Mexican Angel Boligan is a famous modern cartoonist. For all the time of his work he received order130 international awards. Now Boligan works for several well-known Mexican publications. But he is rightly called the "cartoonist of the whole world." Indeed, in the images of a cartoonist, representatives of many countries can recognize their own reality.

Creativity revealing social issues

His works, on the one hand, expose human vices. On the other, looking at them, it becomes a little sad. Does modern society have so many shortcomings? But if you think about it, it turns out that the caricatures of Boligan are not so pessimistic. They highlight the flaws of society - which means they give a chance to overcome them. As they say, enemies need to know in person. Even if it’s not about personalized opponents, but about spiritual vices.

Angel's work is brilliant sketches in which the artist touches on a variety of life spheres. The relationship of people, the environment, new technologies and corruption - all this is reflected in his cartoons. One must have great courage to acknowledge one's shortcomings. Well, perhaps thanks to the caricatures of Boligan, our society will be able to do this.

Collection of caricatures of Angel Boligan
The image of "modern macho"
Collection of caricatures of Angel Boligan
Evening together
Collection of caricatures of Angel Boligan
Pets of the rich
Collection of caricatures of Angel Boligan
Themis in the service of criminals
Collection of caricatures of Angel Boligan
Prisoner of his own "Ego"
Collection of caricatures of Angel Boligan
The shepherd grazes his flock. The picture will not lose its meaning if instead of Facebook any other social network is indicated
Collection of caricatures of Angel Boligan
Junk food hunter
Collection of caricatures of Angel Boligan
Memories of the past
Collection of caricatures of Angel Boligan
"Will you approve my friend request?…"
Collection of caricatures of Angel Boligan
Collection of caricatures of Angel Boligan
Last piece left
Collection of caricatures of Angel Boligan
Job interview
Collection of caricatures of Angel Boligan
Went out for a walk
Collection of caricatures of Angel Boligan
Collection of caricatures of Angel Boligan