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How to fall asleep quickly at night or during the day if you can’t sleep

Insomnia is a very common problem in the modern world. Probably, every person at least once in his life had to toss and turn for hours at night from side to side ...
Chemical composition

Bearberry ordinary (bear's ear): use, medicinal properties and contraindications, folk recipes

Broth, tincture and bearberry powder will come to the rescue for various diseases. Read in the article how to properly prepare and apply such medicines.
Cumin is a medicinal spice.

Common caraway seeds: useful properties and contraindications, use in traditional medicine

Discover the amazing properties of caraway seeds. Learn how to apply them correctly to become healthy.

Evasive peony: instructions for using tinctures, indications and contraindications, medicinal properties of marin root

Experienced herbalists have long been aware of such grass as peony dodging. Various tinctures are made from it, which are actively used to treat many diseases. It is worth more ...

Shishonin's gymnastics for the neck: the main complex - all exercises, indications, contraindications

Many people suffer from frequent bouts of headaches and sudden surges in pressure. One of the possible causes of such a malaise may be the clamping of blood vessels passing into ...

Regidron Bio: instructions for use for children and adults, composition, dosage, analogues

Rehydron Bio - a powerful tool to restore water-salt balance and normalize the intestines and stomach. The drug is a kind of "first aid" for poisoning and diarrhea, ...

How to quickly cure stomatitis in a child and an adult: drugs and folk remedies for treatment ...

Stomatitis is a generalized name for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the gums, cheeks, palate, tonsils, and tongue.Every year, a quarter of the country's population faces the disease, from infants to senior citizens ...

Tantra Yoga - Yoga of Love: Description of Practice, Exercises in Bed

Yoga Tantra is one of the oldest practices and trends in yogic knowledge. In most Western countries, tantric teaching is associated only with sex and physical ...

Common reed: where it grows, species description, application

Common reed is a perennial plant that every person has seen at least once in his life. It is common in mid-latitudes and beyond. See...

Common cuff: planting and care, useful properties, use in medicine and cooking

“Lady’s cloak”, “armchair for dew”, “God’s tear” - this is not all the names of the ordinary cuff. Grass of alchemists - so in ancient times called the cuff false scientists, ...

Thermopsis: instructions for the use of drugs with thermopsis, the healing properties of herbs

Today in the pharmacy you can buy at an inexpensive price pills created on the basis of the thermopsis plant. These drugs began to help people back in the 30s of the past ...

Common bruise: type description, sowing dates, application

An ordinary bruise is really the most ordinary, at first glance, plant, which is a weed! It is removed from the garden for one simple reason: it is poisonous ...

Testogenon: instructions for use, indications and contraindications, composition, analogues of biologically active additives

The procreation is one of the main functions of the species. Therefore, its maintenance is so important for people. Testogenon - a unique ... helps to maintain and improve its quality.

Common meadowsweet: where it grows, species description, cultivation, application

Lubaznik, meadowsweet, Ivan color is called the ordinary meadowsweet. It has healing properties. The aboveground part contains essential oils with a pleasant smell, fatty acids, catechins, steroids ....

Laundry soap: what they are made of, types, benefits and harms, methods of application

Dozens of new products from the chemical industry appear annually on store shelves. A universal laundry soap does not lose its popularity. Its important advantages over ...

Siberian hogweed: description of a plant, difference from poisonous species, benefits and harms, how to get rid of ...

The powerful bush received a botanical name, meaning "Hercules grass" in the name of the ancient Greek hero Hercules. The people of Siberian hogweed used to be called "borsch" for nutritional value ....

Stevia sweetener: benefits and harms, composition, release forms and names of sweeteners based on stevia

Stevia sweetener is a salvation for sweets who are trying to lose weight, they have to go on a diet due to health problems. It has a natural origin, and accordingly ...

Treatment of cholecystitis with folk remedies - effective methods, vegetables and herbs, dietary products for ...

Treatment of cholecystitis with folk remedies using natural products is not the main method of therapy. After consulting with your doctor, recipes can be used as a way to improve ...

Tertiary syphilis: symptoms and signs, diagnosis, treatment regimen for sexually transmitted disease

Tertiary syphilis occurs in those individuals who for some reason did not receive timely treatment at the first detection of the disease. Sometimes pathology goes into this stage ...

Cuckoo - washing the nose according to Proetz: description, preparation for the procedure, indications and contraindications, possible ...

Probably everyone heard about the cuckoo nose washing procedure. It was developed specifically for the effective treatment of sinusitis and sinusitis and is a complex of hygienic and ...

Radioactive iodine: what is it, how is it used for treatment, consequences of use

In large quantities, radioactive iodine is very dangerous.During atomic accidents, he did a lot of trouble, causing terrible mutations and cell death in the human body ....

The cuckoo procedure: what is it, what is it prescribed for and how is the washing of the sinuses carried out ...

The cuckoo medical procedure has nothing to do with a famous bird. This is the name of the medical washing of the nose, which at the beginning of the 20th century was developed by an American doctor ...

Alum: what is it, benefits and harms, instructions for use

Surely, many have heard of alum, but few know what they are. The benefits and harms of this product have long been discussed by doctors and scientists, ...

The health benefits of chocolate, what chocolate is good, possible harm and contraindications

A product made from cocoa beans became known to Europeans after the discovery of America, but over the centuries they were able to spoil its preparation so much that the use of chocolate became controversial ...

Badger fat in capsules instructions for use for adults and children, benefits, indications and contraindications

Badger fat is a unique medicine. Thanks to it, you can significantly increase the amount of hemoglobin in the blood, get rid of cough, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize metabolism ...

Semolina porridge: benefits and harm to the body, contraindications

If you don’t like semolina porridge, the benefits will be small: you simply do not know how to cook it. Any self-respecting cook will say so, because ...

Iodized salt: benefits and harms, composition, iodine content, how to use

The iodine needed for the thyroid gland is found in very small amounts in food. But if the trace element is not enough, then iodized salt - common ... will help.

Dry carbonic bath: indications and contraindications, benefits, medicinal properties

Dry carbonic bath first found its application in the 19th century. Then it was actively used in spa treatment in Germany and France. Already...

Folk remedies for insomnia: simple and effective remedies for a good sleep

Sleep disorders are not only its absence, but also problems with the process itself (premature awakening, superficial and intermittent sleep). Folk remedies for insomnia ...

Walnut partitions - medicinal properties and contraindications, recipes for tinctures and decoctions

Walnuts are a very healthy product. Interestingly, in traditional medicine, cooking, cosmetology, all its parts are used. Including, and partitions of walnuts, ...

Manual therapy: what is it that heals, indications and contraindications

It is widely believed that manual exposure to the body involves the use of brute physical force, and the procedure itself causes quite painful sensations in the patient. As a rule, so ...

Aquarium Compositum: instructions for the use of homeopathic medicine in injections, composition, analogues

In the treatment of gynecological diseases and deviations, different compositions are used, among which homeopathy is very popular. There are many discussions around homeopathic remedies, but practice shows that ...

Manual therapy of the spine: what is it, indications and contraindications

Manual therapy of the spine is a technique of non-drug exposure to the patient's body. The first mention of it is found in ancient manuscripts of authorship of Hippocrates himself. For a long time...

Why strawberries are useful for the body: useful and medicinal properties of strawberries, contraindications

Not everyone knows the benefits of strawberries, although many people love this summer berry. So what is its use, and can it be harmful ...

Treatment of psoriasis at home with folk remedies and medicines

This dermatosis occurs as a result of metabolic and autoimmune disorders in the body. The treatment of psoriasis is complicated by the chronic course of the inflammatory process, as well as relapses in violation of the diet ...

Treatment of gout at home: signs of gout in men and women, treatment with folk remedies ...

Gout since the Middle Ages was considered a disease of the kings, since the painful symptoms of the disease developed as a result of gluttony and excessive consumption of alcohol. The patient subsequently violated the natural ...

Avocado: useful properties, composition, calorie content, BZHU, application in cooking and cosmetology

Recently, the fruits of avocados began to appear more often in domestic stores. Finally, the Russian housewives "tasted" this delicious healthy fruit. He is very active ...

How to treat psoriasis? Causes and symptoms of the disease, methods of treating psoriasis at home folk ...

Those who happen to experience a disease like psoriasis are familiar with all of its unpleasant symptoms. For good, only a specialist can recommend how to treat psoriasis, ...

Clover meadow: description, medicinal properties and application of the plant

Herbaceous perennial grows along river banks, in meadows, forest edges, along roads. Meadow clover is valued in agriculture, traditional medicine, herbal medicine. The plant enriches the soil with nitrogen, ...

How to get rid of insomnia: the best medicines and folk remedies

Sleep disturbances are an unpleasant phenomenon that adversely affects human health. More serious than this pathology is only insomnia. How to get rid of insomnia for people of different sexes and ...

Stomatitis in adults, treatment at home, medication and folk remedies

Treatment of stomatitis in adults should be carried out only under the supervision of a qualified doctor. Severe forms of the disease can provoke a lot of complications, including general intoxication of the body and damage ...

Badger fat: medicinal properties and contraindications, use, and from which it helps

Therapy of various diseases with natural gifts of nature is by no means a rarity; more and more people are resorting to it. The main criterion for the selection of such funds is considered to be ...

Treatment of knee arthrosis: drugs, exercises, folk remedies, diet

Periodically aching pain in the knee joint while walking can signal the presence of such an unpleasant disease as arthrosis. The disease develops due to the destruction of cartilage, ...

Badger fat: application, what it helps from, medicinal properties, release forms

Badger fat is especially appreciated by both traditional and folk medicine. In ancient times, it was actively used to treat colds, lung ailments, and other diseases. Everything about...

Potassium alum: instructions for use, harm and benefit

Potassium alum today is actively used in cosmetology. They help to cope with a wide variety of common problems. For example, with fungal skin lesions, stomatitis, acne and ...

Treatment of insomnia: causes, treatment with folk remedies and drugs

Sleep disorders are one of the most painful symptoms of neurosis and other similar disorders. If such a phenomenon occurred only one or several nights, then ...

How to treat gout: symptoms of the disease, folk remedies and drug treatment, which doctor to contact

Mention of gout is found in ancient medical treatises. Hippocrates, describing this disease of joints in his scientific works, called it "a trap for legs." By...

Amaranth oil: benefits and harms, how to take in the treatment of diseases, use in cosmetology

Many people perceive bright burgundy inflorescences of amaranth only as an element of decorative design of flower beds and garden plots. And they don’t even realize that amaranth oil has ...

Soybean oil: benefits and harms, use in cosmetology and in cooking, contraindications

Among those who try to follow the principles of healthy eating, soybean oil has recently become especially popular. What effect does the intake of this product have on the body, ...

Maple juice: benefits and harms for the human body, composition, use, contraindications

If birch sap in our region is quite common, then the extraction of nectar from maple is considered exotic. And in vain, because of their taste ...

Oatmeal: benefits and harm to the body, 4 correct cooking recipes

If you want to cook the most wholesome breakfast, then you should opt for oatmeal. This cereal is not only nutritious - many consider it a panacea ...

Instant coffee: health benefits and harms, contraindications

The calendar of unusual holidays offers an interesting date in July - the birthday of instant coffee. It turns out that this drink is already more than 80 years old - that’s exactly how much time ...

What is useful birch sap? Useful and medicinal properties of birch sap for the body, contraindications

A traditional Russian drink has a special healing power, which helps protect against diseases and improve human health. Since time immemorial, he has been revered by folk healers, and ...

Sesame seeds: benefits and harms, how to take, contraindications

Using sesame seeds, you can not only diversify your daily diet, but also get rid of many diseases in a short time, and improve the general condition of the body. Is he...

The benefits of pumpkin for the body of a woman

Pumpkin is a product that has been widely used for many years for medical, culinary and cosmetic purposes. This healthy vegetable is unpretentious and capable of ...

Flax flax vulgaris: medicinal properties of the plant, use in folk medicine, contraindications

Flax flax vulgaris is a perennial plant that not only pleases with its appearance (has a long stem and bright yellow inflorescences), but is also used for medicinal purposes ....

Aconite Dzhungarian: how to take for treatment? Plant properties, use, contraindications

The wrestler, or aconite Dzhungar, is a perennial herb that has been used since ancient times in everyday life and medicine. Despite its toxic properties, it promotes healing ...

Cloudberry: useful and medicinal properties, contraindications

Cloudberry has become a natural source of vitamins for northern residents. It is introduced into therapeutic diets, medicinal drinks are prepared on its basis, the extract is added to cosmetics ....

Baked apples in the oven: benefits and harm to the body

An apple is considered the oldest fruit. Nutritionists recommend introducing baked foods into the diet. Before use, we recommend that you study the information about baked apples in the oven: ...

Ginger tincture: what helps, how to cook, how to take

The plant fills the tincture with healing power, and the body with health. Spice helps to cure many ailments. We will tell you about the benefits of ginger tincture and the best ...

Hops: useful and medicinal properties, use, contraindications

The beneficial properties and contraindications of hops are often the subject of debate. This amazing plant is a real decoration of the site. Its "beads" - pineal complex inflorescences - attract ...

Mulberry tree (mulberry): where it grows, what it looks like, what are the fruits useful

Deciduous mulberry tree or mulberry stores many mysteries. It has the longest life expectancy among fruit plants, comparable only with coniferous trees. Healing properties ...

Garlic treatment: from what diseases it helps, how to use it correctly, contraindications

The most miraculous natural remedy is garlic. On its basis, various preparations are prepared and consumed raw. Garlic treatment has been used for several thousand years. We will tell ...

Birch sap: benefits and harms for the human body, application

In the spring, with the onset of heat, when buds form on the trees, the time comes to collect birch sap. It is a colorless liquid with a sweetish aftertaste and ...

Red pepper: benefits and harm to the human body, use, contraindications

Among vegetables, known for their unusual and piquant taste, red pepper (chili) stands out. Although not everyone accepts its severity in culinary dishes, these fiery ...

Raw pumpkin: benefits and harms to the body, contraindications

The fruits arrived in our country from Mexico. Due to the large number of useful properties, unpretentiousness and the possibility of long storage, the vegetable was loved and tightly introduced into the diet ...

Agave syrup: benefits and harms, calories, composition, medical use

The role of a safe and low-calorie sugar substitute is applicable to many plants. Stevia, agave syrup - the beginning of the list of alternative sweets. However, there is a risk of abuse of such products ...

Treatment of the thyroid gland with folk remedies

Diseases of the endocrine system pose a serious threat to the functioning of the whole organism. Using folk remedies in the treatment of the thyroid gland, you can not only alleviate the patient’s condition and achieve ...

Marigolds: medicinal properties and contraindications, use in traditional medicine and cosmetology

A beautiful ornamental plant that grows everywhere with us is marigolds, on the useful properties and contraindications of which discussions often flare up. Few know how this grass ...

Kissel: benefits and harm to the human body, contraindications

Kissel, the benefits and harms of which are described in the article, has been known in Russia for a long time. For example, everyone knows the Russian folk tale "Geese-Swans", where milk flowed ...

Tincture of bee subpestilence: medicinal properties, methods of preparation, use

Almost all beekeeping products, including tincture of bee subpestilence, are more or less beneficial to health. The life cycle of an insect that collects honey ...

Rosehip tea: useful properties and contraindications, how to brew properly

Despite the fact that traditional medicine is not very popular right now, rosehip tea still does not lose its relevance. Let's see why so ...

Funchoza: composition, benefits and harms, contraindications

Funchoza, the benefits and harms of which remain a mystery to most of the Russian population, is increasingly appearing in recipes as one of the components of salads. What...

Pumpkin with honey for treatment and prevention: useful properties and contraindications

Pumpkin with honey - products with healing properties. If used together, the beneficial effect on the body will only increase, and disease prevention will be more ...

Olive Oil (Olive Oil): beneficial properties and contraindications

About the beneficial properties and contraindications of olive oil say a lot. The unique properties of this gift of nature were known to representatives of ancient civilizations. Antique poet Homer is completely ...

Salmon milk: benefits and harms, calories

The benefits and harms of salmon milk have been talked about relatively recently. The taste of the product is quite specific, so most people do not eat them. When gutting fish ...

Chili pepper: harm and benefit to the human body, use, contraindications

Among the plants, equally popular in medicine and in cooking, the red chili pepper stands out. With proper use, its burning properties can serve in ...

Carrot juice: benefits and harms for the liver, how to take

Almost all of us have heard that carrot juice includes a whole vitamin-mineral complex, which is especially necessary during the growth period of a young organism. Despite...

Lemon juice: benefits and harms, use in traditional medicine and cosmetology, contraindications

Lemon juice is a universal product whose useful properties have long been recognized by scientists, doctors, nutritionists, culinary specialists and cosmetologists. Healers believe that a person should eat daily ...

Lemon essential oil: beneficial properties and application

Citrus scent submits, invigorates, refreshes. It will help to fill the home with romance. Lemon essential oil gained distribution many years ago, and does not lose its relevance in ...

Pollock: benefits and harm to the human body, contraindications

Pollock fish is considered a universal product, since in addition to tender fillet, its liver and caviar are also consumed. The benefits and harms of pollock are known ...

What is useful pamela (pomelo) for the human body, properties, contraindications

Pamela is a relatively new exotic fruit in our market, resembling a huge greenish grapefruit in appearance. Despite its wild popularity at home, in China, ...

Elderberry black: medicinal and beneficial properties, contraindications

In spring, fragrant white inflorescences blossom on the young branches of the shrub. Closer to autumn, fruits are poured with juice. But the healing properties of black elderberry, which are found ...

Potato juice for gastritis: how to take it correctly

Gastritis is a common disease among people of different ages that occurs due to malnutrition, alcohol abuse, smoking or taking potent drugs. That ...

Soothing herbal tea in a pharmacy for children and adults

Adult life is filled with stresses associated with work, household chores and family troubles. And even children often suffer from increased nervousness and excitability. For support...

Chinese pear: benefits and harm to the body, contraindications

A Chinese pear, or Nesha, is a fruit that is bred artificially. Breeders of the Celestial Empire took as a basis the fruits of the Yamanashi tree, preserving all their useful properties ....

What is useful for onions for the human body

Currently, more than 400 varieties of onions are known. Being completely unpretentious, it is grown everywhere and is actively used not only to create different dishes, but ...

What is the use of dried apricots (dried apricot) for the human body: for women and men

Dried apricots provides the body with a much larger amount of nutrients than fresh apricot. In the article you will learn how dried apricots are useful, methods of use and contraindications. The chemical composition and ...

Milk with garlic: what helps, benefits and harms

Traditional medicine offers many effective recipes that can solve existing health problems and bring tangible benefits to the body. One of these miraculous potions is ...

How to consume ginger - 7 healthy recipes

The ginger root, useful and unusual in taste, can be not only a seasoning for a dish, but also a folk remedy for many ailments. That ginger ...

Treatment of the thyroid gland in women with folk remedies

Impaired thyroid function is a fairly common problem that a huge number of people have encountered. In this condition, complex therapy is effective, and in this section are given ...

Blueberry: beneficial properties for human health, contraindications

From the berries you can cook various goodies, cook compotes and preserves, they are also consumed fresh. Let's talk in more detail about the beneficial properties of blueberries in ...

Corn oil: beneficial properties for the human body, use in cooking and cosmetology, contraindications

Culinary specialists, doctors and cosmetologists use corn oil all over the world. This product is rich in beneficial elements and active substances. If you care about well-being and ...

The cinquefoil is white: useful properties and contraindications, application

White cinquefoil stands out among the extensive list of medicinal herbs. Alternative names that have taken root over centuries of acquaintance of a person with her are a five-leafed leaf, a mesperitum, a white dubbing. What are ...

What is cabbage useful for the human body

Cabbage is one of the most affordable vegetables at any time of the year. It is cultivated almost all over the world, and the vegetable is especially popular in moderate ...

Why lentils are good for the human body

Lentils are a healthy bean culture, known since ancient times. In those days, only the wealthy could afford to eat dishes from this cereal ...

Japanese quince (Henomeles): health benefits and harms, contraindications

Due to its astringent properties, quince is a less popular fruit compared to other fruits. In our area, it does not grow everywhere, but on sale it can be ...

What is the use of cottage cheese? The benefits of skim and fat cottage cheese for the human body

Cottage cheese is a product that has long been famous for its healing properties. This delicacy is equally favorable for the health of the body as a separate dish, or in combination with additional ...

Folk remedies for sinusitis: treatment of sinusitis in adults and children at home

Often, folk remedies for sinusitis are used as concomitant, complementing traditional drug therapy. They are represented by the introduction of various means into the nose, warming up and other manipulations, ...

Medunica officinalis: medicinal properties, use in traditional medicine

Lungwort medicinal, pulmonary grass or lungwort unclear - refers to common plants. The beauty of the flowers of the Lungwort pleases the eye, but she gained her fame not only ...

Why pine nuts are useful: medicinal properties and contraindications

Pine kernels are called pine nuts. They are saturated with vitamins and nutrients. Let's look at how pine nuts are useful and how to use them correctly. Nutrition value and ...

Parsley root: medicinal properties and use, contraindications

Everyone is used to eating plant greens and undeservedly ignore parsley root. After all, it contains a lot of valuable substances that positively affect ...

Evening primrose: benefits, medicinal properties, side effects and contraindications

Evening primrose is a herbaceous plant with yellow flowers and bright green leaves. It has several alternative names - evening primrose, evening primrose, biennial donkey. Beneficial features...

Amaranth: useful and medicinal properties of the plant, use, contraindications

Our ancestors considered this bright exotic plant a symbol of immortality. They baked bread from amaranth flour, which, according to beliefs, gave health and long life ....

Almonds: useful properties and contraindications

Such a familiar and familiar nut is found everywhere in various desserts. Therefore, to study the beneficial properties and contraindications of almonds will not be superfluous to anyone. In any form...

Carob syrup (carob syrup): useful properties and contraindications

From the fruits of the carob tree, various concentrates are made - syrup, carob powder, gum. These products are useful for women, men, young children, they are used in medicine ....

Basil: useful and medicinal properties, use, contraindications

For several millennia, the plant is valued for its taste and incomparable aroma. For cooks, basil is a favorite spice. Scientists have found another positive side - the medicinal ...

Hop cones: medicinal properties and contraindications, use in traditional medicine

Hop, braiding the supports with flexible shoots, grows up to 6 meters, its rough leaves consist of 3 or 5 blades, they are attached to the stem opposite. Flowers ...

Pine cone jam: benefits and contraindications. 5 recipes for cooking medicinal jam

Jam is a traditional Russian sweets. Occasionally, it is prepared on the basis of components that few can imagine suitable for food. We offer to make jam from ...

Can I breastfeed coffee?

Coffee is a delicious and invigorating drink with which almost every person starts the day. But during the period of gestation and lactation, most of the familiar products ...

Pumpkin for breastfeeding: is it possible for a nursing mother to pumpkin

Every young mother carefully applies to her diet, because the state of the crumbs that feed on mother's milk depends on the quality of the consumed products. Many dishes for ...

Cinquefoil white (Potentilla alba): use in traditional medicine, contraindications

A perennial plant from the Pink family, representing the genus Cinquefoil, is popularly called five-fingered. The use of white cinquefoil in folk medicine is quite widespread, and the most valuable ...

Crassula: medicinal properties, benefits and contraindications

Money tree can often be seen in modern homes. It is believed that it attracts luck, prosperity and comfort. But few people know that this plant has ...

What is useful lemon: medicinal properties for the human body, use, contraindications

Ascorbic acid, a source of good health, is found in large quantities in citrus fruits. Records in this regard can be called lemons, it is they who effectively act on the immune ...

Papaya: useful properties and contraindications

Papaya is an exotic fruit that is increasingly found on the shelves of our stores. Despite this, many look at her with caution and even ...

What is fish oil good for? Useful properties of fish oil, possible harm and contraindications

Many people, at the mere mention of this medicinal product, are already twisting, recalling the unpleasant smell and taste of fish oil, which several years ago was mandatory ...

Green tea with milk: benefits and harms, contraindications

A universal drink - green tea with milk - if used correctly, it can positively affect all organs. Often it is included in various diets, it is recommended ...

Pear: benefits and harm to human health

These juicy fruits are one of the most popular fruits in our latitudes. Pear attracts with its aroma, special viscous sweet taste and nutritiousness. What is the use ...

Physalis: useful and medicinal properties, how to eat, contraindications

Physalis, the beneficial properties of which are described in an article originally from Central and South America. He came to Russia simultaneously with tomatoes, but did not get wide ...

Melon: benefits and harm to the body

Despite the fact that melon has been known for several millennia, modern breeders still continue to work on breeding new varieties. One striking example ...

Aconitum (Aconitum) - homeopathy: indications for use

People have been using this plant since time immemorial. Aconite received many names from the people - the King Potion, the Helmet of Jupiter, the Monastic hood. He was given to patients suffering from fever ...

Linden tea: useful properties and contraindications

Without pills, quickly and effectively - this is how you can get rid of a cold with linden tea. A fragrant drink with honey flavor has long been used in ...

Flaxseed flour: benefits and harms, how to take

Pharmacists with enviable consistency offer their new developments to strengthen and rejuvenate the body, but their effectiveness can not be compared with the strength of one of ...

Chestnuts: benefit and harm, application

Chestnut trees stand out against the background of others with a lush, spreading crown, the picturesqueness of which is emphasized by hundreds of carved leaves. The fruits of some varieties of the tree are used as food or become ...

Dark chocolate: health benefits and harms

The benefits and harms of bitter chocolate over the years cause endless debate among doctors and nutritionists, because for many this product is a favorite treat ...

Grapefruit: useful and medicinal properties for the human body, possible harm and contraindications

Grapefruit, the benefits and harms of which are well known to nutritionists, is a natural hybrid between oranges and pamelo. The fruit got such an interesting name because ...

Fragrant geranium: medicinal properties and contraindications, care for the plant at home

The attractiveness of geranium, or pelargonium, in its openwork leaves. One has only to hurt them, as a strong aroma appears. Fragrant geranium is a beautiful attribute of a cozy house and ...

Corn stigmas: medicinal beneficial properties and contraindications

Corn is considered a unique product that has not only taste and is often used in cooking, but also very useful for the human body with medical ...

Irga: useful medicinal properties and contraindications

How, without resorting to the help of doctors, slow down the aging of the body, and at the same time cure the disease? How can men regain their lost strength, and women can get rid of early wrinkles? ...

Portulak garden - medicinal properties, benefits and harms

Portulak garden belongs to the annual herbaceous succulent plants growing in the warm southern regions. Often found as a decoration in gardening. Purslane is weed ...

Far Eastern schisandra: medicinal beneficial properties and contraindications

Longevity, inexhaustible supply of health and vitality - is this what everyone in the world dreams of? But the question is - is there something ...

Monarda: medicinal beneficial properties and contraindications

Monarda is a perennial flowering plant that can be grown in the garden. It is used for decorative purposes, added to food, and also prepared from it ...

Hyssop: medicinal properties and contraindications for taking herbs for women

Hyssop is a medicinal plant, which healers have healed people since ancient times. Today, its beneficial properties are used in cosmetology and medicine ....

Lungwort: medicinal properties and contraindications, use

Lungwort blooms in the forests before the May lilies of the valley, so it is sometimes called a snowdrop. The beauty of the flowers is combined with the benefits, they treat various ailments. There are decorative varieties ...

Rosehip broth: benefits and contraindications, 4 cooking recipes

Rosehip broth is truly a life-giving drink. It is rich in vitamin C, has a beneficial effect on the heart, and helps treat a number of diseases. In summer, you can use fresh fruits, in ...

Chestnut honey: useful properties and contraindications, how to determine fake

A rare and expensive variety - this is how chestnut honey can be characterized. But if you are lucky enough to buy it, you will certainly appreciate its amazing aroma and ...

Lakonos plant: medicinal properties and medicinal use

Phytolacchus - this is the name of the plant lakonos in its homeland, in America. Despite the toxicity of flowering shoots, roots and berries, they are successfully used in ...

Peony tincture: instructions for use, which helps

Evading peony is a valuable plant, which is listed in the Red Book. Means based on it are very popular in traditional medicine. Soothing preparations with peony ...

Immortelle: medicinal benefits and contraindications

Immortelle has strong healing properties, which is why it has contraindications. Before using drugs based on it, you must definitely familiarize yourself with the scope of the plant in order to avoid ...

Why almonds are good for the human body: for women and men

Sweet almonds are popular with both children and adults.Walnut kernels are the ingredients of many dishes, they can be eaten raw, dried or fried. How useful almonds are, how is it ...

Beijing cabbage: benefits and harm to human health

A native of China, Chinese cabbage has gained worldwide recognition. It is rich in useful substances, you can cook a lot of delicious and low-calorie dishes from it ....

Tarragon plant useful medicinal properties and contraindications, use

Tarragon (other names for tarragon, dragoon-grass) is a perennial herbaceous plant from the genus Wormwood. It is widely used in alternative medicine, cosmetology and cooking for ...

Coriander - useful properties and contraindications

If coriander is just seasoning for you, you don't know anything about it. This plant is very often used in medicine. The beneficial properties of coriander are widely known ...

Bee pollen - useful properties, how to take

Honey and propolis are far from the only products that we owe to bees, in addition to them there is also bee pollen. Its beneficial properties and methods of administration ...

Amaranth plant - medicinal properties, benefits and harms

Many tropical plants appeared on domestic suburban areas solely due to their exotic appearance. The bright purple ears that adorn the amaranth plant stand out against other flowers ...

Black sesame seeds: useful properties and contraindications

Black sesame is one of the oldest Pancake week crops grown in China and Southeast Asia. In other parts of the world white sesame is predominant. AT...

Cocoa: health benefits and harms, use and contraindications

The Aztec tribes drank cocoa with pleasure several centuries ago, it was believed that this drink increases potency and gives wisdom. Cocoa, the good and harm of which is good ...

Motherwort tincture: indications and instructions for use

The drug "Tincture of motherwort" refers to sedative herbal remedies. It is used for various pathologies that are accompanied by increased activity of the nervous system. Motherwort tincture: release form and composition A drug...

Green coffee: benefits and contraindications, how to brew and drink properly for weight loss

Green coffee - these are ordinary coffee beans before roasting, they go on sale whole, ground or in tablet form. Widespread this product has received ...

Bananas: benefits and harm to the body

Bananas, the benefits and harms of which cause a lot of controversy, are the fruits of perennial grass, so it’s better to call them berries. According to many nutritionists, most of the useful ...

Raspberry leaves: medicinal properties and contraindications

The healing power of raspberries has long been used in folk medicine - not only berries, but also the leaves of the plant contain many valuable substances for health. However...

Red tea: benefit and harm, what is the name and flower of which they make?

Red tea is the Chinese name for black tea. It is characterized by high fermentation, rich taste and a lot of positive properties. The only difference between black tea leaf and ...

Peas: benefits and harm to human health

Fans of fresh seasonal vegetables are unlikely to miss the sweet green peas from the diet. This delicacy is almost universal, because it can be consumed fresh, boiled, canned and even ...

Japanese quince: useful properties and contraindications

These sunny fruits related to apples and pears came to us from the imperial gardens of Japan. Juicy, bright, tart ... But what is known about the beneficial properties and ...

Juniper berries: medicinal and beneficial properties, contraindications

Juniper is known for its unique coniferous aroma. Often this plant is used for decorative purposes, but it is no less known in the recipes of traditional medicine. What are ...

Cauliflower: useful and healing properties for health, contraindications

Many products that are constantly present in our diet contain a whole bunch of useful properties that we do not even suspect of. No exception and ...

What is useful sauerkraut for women: useful properties for the body, contraindications

What is sauerkraut useful for women? It is known that after starter culture the vegetable becomes much healthier, its vitamin composition is enriched. As a result, sauerkraut is rich ...

Tincture on pine nuts (Cedar): useful and healing properties, 4 recipes, how to make pine nuts ...

Folk recipes allow you to use a huge amount of valuable health products that are not involved in traditional medicine. Among them - tincture on pine nuts, product, level ...

Amur velvet: description of the plant, medicinal properties, application

Most people are convinced that velvet is a fabric known for its softness and smoothness. But it turns out that velvet can be found in the plant world ....

Soy sauce: benefits and harms, beneficial properties for women

In recent years, the traditional diet of Russians has expanded, through the use of products that came from Asian cuisine. Among the most sought-after - soy sauce, ubiquitous ...

Evening primrose oil: benefits, how to take - instructions

Evening primrose oil is a highly refined product rich in unsaturated fatty acids of the Omega-6 family. The lack of these compounds affects the metabolism, which in turn ...

Parsnip plant: benefits and harms, application

Parsnip is a plant that belongs to the family Umbrella. It can be grown in your garden. It contains many useful trace elements, so its addition to food ...

Tansy: useful and medicinal properties and contraindications

Tansy is a weed plant, so it can be found everywhere. People also call the grass wild ash and chamomile. Tansy has many useful properties, but ...

Bluegrass meadow: description of the plant, application

At times, the most unexpected qualities and beneficial properties can be found, when best viewed, in the most common meadow grasses found everywhere. What is the bluegrass inside ...

Black tea: the benefits and harms increase or decrease pressure?

The drink, which is well known to all of us, black tea, is drunk in the family circle, at social events and in any cafe. The good and taste of it already ...

Black tea: benefits and harm to the health of men and women, contraindications

The most popular drink in the world is black tea. It calms, tones, gives strength and energy. What is included in a fragrant drink, which exist ...

Unabi: useful and healing properties and contraindications

Unabi or jujube is a Chinese date, to which eastern folk connoisseurs gave the name "tree of life." Often use fruits to treat respiratory diseases. Useful ...

Cocoa butter: useful and medicinal properties, application

This product is made from the fruits of an evergreen tree and is of great importance for the food industry. What about the use and properties of cocoa butter for humans? ...

Pine nuts: useful properties and contraindications, application

Longevity seeds - pine nuts from ancient times, Siberians have been collecting and selling. Despite the high price, they are very popular. We suggest figuring out how much ...

Apple juice: benefits and harms for the human body

This juice is the most affordable for Russians. It is sold at every grocery store, but many prefer to make it at home. Not surprising, because in the summer season ...

Coffee - the benefits and harms to the human body: instant coffee, ground, with milk, without ...

In science, interest in coffee is increasing every year, especially after claims that it has a positive effect on health. Although until recently, almost no one ...

Juniper: medicinal properties and contraindications, use

Juniper - that is, "growing between firs" - has been known to people for many centuries. And at all times, people knew about its healing properties. Special...

Creeping thyme (thyme): medicinal properties and contraindications

Creeping thyme on the territory of Russia is found everywhere. In summer, here and there you can meet meadows, just shrouded in lilac clouds. This is thyme blooming. Creeping thyme - description ...

Pomegranate juice: benefits and harm to the body

A bright, unusual fruit is considered healing. We use this product in the form of a fruit or a drink, without even thinking about its properties. Let's review the benefits and ...

Chokeberry tincture: benefits and harms, how to make vodka, moonshine and alcohol

The aromatic tincture of chokeberry is not just an alcoholic drink for the festive table. If properly cooked, it can become a real medicine, ...

Semolina porridge in milk and water: benefits and harms for the human body

The benefits and harms of semolina porridge are still one of the most pressing topics among doctors, nutritionists and ordinary citizens. After all, someone recommends her ...

Soy milk - benefits and harm for women

Soymilk only bears the name of a product of animal origin, but in fact it is not. How useful and how harmful it can be, we ...

Parsley: useful and medicinal properties for women and men, contraindications

A spicy plant is added to vegetable salads, first and second courses to improve the taste. Fragrant parsley, whose beneficial properties are appreciated in cooking, is equally important ...

Cedar oil: medicinal and beneficial properties and contraindications

Cedar oil is a natural biologically active food supplement, useful both in youth and in old age. Everyone can find something in it ...

Barberry: useful and medicinal properties, contraindications

Many associate barberry with a sweet red candy. Meanwhile, the name of the confectionery product comes from the same plant with a bright red hue. Barberry grows almost ...

Kale cabbage (Kale cabbage) - what is it, useful properties and application

Kale cabbage belongs to the category of “superfood”, that is, it is a vegetable that has a huge amount of nutrients. It is incredibly useful, but unfortunately its hard ...

Prunes: benefits and harms for the body, use for weight loss

Dried fruits and, in particular, prunes are allocated as a separate link in the human diet. This dried delicacy has a pleasant taste and can be used to improve health ....

Pomegranate juice: useful properties and contraindications, rules for taking juice for women and men

Among the healthy foods high in vitamins, pomegranate juice occupies a special place. The composition of the drink and the beneficial effect on the body make it an almost universal therapeutic ...

Tangerines: benefits and harms to human health, calorie tangerines, their use and contraindications

Since ancient times, citrus fruits cause an ambiguous reaction - on the one hand, they can act as the strongest allergen, on the other hand, they can become best friends for the human body. Disputes ...

Cornflower meadow: description, medicinal properties of the plant

Often behind the external modesty of the plant lies a powerful healing power. This fact clearly confirms the meadow cornflower, which many consider a harmful weed, because it looks pretty ...

Cocoa Butter: Properties and Applications in Cosmetology

Vegetable fat from ground chocolate tree grains has a peculiar taste and pleasant smell.Fragrant cocoa butter is appreciated in the confectionery industry, cosmetology and medicine. Find out ...

What is coconut useful for the body: beneficial properties for women and men, contraindications

Exotic and tropical goodies have always aroused keen interest of gourmets. One of such overseas guests is considered a coconut - under its hard shell hides an extremely tasty ...

Ginseng tincture: instructions for use for men and women

Ginseng tincture is a popular tonic used to treat a number of disorders of the nervous system. The drug is sold in pharmacies, but it is quite simple ...

What is useful carrots: useful and healing properties of carrots for the human body, contraindications

Vegetables of red-orange color must be included in the daily menu. It is also important to know how carrots are useful in order to properly use a food and medicinal plant. The popular root crop ...

Fasting olive oil: what is good for the body, how to take

Olive oil in ancient times was often used not only as a food supplement, but also as an effective general strengthening, anti-inflammatory and healing agent. Greeks even ...

Apricot oil, useful properties and application: for face, hair, eyelashes, nails, from stretch marks and ...

Even the most effective modern products are in many ways inferior to products created by nature itself. Natural herbal preparations for centuries have healed and maintained the beauty and ...

Lactation tea for nursing mothers

One of the most important tasks of a nursing mother is to maintain the production of the required amount of breast milk for as long as possible. To achieve this goal, breastfeeding experts ...

Marjoram - what is it, useful properties and contraindications

Marjoram is an oriental spice that is widely cultivated in Asia and the Middle East. Spice came to Europe from India and already at 17 ...

Peach oil: application and beneficial properties

The judicious use of peach oil always gives excellent results. Therefore, it should be in the makeup bag of every girl. Getting oil from peach and its composition Many mistakenly think ...

Black radish: useful properties and contraindications

Useful properties and contraindications of black radish are known to many doctors and traditional healers. The medicinal properties of the root crop were written hundreds of years ago. Today the radish is ...

Cinquefoil white: useful properties and contraindications, the use of the root for the treatment of the thyroid gland

White cinquefoil is a modest inhabitant of forests in the European part of Russia. Its small area extends from the Volga to the borders of the Northwest region. Due to the planned deforestation of green lands ...

Indian onion: medicinal beneficial properties and application in traditional medicine

Indian onion or Tailed poultry, this is a perennial plant that has not been fully studied at the present time. In this regard, official medicine as a medicinal ...

Amaranth flour: benefits and harms, how to take? Amaranth flour recipes

Recently, the range of flour products has expanded significantly. Of particular interest is amaranth flour, which does not contain gluten. What is it They make flour from ancient cereal ...

Sesame seed: the benefits and harms, how to take sesame seeds?

Sesame seed is not only a valuable food product used in confectionery and bakery production, but also a medicine that helps people cope with various problems ...

What is ginger good for? Useful healing properties of ginger root

The horned root has long been used by folk healers. How useful is ginger, what is the use of the plant in medicine and cosmetology, are there any contraindications and possible harm? Useful and healing ...


