Ascorutin contains vitamins necessary for full human life. Thanks to them, the medicine serves to prevent various diseases, and is also included in the course of complex therapy for pathological processes in the body. What you need to know about the features of the action and use of the drug?

Release form, composition and packaging

Ascorutin is available in the form of convex yellowish tablets. They are convenient to carry and take as needed.

The strengthening complex consists of two groups of water-soluble vitamins:

  • ascorbic acid (or vitamin C);
  • rutin or rutoside (vitamin P).

One tablet of Ascorutin contains 50 mg of the main active ingredients, as well as starch, sugar, talc and calcium stearate.

The drug does not contain chemical additives, therefore it is considered safe for health.

After all, these vitamins are natural components of the human body, obtained from natural sources of nutrition.

Pills of 10 pieces are packed in foil blisters, which, in turn, are placed in cardboard boxes, 5 in each.

In the pharmacy, you can also buy tablets in a plastic bottle. There are 50 pills in one container.

Pharmacological action, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

First of all, the medicine saturates the cells with the necessary vitamins in case of their deficiency.In addition, getting into the body, the drug has a complex effect on all its systems. After all, each of the active substances has its own characteristics of influence.

Vitamin C:

  • stimulates the metabolism;
  • improves cardiac activity;
  • participates in the formation of connective tissue;
  • boosts immune defense;
  • removes toxins and toxins;
  • It has antioxidant properties, protecting cells from oxidation.

And rutoside is actively involved in the processes of tissue renewal, contributing to the rapid regeneration and lower inflammation.

In this combination, two components become reliable defenders of blood vessels, they strengthen the weak walls of arteries, increase the resistance of capillaries, prevent the development of blood clots and normalize blood pressure.

After taking the drug, it is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, and together with the blood it flows to all organs. The maximum concentration in the blood is observed after one and a half to two hours.

Ascorbic acid is excreted in the urine in the form of metabolites (90%), unchanged - partially feces and sweat. Rutin is metabolized and excreted by the liver and kidneys. The elimination half-life is from 10 hours to a day.

What is Ascorutin prescribed for?

The drug is prescribed to patients from three years old. Doctors recommend taking a course for the purpose of prevention, as well as in the presence of appropriate diseases, when it is necessary to reduce the permeability of capillaries and strengthen the vessels.

When and for what is Ascorutin used:

  • with vitamin deficiency;
  • to get rid of rosacea (a mesh of blood vessels appearing on the face);
  • with hypertension;
  • for the prevention of influenza and seasonal diseases in the epidemic period;
  • with varicose veins;
  • to relieve signs of dystonia;
  • with hemorrhoids;
  • to reduce the severity of rheumatic pathologies;
  • with a tendency to bleeding, including with heavy menstruation;
  • in the complex treatment of infectious diseases;
  • with allergies;
  • with septic endocarditis;
  • in case of inflammatory processes of the brain;
    with hemorrhage in the retina and visual defects;
  • in the treatment of radiation sickness;
  • with capillarotoxicosis (hemorrhagic vasculitis).

A particularly positive effect of the drug is observed with varicose veins. "Ascorutin" allows you to prevent possible complications caused by pathology. The medicine improves the condition of the vascular walls, making them strong and elastic, reduces the risk of thrombosis, and relieves edema of the extremities in problem areas.

After the course of treatment with the drug, there is a positive trend in patients with ophthalmic problems. Bursting capillaries in the retina cause more severe pathologies that can significantly impair vision. The medicine quickly and effectively eliminates this problem, strengthening small vessels and improving blood supply to the organs of vision.

The use of "Acorutin" allows the body's defenses to work more efficiently. Preventive monthly therapy strengthens the immune system so that the body does not “pick up” a dangerous virus in the off-season.

Instructions for use and dosage

Tablets are not recommended to be drunk on an empty stomach, but should be consumed immediately after eating with a sufficient amount of still water.

Chewing pills is not worth it, because ascorbic acid corrodes tooth enamel, you must swallow the tablets whole.

The dosage of the drug in one case or another is determined by the doctor. It all depends on the diagnosis, age and individual criteria of the patient.

Typically, a standard dose is used to treat adults:

  • for prevention - 2 pills once a day;
  • for treatment - 2 tablets three times a day.

The course lasts about a month, then treatment must be stopped so as not to cause hypervitaminosis. Repeated therapy is possible according to the prescription of the attending physician after at least a month's break.

The drug is also prescribed by pediatricians to patients who have reached the age of three.

How to take the drug for children:

  • for prevention purposes - 1 tablet per day;
  • as part of therapy - 1 pill twice a day.

Treatment and prevention lasts from three to four weeks. It all depends on the reaction of the body to the use of the drug and general symptoms.

During pregnancy and lactation

The first trimester of the gestation period is a contraindication to the use of the drug. The fact is that ascorbic acid stimulates the formation of estrogen, which negatively affects the course of pregnancy and can cause miscarriage.

In subsequent trimesters, you can take the medicine without fear, taking into account the minimum possible doses and the duration of the course. It is even recommended for women in position to prevent various pathologies.

Ascorutin during pregnancy:

  • saturates the body of the mother and fetus with vitamins;
  • reduces the likelihood of fetal asphyxiation due to increased capillary permeability;
  • relieves tissue swelling (common in pregnant women);
  • enhances immunity to protect against diseases;
  • reduces the risk of uterine bleeding during childbirth;
  • Helps reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

Nursing mothers who do not have contraindications can use the drug to improve overall health and strengthen the body after pregnancy and childbirth. In this case, a possible allergy to the drug in the baby should be considered.

Drug interaction

There are drugs that reduce the effectiveness of Ascorutin, so they can not be consumed simultaneously.

These are such means:

  • oral contraceptives;
  • acetylsalicylic acid.

And this list includes drugs that enhance the action of the complex remedy:

  • iron preparations;
  • penicillin;
  • B vitamins

The simultaneous use of Ascorutin with some medications increases the likelihood of side effects and serious complications.

It is strictly forbidden to combine the medicine with these compounds:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs);
  • cardiac glycosides;
  • hypertensive medications.

"Ascorutin" reduces the effectiveness of:

  • indirect anticoagulants;
  • aminoglycoside antibiotics;
  • heparin;
  • sulfa drugs.

The patient must always inform the doctor about what medications he is taking so that there is no conflict of medications.

Ascorutin Compatibility with Alcohol

Alcohol-containing drinks do not react with the vitamin complex. But still, doctors do not advise drinking alcohol during the course of treatment. Alcohol delays the healing process, since it negatively affects all body systems. In addition, unwanted effects may occur.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

As mentioned above, Ascorutin children can be taken at the age of three. Therefore, younger age is a contraindication to the use of the drug.

In addition, do not prescribe a vitamin complex:

  • persons with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • pregnant in the first trimester;
  • patients with hypokalemia;
  • with increased blood coagulation;
  • patients with kidney pathologies;
  • with gout;
  • patients with type 2 diabetes;
  • patients with thrombophlebitis.

Side effects - a phenomenon quite rare if the dosage of the drug is correct.

The instructions indicate possible unwanted symptoms:

  • increased irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • changes in blood pressure;
  • the phenomena of dyspepsia - nausea, heartburn, vomiting, pain in
  • epigastricia;
  • migraine attacks;
  • allergic skin reactions - rash, itching, swelling;
  • hypervitaminosis;
  • myocardial dystrophy;
  • pathology of the kidneys.

Strengthening of side effects is possible in case of a significant excess of the dose indicated by the doctor. It is necessary to apply symptomatic therapy and consult a physician.

Analogues of the drug

Complete analogues of the described drug for active substances are medicines:

  • Imunovit S - tablets of the Polish company GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals;
  • "Ascorutin D", with identical components, only instead of sugar in tablets, food sorbitol - they can be taken with diabetes;
  • "Profilactin C" is a drug made in Poland.

The analogues of Ascorutin according to their effects on the body include:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • dragee "Anavenol";
  • phytopreparation "AngioNorm" in tablets;
  • capsules and tablets "Antistax";
  • Vitamin complex "Angiovit";
  • gel "Venolan";
  • "Avenue" in tablets;
  • "Venolan" in capsules;
  • "Venoruton" in the form of a gel;
  • Detralex tablets;
  • Troxerutin ointment;
  • gel "Venoton";
  • Venus tablets;
  • Eskuzan solution.

Only a doctor can choose one or another analogue from the list, based on the clinical picture of the disease.

Proper dosage and following the rules of admission will significantly improve health, get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of various pathologies associated with blood vessels, and strengthen the immune system.