (Hungary). The cost of buying ampoules (5 pcs.) - 510 rubles.

Tolperisone in injections reaches its maximum plasma values ​​faster. Lidocaine enhances the analgesic effect of tolperisone. Stiffness in the joints, pain caused by osteochondrosis, pass through 15-20 minutes.

Tolperisone hydrochloride in combination with lidocaine reduces skeletal muscle tone, eliminates pain. The properties of the muscle relaxant and anesthetic are useful for quickly relieving muscle tension, improving blood circulation in the affected organs. Midokalm Richter and Kalmireks are prescribed for adults and children.

Foreign and Russian analogues, similar in pharmacological properties

The group of muscle relaxants with the same properties as tolperisone include baclofen, tizanidine, sirdalud. They are group analogues, can be used with the same indications.

Baclofen reduces the intensity of painful muscle cramps (involuntary), which allows patients to move more actively and sleep better. Tizanidine and sirdalud eliminate discomfort, pain arising from spastic muscle condition.

In Poland and Russia, Baklosan tablets with the active substance baclofen are produced. Lyorezal is a Swiss-made drug. The solution is administered intrathecal, that is, into the subshell space of the spinal cord. This allows you to reduce the dose of baclofen, which has a depressing effect on the central nervous system.
Several Russian companies produce drugs with the active ingredient tizanidine. These are cheap group analogues of Midokalm. The price of tizanidine tablets (30 pcs.) Is 116 rubles. Foreign analogues (price, rubles): Tizanidin-Teva (140), Tizalud (150), Tizanil (250), Sirdalud (from 230 to 340), Sirdalud MR (550).


Midokalm, its synonyms and group analogues can be replaced with drugs of other pharmacological groups and subgroups, including combined ones.This is a means to relieve painful cramps in diseases of the spine, injuries, myositis, sprain, lumbago, arthritis.

Medocalm Substitute List:

  • Meloxicam;
  • Amelotex;
  • Arthrosan;
  • Movalis;
  • Miolgin.

The cheapest substitute for Midokalm is Meloxicam. The packaging price is only 57 rubles (20 tablets). The downside is that the drug is a representative of the NSAID group. Muscle relaxants are appreciated for the fact that they do not have the negative properties of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and can reduce their use. Experts give the same comment about another substitute - Arthrosan (price 160 rubles).

Long-term treatment with Midokalm and its structural analogues is allowed, as drugs with a well-studied, safe effect. You can simultaneously use drugs from the NSAID group to quickly eliminate painful spasm and increase the amplitude of movements. However, experts, experts recommend limiting the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, especially diclofenac. NSAIDs have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract and the cardiovascular system.

Peripheral or central muscle relaxant preparations reduce the pathological tone of skeletal muscle due to various lesions of bone tissue, nerves, and muscles. The use of generic and group analogues of Midokalm can save on treatment without compromising the effectiveness of therapy.