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DIY noodle for lagman - 2 recipes

Having learned about a new unusual dish - lagman, it is interesting to cook it at home yourself. How to make noodles for lagman with your own hands, what spices and vegetables are needed, ...

Japanese Spitz: description of the breed, nature, content, care and upbringing

According to ignorant people, all Spitz must look almost the same. In fact, the Japanese Spitz, officially registered after the Second World War in Japan, significantly ...

Brown bread croutons - 8 recipes

Black bread is a favorite on the table, sandwiches or croutons based on it are eaten first. Crackers are served with soups and common dishes, they ...

Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff): characteristics of the breed of dogs, care, maintenance, education

The Staffordshire Terrier is a strong, hardy and energetic dog with pronounced protective instincts, which was bred for hard folk fun - dog fighting ....

Korean Funchoza - 7 home-made recipes

The term in cooking funchose has long been no secret - this is rice noodles, which allows us to make our diet richer. Korean cuisine has gained popularity already ...

Sliced ​​duck - 7 delicious cooking recipes

How to eat is not only healthy but also pleasant? Very simple - choose a recipe for duck stew slices! This dish is intended for lovers of delicious food ....

Plum Jam - 8 recipes for delicious homemade jam

Home-made fruit cans are loved by all children and adults. A tasty and affordable option for a sweet treat is plum jam. You can make such a dessert ...

Dexamethasone: instructions for use, for what purpose, release forms, analogues

Dexamethasone is a hormonal drug, and is used in various branches of medicine. It belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids and in its chemical formula is close to the hormone ...

Rosa Aqua: description of the hybrid tea rose variety, planting and care

The Queen of Flowers does not lose her leading position in the world of floriculture and floristry, bewitching with natural beauty and aroma. Today there are many different types and varieties of such ...

Beef souffle - 6 step-by-step diet recipes

Beef souffle is a nutritious and very healthy dish. Low-calorie content allows it to be quickly absorbed by the human body, nourishing it with the necessary macro- and microelements. Gentle souffle ...

How to clean mushrooms before cooking? Culinary tips on how to clean mushrooms properly before cooking

Champignons cook faster and easier than all other mushrooms. They are allowed to eat even after minimal heat treatment or even raw. The main thing,...

Chicken stomach soup - 8 delicious cooking recipes

Chicken stomach soup is a nutritious meal that everyone should try. For the execution of light meals will require very little time and affordable grocery ...

Pancreatin tablets: instructions for use for adults and children, composition, analogues

The modern pharmaceutical industry produces a wide range of products that help improve digestive activity. But not all of them are affordable and suitable for each person ....

Miramistin for the throat: instructions for use of the solution and spray, antiseptic analogues

Our world is full of all kinds of bacteria, germs and viruses that cause various diseases in the human body. Scientists of the Soviet Union in the 70s of the last century succeeded ...

Kanefron tablets: instructions for use, composition, analogues of the drug

If there is a need to restore the healthy functioning of the urinary system, but do not want to clog the body with synthetic medicines, the best option is Kanefron tablets. They are made of medicinal ...

Turkey roll - 8 recipes

What is sweeter in the world, blush and tastier for everyone? These paraphrased words from the Pushkin fairy tale involuntarily come to mind, looking at the freshly baked ...

Is pneumonia contagious or not? Classification of the disease by localization and type of pathogen. As transmitted, measures ...

Every year, approximately 450 million people of all ages fall ill with pneumonia: a combination of circumstances allows microscopic enemies of different types to successfully and aggressively attack the body. Naturally, and ...

8 Waffle Recipes in a Waffle Maker: How to Make Delicious Homemade Waffles

Waffles are a special kind of cookie with a characteristic cellular surface. For their preparation in the home kitchen, special appliances are provided. Using this or that ...

Chicken Liver Cake - 7 Step-by-Step Cooking Recipes

Such a delicious snack can be prepared from any offal, but it is the chicken liver cake that is more tender and juicy. The recipe is not complicated, just baked ...

Boiling dumplings dough - 7 recipes for making elastic custard dough

Anyone who at least once tried to make dumplings or dumplings at home himself knows that a properly prepared dough is half the success. It must be ...

Dukan Diet, 7 Day Menu Attack, Allowed Products

On the Ducan diet, attack is the most important step. It is with her that the whole process of weight loss begins. This is also the most difficult stage, at which ...

Tatar pies - 7 recipes

Tatar cuisine is rich in various delicious and uncomplicated cooking dishes, which have long occupied a worthy place in the everyday and festive tables of the Slavs. Tatar pies ...

Strudel dough - 7 home-made recipes

Mistresses often experiment with various desserts in order to diversify the menu and treat themselves and loved ones with delicious pastries, among which Viennese gourmets are appreciated ...

Pizza with chicken and mushrooms - 7 delicious recipes

The most delicious, delicate and at the same time simple appetizer is pizza with chicken and mushrooms. This classic combination of products in pizza gives a soft ...

Waffle roll filling - 8 delicious recipes

Wafer rolls with butter cream - a favorite dessert since childhood. Stuffed tubes look beautiful and are suitable for a festive dessert. It is worth noting that the filling ...

Chicken thighs in a pan - 7 delicious cooking recipes

Why think for a long time about what dish to get from poultry meat? We cook chicken thighs in a pan, decorate the dish with a magnificent culinary exposition, enjoy the minutes of “delicious” ...

How to take Nimesil: instructions for use, powder composition, analogues

Fever and acute pain require immediate intervention and effective medications. To quickly remove unpleasant symptoms, often used strong medications, which include "Nimesil." Of...

Taurus and Taurus compatibility in love relationships and in friendship

Astrology, adapting to modern living conditions, has advanced in the accuracy of its forecasts. Today, men and women live by the stars, they believe in predictions and horoscopes ....

Cancer and Cancer zodiac signs compatibility in love relationships, in marriage and in friendship

Cancer is romantic, sensitive, poetic so much that only a person born under the same sign can understand it. Cancer and Cancer compatibility is almost ...

How to process strawberries in spring? Pest and disease treatment, fertilizers for a good crop

Experienced gardeners know how to process strawberries in the spring in order to later harvest a good berry crop. Plants need protection from diseases and pests, proper nutrition ....

Miramistin during pregnancy: is it possible to use the drug in 1, 2 and 3 trimesters, instructions ...

A new generation of antiseptics quickly helps with the symptoms of many infectious diseases. Miramistin during pregnancy is used topically, externally as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. The solution is safe, in use ...

Potato Bellarosa: characteristics, description of the variety, planting and care

Potato is one of the most common and popular vegetable crops, which is cultivated both in small summer cottages and on an industrial scale in the fields ....

Jagdterrier (Jagdterrier): characteristics of the breed of dogs, keeping, training and training

The burrowing dog breed of the yagd terrier, which is also known as the German hunting terrier, is designed to become the ideal companion for an experienced hunter. However, despite the exclusively working qualities of the dog, ...

The meaning of the name Olga for a girl, character and fate

Common among the Eastern Slavs, the name Olga has not gone out of fashion in the modern world for many decades. In popularity, the name form is second only to Elena and Natalya ....

Vitamin D: what the body needs, what foods contain, how to take, signs of deficiency, ...

Vitamin D is a group of substances consisting of 6 components. These compounds have high bioactivity and are necessary for the normal course of a number of important processes in the body ...

Vaccination against measles, rubella and mumps: how it is tolerated, when done, the types of vaccine PDA, side effects ...

The causative agents of measles, mumps and rubella are viruses, which means that such diseases are extremely contagious. To protect the child from infections, vaccination is carried out. Consider how ...

Corgi (Welsh Corgi): a description of the varieties of dog breeds, care, feeding, education

Corgi are cheerful and energetic dogs that, despite their cute appearance, have a strong disposition and endurance. Representatives of the breed can be described as loyal ...

How to salt trout caviar at home - 6 recipes

Such a delicacy as trout caviar, which is distinguished by the brightness of color, small size and astringent taste, is rightfully considered a luxury that not everyone can afford. If you cook ...

Borsch with donuts - 7 recipes

Borsch with donuts, which is one of the most beloved first courses in many families, captivates with its brightness of taste, color and aroma. Appetizing soup cooked in ...

Heh fish: how to cook delicious? 8 right recipes

Fish lovers are especially liked by fans of spicy and savory snacks. Such a dish can be eaten simply with bread or in combination with a vegetable salad. To many ...

Chicken Egg Soup - 7 Delicious Homemade Soup Recipes

It is difficult to imagine lunch without a good rich soup. And, if it is chicken soup with an egg, then a daily meal will turn into a real "feast of the stomach" ....

Georgian Chicken Satsivi: a classic recipe and 7 options for preparing Georgian dishes

Georgian cuisine is rich in a variety of dishes, characterized by a rich taste and unique aroma, which gives them walnuts, herbs and spices. Classic Chicken Satsivi Recipe ...

TV Series for Teens: A List of the Best Modern Teen TV Series

We have collected the best series for teenagers. Among them are both domestic and foreign, both long-shot, and contemporary works. If you are looking for options ...

When to plant lilacs: step-by-step instructions for planting lilacs in spring and autumn in open ground

Nothing decorates the garden like lilac flowers. They are not only beautiful, but also fragrant. When to plant lilacs, and how to do it right, it’s useful ...

What you can cook for lunch - 12 quick and tasty recipes

Lunch is the main meal of the day, helping to restore strength and energy. That is why it is important that it is hearty, nutritious, tasty. Knowing what you can cook ...

Films with Al Pacino: a list of the best films with the actor

Al Pacino is an American actor, whose name, perhaps, is known to everyone. Al Pacino films are known worldwide to millions of viewers. A small biography of the actor The actor proved himself and ...

Mildronate: instructions for use, what is prescribed, contraindications, composition, analogues

Mildronate is an artificially created vitamin-like substance similar to those synthesized by our body. It participates in chemical transformations within cells and compensates for the lack ...

What is the end of the world dreaming of? Dream Interpretation: doomsday, apocalypse in a dream

The destruction of the world dreams when a person feels a threat, lives in a state of anxiety, but believes that he is powerless to do anything. There is a need to better control your life and ...

How to pickle brisket - 7 of the most delicious recipes

Despite the conventional wisdom about the dangers of fat, salted at home, it is rich in vitamins A, E, D, F, as well as selenium and lecithin. To ...

Canapes with red fish - 8 recipes for delicious and beautiful snacks

Canapé is a universal snack, because for its preparation you can use a wide variety of ingredients, most importantly, be able to combine them. Today we will prepare canapes with ...

How to cook a turkey - 15 delicious recipes

Bad mood? We include the royal bird in the diet! And so that the “winged” meal will increase the general tone and bring true pleasure, we will learn about how to cook a turkey ...

Salad with shrimp and crab sticks - 7 delicious recipes

Today, a salad with shrimp and crab sticks is considered the most popular dish. However, given the cost of some ingredients, it can not be attributed to the budget or everyday options ....

Why dream of cheating wife? Dream Interpretation: Wife Treason

Adultery has always been the main reason for the divorce of many couples, while often unpleasant emotions remain that bring a person to a state of deep depression. Even in ...

Chronic pancreatitis: causes, symptoms and treatment of pancreatic disease

The health of our gastrointestinal tract depends on the coordinated work of all organs of the digestive system. Pancreatic juice, produced during digestion, helps break down food intake ...

Mini-Spitz: description of the variety of dog breed, nature, care and maintenance

Among dogs of small sizes, a so-called dwarf or small spitz occupies a separate place. Among the representatives of this variety of dogs, Pomeranian Spitz, ...

Kissel - 12 recipes

The drink is famous for its nutritional qualities and benefits for the body. By adjusting the amount of starch in the composition, you can prepare not only a drink, but also a dessert. Russian dish...

Skewers on skewers in the chicken oven - 6 recipes on how to cook homemade mini skewers

Skewers on skewers in the chicken oven - not only tasty, but also a healthy dish that will appeal to both adults and children ....

Accordion meat - 6 delicious recipes

Accordion meat is not only tasty, but also a beautiful dish worthy of any festive table. The riot of juicy bright colors of vegetables and cheese makes such a meal ...

Halloween Food - 23 Scary Interesting and Terribly Delicious Recipes

This holiday is not so popular with us, but young people are adopting the tradition, albeit in a more simplified form: they organize costumed parties with eerie decorations and ...

How to cook aspic - 10 recipes at home

No festive table can be imagined without an elastic and delicious jellied meat. Each family has its own tricks of preparing such a dish. Consider the most popular recipes ...

Fruit cake - 8 beautiful and delicious recipes

Fruit is an inexhaustible source of vitamins that makes any dessert made with it tastier and healthier. So, a fruit cake has a lower calorie content, in comparison ...

Chicken legs in a pan - 9 delicious recipes

The chicken drumsticks are not only tasty, but also a budget product. Due to their versatility and good compatibility with other ingredients, they can be prepared in many ways, ...

Okra (edible abelmosh, okra): what is it, how to grow a vegetable crop, planting and care

Okra is a rarity for the gardens of central Russia. In the southern regions they plant it for a long time and with success. This plant is not new to ...

Gardener lunar calendar: general principles

For a long time, man noticed that the night luminary - the moon has an effect on the life of the Earth. Therefore, the lunar calendar of the gardener was created. When agriculture played ...

Dor blue (Dorblu, Dorblu) - blue cheese: benefits, calories, what to eat ....

On the shelves of stores more and more often you can find a wide variety of expensive cheeses with noble mold. There are a lot of species, but the most common is Dor Blue. It...

Pilaf with chickpeas - 7 recipes

Want to cook an unusual, but very interesting pilaf? Try pilaf with chickpeas. It can be meat and lean, but whatever the dish, ...

Potato cake - 7 recipes from cookies and condensed milk

The recipe for “Potato” cake from cookies and condensed milk is familiar to almost everyone. This delicacy is loved by both adults and children. Many people remember this dessert from the Soviet ...

Egg-free cupcake - 8 quick and tasty recipes

What to do when you want to bake something, but there are no eggs in the refrigerator? Experienced housewives will always find a way out of this situation. In addition, baking recipes ...

Oatmeal Cookies - 7 Delicious Recipes

Oatmeal for breakfast is a popular dish that most families prepare in the morning. For those who are tired of the usual cereal, we suggest making crispy oatmeal cookies, ...

Cake "Tears of an Angel" - 5 best step by step recipes

At its core, this pastry is more of a tart, pie, or cheesecake, but most housewives call it nothing other than the Tears of an Angel cake.Beautiful intriguing ...

12 Halloween recipes - a very scary menu!

Halloween recipes should be as original and creepy as the whole holiday. Today there are many options and hot dishes, and snacks, and ...

How to plant lilacs in the spring at a summer cottage

Among ornamental shrubs, lilac has long been considered a favorite decoration of gardens. Even in the front gardens of our grandmothers this beautiful and fragrant bush blossomed in the spring. So that the plant is actively ...

Dream Interpretation: the coffin - what is dreaming of, interpretation

When interpreting a dream, it is important to pay attention to details: whether the coffin is closed, dreaming of a coffin with a dead person or without a body, and so on. Only in this ...

Meringue (meringue) - 8 recipes how to cook a French dessert at home

The name of this treat is literally translated as “kiss”. Its composition is simple, like all ingenious, but it turns out to prepare the perfect airy, meringue melt in the mouth ...

Custard pancakes in milk and boiling water - 8 recipes

It is very simple to bake boiled pancakes in milk and boiling water according to our recipes, and they turn out beautiful, delicate, delicious, with holes and very thin ....

How to make shortcrust pastry - 8 recipes, how to cook tasty and crumbly shortcrust pastry ...

What can be tastier than delicate crispy pastries, which seem to melt in your mouth? These are the products made from shortcrust pastry prepared according to our recipes. To ...

Pancho Pineapple Cake - 4 Step-by-Step Recipes on How to Make a Delicious Homemade Cake

To decorate a table with a confectionery masterpiece, you don’t have to turn to professionals, buy expensive products and special equipment, spend hours in the kitchen ... Try to make homemade cake ...

Buffalo Wings - 5 recipes for making a popular American chicken wings dish

A simple but touching heart of each dish is Buffalo's chicken wings. No, contrary to stereotypes, they are a favorite treat not only for fast food lovers, because then ...

Chicken in an oven baking bag - 3 recipes

One of the fastest, low-calorie and healthy dishes is chicken in a baking bag in the oven. You do not need to cook this dish ...

Dry cough syrup for adults - a list of effective drugs

A dry cough is not only painful, it is also not productive, that is, it does not help to remove sputum from the body in order to reduce inflammation. The important task of any ...

Short toasts for a woman’s birthday: funny and funny, beautiful and wise

Toasts for a woman’s birthday, short or long, should contain not only wishes for happiness and all the best, but also sincere admiration for the birthday girl. In such a ...

Comedy about dogs: a list of the funniest films about dogs for children and adults for ...

The best comedies about four-legged friends in one collection, where everyone will find something suitable for themselves. Dog behavior is sometimes unpredictable. They are acting stupid or ...

Home-made meatballs - 7 step-by-step recipes on how to cook tasty and juicy home-made meatballs

Home-made cutlets - a seemingly simple everyday dish. True, many housewives complain that the cutlets they get are rubber, tough or just ...

Pancakes with caviar - 6 recipes on how to cook and serve beautifully

If you think what to serve on the holiday table so that the dish is both tasty and looks beautiful on the table, make pancakes with caviar. The snack turns out ...

Stuffing for whites - 7 recipes on how to cook juicy and tasty stuffing

Minced meat for whites can be prepared in different ways and only if you do it right with the addition of the right products, it will become incredibly tasty, tender and juicy. Juicy minced meat ...

Carrot sponge cake - 7 simple recipes for a magnificent and tasty sponge cake

Carrot sponge cake is an example of a healthy, tasty and fast-cooking dessert.It can be instantly prepared for tea for sudden guests or just to please your household. Classical...

Shrimp pasta - 7 recipes

Shrimp pasta is a very simple, but at the same time elegant and delicate dish. You can cook it in half an hour, but the taste of pasta doesn’t ...

Stuffing for manti - 8 recipes how to make juicy stuffing for tasty manti

A favorite dish of Asian peoples is manti. They are prepared with a variety of fillings. But to make them tasty, you need to properly prepare the minced meat for manti. The classic recipe ...

Hops sunlien - what kind of seasoning is this? Where, in what dishes are Suneli hops added ...

Hops sunlien - what kind of seasoning is this? This spice is strongly associated with Caucasian cuisine, which has gained popularity all over the world. Suneli hops - not a spicy herb, ...

Congratulations on Angel Day: Orthodox greetings in prose and verse

One of the small dates in the life of a Christian is his name day, or the so-called Angel Day. In other words, this is the day of remembrance of the Saint, the patron saint of the concrete ...

Glycine: what is it for, instructions for use for adults and children

To improve mental performance, normalize memory and resist stress, doctors recommend taking an affordable and safe remedy. The drug "Glycine": what is it for, of which ...

Persian lilac: description, varieties, planting, reproduction and care

The Persian lilac is an excellent decoration for a large garden and for a modestly sized front garden in a summer cottage. The lush "constellations" of her flowers delight the look, aroma, ...

American Eskimo Spitz: breed description, care and maintenance

American Eskimo Spitz is a small and surprisingly beautiful dog that is able to attract the attention of passers-by from the first minutes. The breed is endowed with a cheerful disposition and complaisant character, ...

How to cook brown rice - 5 recipes, how to cook brown rice properly and tasty

There are many varieties of rice. In our country, only some varieties are used. But in Asian countries they know a lot about grain and prepare many dishes on ...

Happy birthday greetings to dad from daughter: soulful and touching, funny and funny

The closest person after mom is, of course, dad. And although relations with parents develop in different ways, all misunderstandings and possible misunderstandings recede before a wonderful holiday ...

What can I eat after poisoning for an adult and a child

Probably everyone once had to survive the poisoning. This condition of the body is characterized by weakness, disturbances in the work of the digestive tract, vomiting, nausea and a general deterioration in well-being. Therefore, even when ...

Autumn pruning of fruit trees: goals, methods and deadlines

Autumn pruning of fruit trees helps them safely survive the harsh winter. As soon as leaf fall began, every self-respecting gardener arms himself with a pruner and actively works. The trees ...

Alyssum (Alyssum, Burachok): varieties, planting, cultivation and care in the open ground

Alyssum from the Cruciferous family is represented by herbaceous plants, the habitat of which extends throughout Eurasia and the African continent. Its name is lush bushes with a wide color ...

7 principles of good nutrition: weight loss with health benefits

It is harmful to starve or sit on strict diets; you do not need to do this. If you follow the principles of proper nutrition, losing weight is not at all difficult. And most importantly - the extra ...

Cream for sour cream and sugar cake - 8 recipes

Cream for cake made of sour cream and sugar is the easiest and surest recipe for making sweet desserts. In addition to the classical method of its preparation, there is ...

Dream interpretation: snow, snowfall, snowdrifts. What is the dream of snow

During sleep, our subconscious mind reflects secret desires, fears, the future. Do not underestimate the meaning of your dreams.If you look into the dream book, the snow is interpreted differently, let ...

Pasta sauce - 8 recipes

Spaghetti without additives is not very interesting. But they are an excellent basis for various gas stations. Pasta sauce is a true masterpiece of culinary art, with ...

Buns with cottage cheese - 8 recipes for making lush and tasty buns

When we hear about buns with cottage cheese, we immediately remember the cheesecakes beloved from childhood. Today there are different cooking options for this delicious pastry. So, cottage cheese ...

Minced meatballs - 8 recipes for making delicious meatballs

Chops were originally called chops, which were prepared, as a rule, from tenderloin (i.e. meat without bones). Later, as the main ingredient for their preparation ...

Salad "Men's Dreams" - 9 step by step recipes

Salad “Men's Dreams” with tender beef is familiar to many housewives and is loved for its simplicity of execution, exquisite taste and love of the stronger sex for an appetizing snack. To ...

The most expensive coffee in the world: where and how are elite varieties produced, how much does the most ...

What kind of coffee is the most expensive in the world, what is the secret of its high price? Inveterate coffee lovers are ready to pay any money for a cup of an exclusive drink ...

Good manners: 55 etiquette rules for women, men and children

Etiquette - a set of rules of good form. There are a lot of them. But those who make a career want to succeed and who have to communicate with representatives of the elite ...

Oat jelly: 7 cooking recipes, benefits, how to take a healing jelly

Jelly from oats is a long-known folk remedy for the treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Due to its consistency and the presence of useful substances, it has a beneficial effect ...

Why is the cat dreaming? Dream interpretation: cat

Cats in some religions are considered guides to the other world. Their appearance in a dream always has a deep meaning. What does a cat dream about under different conditions ...

Lemongrass - what is it and what does it smell like?

There are plants that amaze with the variety of their application. Some herbs are used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology. The name of one of these representatives is lemongrass ...

Dream Interpretation: teeth - why dream, interpretation

If you believe the omens, teeth in a dream are considered a bad sign, as some visions with them portend not only a disease to a person, but also him ...

Pumpkin Cake - 8 Best Recipes

Pumpkin is grown everywhere and revered for its versatility. This is not just a healthy melon crop - cereals are cooked from it and delicious desserts are made. If anyone ...

To collect mushrooms is a dream book: why dream about picking mushrooms in a dream

Treat dreams as a phenomenon that means nothing to humans, at least recklessly. Many probably had to wonder when what was experienced in the kingdom ...

Cocoa Nesquik: composition, calorie content, how to cook. 3 delicious recipes

Cocoa Nesquik has been hugely popular with children and adults for decades. Composition and calorie content The composition of cocoa Nesquik includes cocoa powder. This is the basis ...

Chips Pringles: all tastes, composition, calorie content. 5 recipes with Pringles Chips

On sale popular today Pringles chips first appeared in the 60s of the last century. Their story began with the United States. To date...

Cookies with mayonnaise - 7 recipes on how to cook crumbly homemade cookies that melt in your mouth

It is not always possible to purchase a delicious, and most importantly, a fresh treat in the store. But it’s easy to bake at home. We have collected the most affordable, basic options for making cookies with ...

Cocoa Chocolate Cream - 7 Recipes

Chocolate cream made from cocoa is a real treat. There are several options for preparing a delicious dessert and a layer for baking. Classic Chocolate Cocoa Cream If you decide ...

Salad with fries - 7 delicious recipes

If you are tired of the usual snacks that decorate the holiday table from year to year, then it is worth preparing a new, tasty dish. We offer the best salad recipes with ...

Pearl barley pilaf - 7 delicious recipes

Replacing rice grains with pearl barley, you can diversify the taste of pilaf. Such a dish will become more useful and saturated with a large number of trace elements. We offer to diversify the menu by preparing ...

Stuffed Lavash - 7 recipes with different fillings

Stuffed pita bread is an unusually easy to prepare appetizer, but it is also very tasty and interesting. Such a dish will not only decorate the festive table, but ...

Uigur lagman - 7 recipes

Uigur lagman is a dish not familiar to our country, in which delicious noodles are served with delicious gravy with vegetables and juicy meat. To make the dish ...

Tea Teguanyin (Te Guanyin): properties, how to brew properly

The Chinese call Teguanyin tea the cure for 100 diseases. This is a unique coarse-grained semi-fermented oolong, which has gained worldwide fame thanks to its exclusive taste and aromatic ...

Pavlova Cake - 7 recipes for meringue cake, named after the ballerina Anna Pavlova

A tender meringue cake is associated with a celebration for everyone. The recipes for this delicate delicacy include a particularly refined version - Pavlov’s cake. Externally...

Baked milk - 6 options for making at home: in a slow cooker, in the oven, ...

Baked milk is a popular product that is used in the cooking of Russian people. Its plus is that it can be for a long time in the dark ...

Rassolnik: classic recipe and 6 cooking options

The pickle is a hot first course, the basis of which is salted cucumber broth. As additional ingredients, meat products, offal, cereals, and greens are used ...

How to cook jelly - 8 recipes

Previously, each housewife had her own signature recipe for how to cook jelly. This dish still remains one of the most desserts in Russia. It is much ...

Salad "Brush" for weight loss - 6 recipes

Modern dietetics does not recommend using constant fasting for weight loss. Healthy weight loss is a balanced diet and the use of foods that will improve metabolism and relieve ...

Sugar rolls - 7 recipes for baking delicious homemade buns

Airy, soft and very fragrant buns with sugar - a wonderful dessert for tea, adored by all adults and children. Especially delicious is homemade cakes cooked ...

Sour eggplant - 8 best recipes

Many lovers of soaked apples and sour cabbage have not heard anything about pickled eggplant. We offer you to prepare a crispy delicacy on time, which will serve as a good snack. Sour eggplant -...

Cream for cupcakes - 8 recipes on how to make a delicious cream for toppings and decorations ...

For delicious muffins, a properly prepared base will not be enough. You need to take care of a gentle sweet cream to decorate them. Many good recipes are known. How to cook different ...

Cream for profiteroles - 8 recipes

Small custard products, profiteroles, are eaten with a variety of fillings, both sweet and savory. A classic filling option is a cream for profiteroles, which can ...

Pancakes on sour cream - 7 delicious recipes!

The creamy taste of pancakes on sour cream has been familiar to us since childhood. Their plus is that, depending on the recipe, they can be of different thicknesses: thin ...

4 cheese pizza - a classic recipe and 5 more cooking options at home

“Cheese Pizza 4” is a recipe that any pizza connoisseur knows in which far corner of the planet he would not live. Everything is perfect in it, from ...

Buckwheat in the microwave - 8 recipes

Buckwheat in the microwave can be varied, tasty and healthy.With proper cooking, you can make a diet low-calorie dish. Usually advised to choose the core. This is whole grits ...

Pumpkin cutlets - 6 recipes for quick and tasty cooking

Pumpkin is popularly considered a storehouse of vitamins, the pulp of an orange vegetable is healthy and nutritious. It is used as the basis for the preparation of tender cutlets. If in a grated pumpkin ...

Quince jam - 8 of the most delicious recipes

Quince jam is prepared very simply, because quince contains pectin, which helps the gelling process. And the main difference between these jams from the rest is ...

Georgian toasts for men and women: beautiful, wise and funny greetings

Georgian toasts can be singled out in a special category of congratulations. They, like music, sweeten the ear and bring people together at the same table. Under these toasts comes awareness ...

Carrot cake with sour cream - 7 delicious recipes

Carrot cake with sour cream is an incredibly tasty, fragrant dessert that is easy to make with your own hands. Classic carrot cake with sour cream A delicious cake is prepared from the following ...

Salad with crab sticks - 8 simple recipes for delicate and tasty salads

Crab sticks are often used in the manufacture of various cold dishes. This inexpensive product is distinguished by its bright taste and does not require preliminary preparation. Consider 8 recipes ...

Cauliflower with egg - 7 recipes in a pan, in the oven and in ...

Tasty and healthy vegetable - cauliflower. On its basis, many different dishes are prepared. When you add eggs to a vegetable, you can create unique culinary masterpieces, ...

Lazy yogurt on yogurt with minced meat - 5 step by step recipes

Lazy whites are made from semi-liquid dough, which in consistency resembles the basis for fritters. Any meat flavored with onions and various spices is used as a filling. Consider ...
Tofu cheese is especially well known to those who are familiar with oriental cuisine. But for most of our hostesses such a product is still obscure. Many believe that ...

Box evergreen (Caucasian palm): planting, growing and care

Boxwood is evergreen native to the Mediterranean. This beautiful plant is unpretentious, it can be grown in the country in a temperate climate. The basic rules of care are simple, learning about ...

Korean squid - 7 of the most delicious recipes

As you know, seafood is valuable to our health, because they have a lot of iodine and trace elements. Korean squids can also help our body, ...

Monin Syrups (Monin): composition, assortment of French fruit syrups

Monin Syrup is an ingredient that will transform the taste of any cocktail, drink or even food. The manufacturer of this product is located in France, being the leading brand in ...

French fries with minced meat - 7 recipes how to cook in the oven, in a slow cooker and ...

If you are looking for a recipe for a universal dish that will saturate the body and give pleasure to taste, we recommend preparing French fries with minced meat. French fries with minced meat in the oven For...

Cookies with condensed milk - 7 recipes for delicious homemade cookies

Cookies with condensed milk are a favorite dessert not only for children, but even more for adults, because such a tasty treat reminds them of childhood. Via...

Blue whiting cutlets - 7 delicious recipes

If pork and beef are already fed up, then fish dishes rich in healthy elements will become an excellent alternative to heavy food for the stomach. There are many similar original dishes, ...

Oven Bottle Chicken - 7 Cooking Recipes

A chicken on a bottle in the oven is the easiest way to cook it. Even the most inexperienced housewife can master this method of roasting a bird. The main thing,...

How to make tea with ginger - 8 right recipes for a healthy drink

This drink has a wide range of effects, it can warm, relieve thirst, give a healing effect. But all these sides will be revealed only if you know how ...

Truffle Sweets - 7 Homemade Cooking Recipes

When the question arises of what would be tasty to feed the household, the housewives spend more time searching for an interesting recipe than preparing the dish itself. To ...

Milk noodles - 5 recipes how to cook in a slow cooker and on the stove

The recipe for milk noodles is known to almost everyone. This is a healthy dish that all mothers like to cook, but not all children love to eat it. Modern cooking can ...

Tbilisi Salad - 8 delicious recipes

Tbilisi salad is rightfully considered one of the most unique Georgian cuisine salads. The combination of freshness of vegetables, satiety of fresh beef meat and spicy raisins of chili peppers ...

Braunschweig sausage - 2 home-made recipes

Braunschweig sausage is the most common of all uncooked smoked species. Specialists in cooking say that it occupies a leading place among other products. Smoking such a sausage ...

Solyanka with chicken - 7 recipes

The dish is prepared very quickly and always turns out incredibly tasty. Solyanka with chicken can be made in various variations. We offer the most successful options. Classical hodgepodge with cabbage ...

Potato pie: what is it and how to cook at home, 6 recipes with ...

Potato pie has long ceased to be an exotic dish for the Russians. This dish is often served in cafes and restaurants. However, not everyone knows that you can easily ...

Udon with chicken - 6 recipes how to cook at home: with mushrooms, vegetables, ...

A rich soup, which can be cooked quickly, should always be in the hostess's piggy bank. Inexpensive and low-calorie udon with chicken - an option for a weekly dinner or ...

Chicken Lagman - 5 home-made recipes

A wonderful oriental dish with an unusual name is a thick, rich soup with pieces of juicy poultry, homemade noodles and fresh vegetables. The treat is very ...

Glutton Salad - 9 cooking recipes

Obzhorka salad is a recipe known to everyone, probably it is as firmly rooted in Russian cuisine as Olivier or Crab Sticks. But not everyone knows how many different variations this dish has. We will introduce you to original proven recipes that have been used for decades. Https: //youtu.be/RrTVOFY6j2Y Classic recipe Large onion Carrot Cucumber 50 g wheat crackers 250 g cooked smoked sausage Mayonnaise sauceCooking Obzhorka salad is easy. Even if you are a beginner, do not hesitate and get to work. Peel onions and carrots. Dice the onion, grate the carrots on a grater. Heat oil in a pan and lay onion. When it gets a golden hue, sprinkle the carrots and fry for another five minutes. Leave the fry to cool. We cut the sausage into cubes. We clear the cucumber from the core and seeds, and also cut into square pieces. Put all the ingredients in a salad bowl and season with mayonnaise. Leave the dish in the refrigerator for half an hour to saturate properly. Serve with wheat crackers. Https://youtu.be/hptebTtS3xo Obzhorka salad with chicken and mushrooms200 g boiled chicken breast Carrot Bulb 1 pickle 200 g champignon Mayonnaise SauceMore Materials: Salad Recipe: Roast ...

Dough for whites with dry yeast - 6 quick recipes in milk and ...

Belyashi is a dish that can conquer any person with its amazing aroma, mouth-watering appearance, juicy filling and crisp. The taste of these "pies" in many ways ...

Roll with poppy seeds - 7 delicious recipes

To please the household and surprise guests at a warm family tea party will help poppy seed roll. Poppy seeds pleasantly crunch in the mouth and harmonize with the taste of butter ...

Rice for sushi - 3 recipes how to cook rice correctly

Sushi is a popular Japanese dish that can be enjoyed not only in the specialized restaurant, but also in your own kitchen. The most important moment in ...

Glutton Salad: a classic recipe and 6 cooking options

There are several ways to make a Glutton Salad. The name fully reflects the essence of the dish. Amazingly delicious and incredibly satisfying salad will not leave indifferent gourmets who love to receive ...

Cake Flight - 7 homemade cooking recipes

The fabulous white peaks of the flying cake meringue become the best decoration of any holiday table. This delicacy looks so beautiful that not everyone dares to risk cooking ...

Black radish salad - 13 recipes

The now popular black radish salad can be dietary, based on vegetables and herbs, or hearty, with the addition of meat products. This dish is tasty, nutritious, ...

Fruit salad with yogurt - 10 recipes

In our times, you will not surprise anyone with traditional pastries as a dessert, but a fruit salad with yogurt will be an alternative to the festive end of the celebration. Such a treat ...

Cream for smoothing the cake - 8 recipes

The dessert, which will be a wonderful end to the festive dinner, will be remembered by the guests if you decorate it beautifully. Some types of jewelry require more than skill. Properly cooked cream ...

How to cook eggplant delicious?

Despite the demand for popular multi-colored fruits, we often think about how to cook eggplant so that the dish is not trivial, delighted with the novelty of tastes, the beauty of the external ...

Pita pie with minced meat - 8 recipes for cooking in the oven and slow cooker

Almost every family likes pastries with hearty meat filling. However, not every housewife has time and desire to spend time creating a test ....

Mandarin Jam - 11 recipes

If you want to serve something unusual for tea, make tangerine jam. It is prepared quickly and easily. But in the end, a delicate delicacy takes on a fantastic ...

Beef tongue salad - 10 delicious recipes

There are at least three reasons why you should cook beef tongue salads. Firstly, a lot of delicious recipes, and secondly, to cook easily and quickly, and thirdly, beef ...

Pie with saury and potatoes - 7 recipes

Pie with saury and potatoes is a hearty and economical dish that can replace a full meal. Such pastries can be prepared with fresh or canned fish ....

Pumpkin pancakes - 8 simple and tasty recipes

Lush tender pumpkin pancakes will be the perfect breakfast, dinner or great snack for the whole family. In the process of cooking, it is permissible to use gourds ...

Duck marinade - 8 recipes

Duck meat has a specific taste and unusual aroma. For cooking, the whole carcass is often used. Therefore, in order for the meat to come out more tender, juicier and tastier, it is necessary to soak ...

Pea soup with smoked sausage - 8 recipes on how to cook pea soup in a slow cooker ...

Pea soup is eaten all over the world, and each nation has its own cooking recipe. Some peoples consider white wine to be an obligatory component, while others ...

Gingerbread cake without baking - 4 recipes: with condensed milk, sour cream, bananas

Not every sophisticated cook will decide to make a cake at home. Imagination immediately draws mountains of cakes, clouds of cream and burning heat from the oven - a lesson for a whole ...

Chips appetizer - 7 original recipes with different fillings

Chips appetizer is considered one of the most popular side dishes. It can be prepared with a variety of ingredients that are pleasing to your soul. If...

Coffee with cognac - 5 recipes on how to make a gourmet drink

Natural black coffee goes well with good cognac - this combination has a unique taste and aroma. Such a drink warms well, as well as invigorates and ...

How to cook sausages in a pan, microwave, slow cooker - 6 ways to cook deliciously and beautifully ...

It would seem that there could be something to cook sausages for breakfast or lunch? The dish is simple, but simplicity has its own nuances. Therefore, beginners ...

Pork Azu - 11 recipes

Pork Azu - a dish that is prepared from a variety of products. You can make it from different types of meat, but it is more tender obtained from pork. And if you want ...

How to cook pork tongue deliciously?

The nutritional properties of the offal are significantly superior to meat. From our selection you will learn how to cook pork tongue so that it turns out to be tasty, soft and not spoiled in ...

Turnip Dishes - 15 quick and tasty recipes

The root crop with a sweetish flavor is distinguished by a speck and a wonderful specific aroma. We offer quick and tasty recipes for turnip dishes. Delicious turnip mash garnishSimple and ...

Chicken with potatoes in a pot in the oven - 8 recipes

Cooking dishes in pots only at first glance does not differ from traditional baking in the oven. In fact, a clay or ceramic pot allows products ...

How to cook meatballs - 12 recipes

Small meat balls with tender sauce is a favorite dish filled with the aroma of childhood. At home they were served by caring grandmothers, in school canteens baked buns flaunted on

Chokeberry jam - 12 simple recipes at home

This berry can compete with citrus fruits in terms of vitamin C, and in terms of the amount of useful iodine, it overtakes gooseberries, strawberries and raspberries, but, unfortunately, ...

Pear jam - 10 recipes

Pear is an amazing fruit that has a rich supply of healthy vitamins, has a rich taste and aroma. Pear jam is considered to be popular, which is prepared with the addition of berries ...

Room palm: types and varieties, care and growing in the apartment

For more than a century, gardeners have been growing indoor palm trees; this is a green miracle on window sills. Tall varieties are known that look spectacular in rooms with high ceilings ...

Chicken and champignon salad - 9 recipes

Any housewife wants to cook not only an affordable dish, but also healthy. Chicken and champignon salad is undeniably popular due to diet meat and mushrooms ...

Jellied apple pie - 7 recipes

Jellied pie with apples is delicious and one of the “quickest” desserts in cooking, which you can treat your family and friends on weekdays and holidays. Features ...

Burger cutlets (hamburger) - 6 recipes

Making the perfect burger is not so easy. In this dish, the sequence of laying out the ingredients is equally important, and the quality of each component is the softness of the bun, ...

Cottage cheese and carrot casserole - 7 recipes

Cottage cheese and carrot casserole is a dish for those who want to enjoy a tasty dessert for a healthy diet. Cooking does not cause much trouble, and the result is sure to please. Carrot...

Cheesecakes with cottage cheese from yeast dough - 6 recipes

Cheesecake - an open pie stuffed with cottage cheese. Appetizing, ruddy and insanely delicious cheesecakes are traditionally prepared from yeast dough. In our selection of recipes, you ...

How to cook red beans delicious on the side?

Beans are not only a delicious product, but also very useful due to vegetable protein. It serves as an excellent appetizer and at the same time a side dish for main dishes. Cook her ...

Why spathiphyllum does not bloom, what should I do? Home Care

The house needs to be filled with fresh flowers so that it is filled with happiness. Unpretentious-looking spathiphyllum is often kept for this. It is bright, juicy, lush and blooming ....

Zamioculcas: why the leaves of the flower turn yellow and what to do

Zamioculcas skillfully disguises itself as an ordinary houseplant, and it is impossible to believe that it is actually succulent. This group includes representatives of the flora, ...

How to grow avocado from seed at home

Avocado is an ancient plant species that appeared on earth more than 60 million years ago. The fruit is rich in healthy vitamins and acids. Suitable for cooking. Wide...

Opuntia cactus: description, care and growing at home

Prickly pear cactus is the most common cactus species. His homeland is considered South America. The plant is unpretentious in care. For this type, it is important to provide the necessary ...

Potato cake - 7 recipes from cookies and condensed milk

The recipe for “Potato” cake from cookies and condensed milk is familiar to almost everyone. This delicacy is loved by both adults and children. Many people remember this dessert from the Soviet ...

Ficus Microcarp: transplant and home care, types

Ficus Microcarpus has many names. Some gardeners call the plant Indian laurel, others a green island or Chinese anise. Today, breeders have bred various species ...

Egg-free cutlets - 8 recipes

Fragrant, juicy, tasty meatballs, many love since childhood. How to cook cool meatballs without eggs, not only from meat. The secret is simple - only proven recipes ...


