Children in a dream in most cases cause only pleasant emotions, but do not rejoice, because such dreams can portend danger. In this case, you should find out what the child is dreaming of to make sure that the dreamer is not in danger.

Interpretation in different dream books

First of all, for interpretation, the dream context is considered the most important, but one also needs to take into account the feelings and emotions that arise from the dreams seen.

Based on the plot of the dream, dream books offer various interpretations:

  1. In the dream book of the psychologist Freud, the child symbolizes the human genitals. Therefore, all interpretations of visions will be associated with them. For example, if you dreamed about a baby crying, then expect an orgasm. The louder he cried, the brighter he will be. If the dreamer took care of his child, then this indicates a careful attitude to himself, while punishing the baby indicates a desire for self-satisfaction.
  2. In Loff's dream book, the baby personifies things that require a lot of attention and time. Such dreams speak to young girls about their readiness for pregnancy, while dreaming men indicate hidden fears of becoming a father.
  3. The sorceress Medea in her dream book described the baby as the beginning of internal development. Often a child of the same sex with the dreamer characterizes his character. Seeing a little unfamiliar peanut in a dream means that all previously conceived plans will soon come true, but for this you need to spend a lot of effort. In visions, his child personifies the process of relationships with him.
  4. Miller said that if you dream of a small child who is constantly crying, then it is better to consult a doctor, since vision predicts an exacerbation of a hidden ailment.If a baby in a dream is cheerful and wants to play, the dream promises pure love and strong friendship. Lonely children in dreams speak of the strong and independent character of the dreamer. Deception is waiting for a girl who in a dream lulls another's baby. A bad omen is a vision where the dreamer picks up a sick baby in his arms. In this case, dreams predict a difficult state of mind.
  5. According to the interpretation given in the Esoteric dream book, a vision of an unfamiliar child indicates the well-being of someone close to you. If the baby expresses his dissatisfaction with being capricious in a dream, the dream personifies the negative behavior of the dreamer. If the child behaved calmly in a dream, and also rejoiced, it says that the people around you love you. Dreams, in which sick children were present, personify the negative attitude of colleagues.

Baby boy girl

When interpreting sleep about children, their gender must be taken into account:

  1. A baby boy in a dream promises a sleeping man changes in the financial sphere. There is a huge chance to get rich, as income for some time will increase sharply. The dream also portends success, in particular, if the dream was a dream on Friday night.
  2. A child girl prophesies to a dreamer pleasant events that will be full of surprises. Girls dream on the eve of joy and the manifestation of new feelings. There will also be an increase in emotional terms. Little babies portend stunning waking events that will bring a lot of positive in different aspects of the activity.

More dream books:baby boy

Dreamed a lot of children

Dreams in which there were many children promise stunning success and prosperity. Children of different ages dream of proof that peace and prosperity will flourish in the family. If the children in the dream cried at the same time, then there may be alarming forebodings that one of the friends might turn out to be an insidious person. Playing with them in dreams means that the dreamer has great prospects to succeed not only in professional activities, but also in love relationships.

When children were infants in a dream, it signals the presence of chaos in life. At the same time, he will be accompanied by minor troubles and vanity, which will prevent him from concentrating on solving important issues. If the sleeper performs several tasks at once, he will never be able to get a good result. To avoid this, it is recommended to establish criteria of importance for each case, and then perform them one at a time.

To dream of a newborn baby

Dreams with a newborn and pectoral fever have different meanings:

  1. Dreaming with a newborn warns the sleeping person about possible deceit and betrayal from the inner circle. For a pregnant woman, the baby predicts the birth of a daughter. The future father of the baby dreams about the birth of a son.
  2. Breasts in a dream are a positive sign. A child of this age in a dream promises well-being and joy. To parents who are planning a pregnancy, a dream predicts an early conception. In addition, the dream indicates the gender of the unborn child. In this case, the important point is the person who held the baby. If it was a man - there will be a boy, but if a woman, then a girl will appear.


If you had a dream about a baby you need to breastfeed, this is a wonderful sign. Such a dream foreshadows the end of an important period in life, as well as the time of evaluating the results.

The feeding process is a dream for those people who are used to receiving a reward for their efforts. A dream prophesies incredible success and recognition in any area of ​​life. Vision promises ill women to get rid of the disease, and unmarried girls sleep promises a happy marriage. In addition, such dreams promise pregnant women the birth of a healthy and strong crumbs.

More dream books:what is the dream of the baby

Why dream of having a baby

The vision of the emergence of a new person into the world heralds the beginning of a new life stage. The birth of a baby in a dream portends the joyful news of a great inheritance. However, there may not necessarily be financial values. In some cases, the dreamer will be able to learn the whole history and traditions of his family, which he will have to pass on to the next generation.

In addition, if the baby turned out to be native, then a dream foreshadows a happy life that will be filled with amazing events. Sometimes a dream can be prophetic, which means that it is likely that the dreamer will soon have a daughter or son. For unmarried girls, the dream of childbearing warns that there may be attempts to harm one's own reputation.

Dreaming of a dead child

The night dreams in which your child died does not have a bad meaning in reality. On the contrary, such dreams promise good health and happiness to the growing baby. Most often, after seeing a picture in a dream, all difficulties and problems must themselves be resolved.

According to the French dream book, to see a dead child in a dream means that the dreamer should understand himself and also put everything in order. When you dream about how your own child is dying, you will need to pay off debts, as well as translate the plans into reality, otherwise there could be disastrous consequences.

Dreams about children often personify a person’s life. They portend troubles and problems, but also promise pleasant events and replenishment of the family. Therefore, you can not be upset when the baby had a dream, because such dreams only prove that life does not stand still.