Interpretation of doubts and a glimpse into the future will allow interpretation of dream books. They say what a pregnant girl dreams of. An important role is played by such details as the size of the abdomen, the number of girls in position.

Interpretation of dreams in popular dream books

Dreambooks interpret this story differently.

Here are the most popular predictions:

  1. Freud believes that if a young woman dreams of a pregnant girl acquaintance, this indicates the desire of the guy to become a father. On a subconscious level, he feels that his lady of the heart is expecting a baby.
  2. The Wanderer's Dream Book portends unpleasant events in the near future. It can be a betrayal of a loved one, illness of a loved one or loss of money. Such a prediction applies to specific dreamers - young people.
  3. According to the Dream Interpretation of Esotericism, a dream with a future mother promises financial difficulties. Perhaps the person gave someone a loan and is worried that the money will not be returned.
  4. The collection of Simon Kananita portends the betrayal of loved ones to those who had to see a pregnant woman in a dream.
  5. Usually, a dream about pregnancy carries favorable news and promises the emergence of a new love. That is what the Modern Dream Book says.
  6. Pregnancy in Loff's Dream Interpretation is considered a symbol of puberty, affluence, creative success.
  7. If a pregnant girl dreamed of a guy, Dream Interpreter Vanga promises to solve the problem in reality with the help of another person.

If a man dreamed that he was expecting a baby, such a dream has a certain meaning.Most likely, he bears in his head some kind of plan or project for work. The one who dreamed of a pregnant ex-girlfriend left unfinished business and promises.

Dreamed of a pregnant girl with a big, small belly

If the belly of the future mother protrudes slightly or is very flat - this speaks of rumors and intrigues behind her back.

It is important to behave calmly and with dignity. To avoid trouble, it is better to trust the closest and most trusted people.

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A small belly promises an unmarried woman a pregnancy that she does not want. A lady in marriage sees this dream before serious conflicts in the family. At the same time, she needs to correctly approach the solution of the problem, otherwise everything will end in divorce.

Belly of impressive size symbolizes wealth and speedy wealth, pleasant little things and presents. If a girl dreams that she is pregnant, and her large belly causes severe discomfort, this is a sign of illness.

Many pregnant girls

If several pregnant girls appeared in a night vision, a plot should be interpreted based on who exactly had a dream:

  • pregnant lady - fear of becoming a mother;
  • unmarried girl - public pressure;
  • married person - fast pregnancy or family happiness;
  • a man - a lot of sympathies around that will not lead to good.

If a girl dreams that all her friends are pregnant, this means a serious danger from one of them. Perhaps the lady wants to harm and interfere in her personal life.

A dream, where ladies in position cry and scream, speaks of big problems in the family or in relations with the second half. To see yourself in the role of the future mother among other pregnant women is the quick fulfillment of desires.

See pregnancy and childbirth

Taking birth in a dream is an acquaintance with a new person who turns out to be a worthy partner. Give birth in dreams - an early pregnancy.


If the young man imagined that the birth was taken from him, this suggests that he has a relationship outside of marriage. These outside relationships can lead to the conception of a child.

There are other plots of similar dreams:

  • to see your birth in the night dreams means a happy outcome of events;
  • twins were born - to harmony and peace in the family;
  • to see triplets is a successful outcome;
  • premature birth - a harbinger of unexpected gains;
  • birth of a boy - own birth will be easy;
  • the birth of a girl - success in financial matters;
  • if a mother gives birth in a dream - this is a good sign that prophesies her well-being and prosperity;
  • childbirth sister - the beginning of a new period in the life of a relative;
  • childbirth - concern about her reputation and future;
  • if a girlfriend gives birth in a dream - these are additional obligations that you will have to deal with yourself.

If a woman dreams of giving birth to an elderly woman, this may indicate problems with the genitourinary organs or stomach.

Touch, stroke the belly of a pregnant girl

Stroking a pregnant belly means self-doubt. Usually this means that a person is often offended, jealous and spoils relationships with others. He who sees such a dream should control his emotions.

If stroking a stomach in a dream was pleasant, it speaks of a bright future, prosperity, and the realization of a dream. If the touch caused negative emotions, this means that at work a difficult period will begin.

For a sick person, a similar plot promises a speedy recovery. Stroking the stomach in a dream before a medical examination is a favorable conclusion to the event. If a pregnant woman had an unfamiliar person in the position with which she strokes her stomach, this indicates a quick and successful birth.

What does a dream mean for a married, unmarried girl

A lady without a stamp in her passport, who sees herself in the night dreams, wants to become a waking mother. If a free girl does not dream about children and sees a similar dream, this promises unsuccessful marriage, a deceit on the part of her lover.


A married person who dreamed that she became pregnant is most likely concerned about family problems. She feels lonely, she was overtaken by depression.

Why dream a pregnant girl who is not in position

Sometimes a girl dreams in a position that in real life is not ready for the birth of a baby. Most often, this dream is interpreted negatively.

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If a similar episode was seen by a lady with a stamp in her passport, this indicates her desire to change something in her life. She is uncomfortable communicating with loved ones. If the dream is a pure girl, she needs to be careful with the guys, otherwise she will be disappointed in them.