We have collected some warming and kind photos that will help you survive the cold autumn days. Hugging cats and dogs, meeting great-grandmother with granddaughter, cute rabbit - all these are the heroes of the next gallery. And at the end of the article you will find a small bonus.

“For several minutes I tried to pacify my dog ​​to take a photo. In the end, I succeeded. But she gave me such a look. ”

A collection of touching photos
The dog looks at the mistress with a suspicious look. Apparently, she doesn’t really like the process of photographing!

She has some secret ...

A collection of touching photos
Secret weapon

“We traveled around 5 national parks and 11 tourist areas in five days. But I have never felt so happy! ”

A collection of touching photos
Happiness you don't have to travel far

"My seven-month-old daughter is ready for winter."

A collection of touching photos
In such a soft and warm coat you can not be afraid of the cold

A loving host tied the rabbit's ears.

A collection of touching photos
White fluffy with cute ears

“When I see how my daughter tries to repeat everything after me, I feel really happy. Moreover, she cannot find a better example! ”

A collection of touching photos
Little girl repeats everything after mom

It seems that this doggie will now share ancient Sufi wisdom.

A collection of touching photos
A bearded dog looks like a sage

What an eyelash!

A collection of touching photos
This little cheetah doesn’t need super dullness to have such a touching look

Who can resist this grace?

A collection of touching photos
Well, a very cute puppy

This Corgi has the funniest ears. Perhaps he will be able to fly with their help into the blue heights?

A collection of touching photos
Ushastic Corgi

Hugs are priceless. Especially if you are a sphynx cat.

A collection of touching photos
Sphinx basks in the arms of a furry friend

And here are some more lovers of tenderness.

A collection of touching photos
In such an embrace, it’s sweet to sleep

"What it is? Is that a man? ”

A collection of touching photos
Cats are clearly surprised by another inhabitant of the house

"The reaction of my grandfather to a meeting with my granddaughter."

"My daughter first tried on a Cinderella dress."

A collection of touching photos
The girl is very happy to feel like a real heroine of a fairy tale

First meeting with great-great-grandmother.

A collection of touching photos
Generational meeting

“Our dog does not allow anyone to use the iPad.And she always wins. "

A collection of touching photos
That's how the four-legged pet gets attention

"Our cats really love each other."

A collection of touching photos
Cat tenderness

Bonus: Purring Raccoon

And here is the promised bonus. The purring gentle raccoon!