Artists - including caricaturists - have always played an important role in social and cultural life. Using illustrated messages, they talk about things that are hard to put into words.
Work Colombian artist Saco Asco inevitably prompt each viewer to think. His illustrations depict different life situations - complex and contradictory. At first glance, Asko's images seem like ordinary caricatures - in reality they are endowed with more than deep meaning.

For example, this picture depicts a common situation: a mere trifle seems to a person to be a disaster, depriving him of sleep and peace.

This is what is called "make an elephant out of a fly"

What about running time? This topic also did not leave indifferent the Colombian. Many today complain that they do not have time to do anything in a day. While scientists blame technological progress for speeding up time, every day we miss more and more opportunities and are steadily approaching old age.

Inexorable time cannot be stopped

No matter how important and pathos people behave,everyone’s inner fears are the same. So is it worth putting on these masks without asking Sako Asko?

Despite the pretense of importance, inside we are all defenseless

In what people just do not seek liberation from their problems.“And the casket just opened” - this is the main message of this illustration.

Lost myself

Another common situation. Her moral is simple: do not give the latter to those who not only do not appreciate the wide stride, but simply do not need care. In place of each of these characters can be a person of any gender. The essence of the illustration from this will not change.

Is it worth taking care of those who do not need it?

The world seems to man not the most friendly place. But the reason is in himself, says Sako Asko.

Looking into the world, we are actually looking at ourselves

This appearance, similar to the drawn character of memes, is disproportionately large to the body. As well as anger, which is disproportionate to the causes that caused it and sometimes is almost not subject to conscious control.

It’s not easy to live with your own anger

What to navigate when choosing a life path? People try to listen to their intuition - after all, there is often no other source that would help make the right choice.

Maybe the compass will show the direction?

The heroine of the following illustration, which Sako depicted from the back, it doesn’t matter who her lover is. Until the end of her life, she goes from one to another.

Male Heart Traveler

And here is the appeal to knowledge.

Will the new rustle of book pages tell you anything?

The news we see on TV is just part of a common mosaicresembles a Colombian.

How news is fabricated

Do you think the paintings by Sako Asko are true? Share in the comments.