Recently, the problem under discussion has become increasingly troubling not only elderly, but also very young patients. First of all, experts explain such changes by the deterioration of the environmental situation. Further, the reader will find all the necessary information about keratoma: what it is, how to treat it at home, how dangerous the neoplasm is for a person.

Keratoma - what is it? Causes of occurrence

Keratomas occur in various parts of the body. They represent the formation on the skin of a brown, yellowish, gray, violet, less often - a raspberry shade.

When a keratoma only appears on the skin, it has a miniature size and can be confused with ordinary freckles. But gradually education grows, darkens, begins to peel off and harden. The maximum diameter of benign keratomas usually does not exceed 2-3 cm (except for the sun).

Formations can occur on the skin of a patient in various “guises”. For example, in the form of nodules, spots, crusts, growths. Most often, such changes are found on the skin of people after 65 years. But recently, young patients have increasingly turned to specialists with a problem.

There are many factors that provoke the appearance of such tumors:

  1. Age-related cellular changes.
  2. Decreased immunity, lack of vitamin A.
  3. Prolonged exposure to the sun without protection.
  4. Frequent visit to the solarium.
  5. Genetic predisposition.
  6. Constant friction of tight clothes in the same place.
  7. Exposure to the skin of poisons and chemicals.
  8. Long-term use of antibiotics without specialist supervision.
  9. Metabolic problems and imbalance of some hormones.

The list of reasons for the appearance of such formations includes environmental problems. Heavy metals from fruits and vegetables, polluted water and air lead to the accumulation of harmful substances in the body, which in the end can appear in the most unexpected way. A real enemy of skin health are today's fast-food restaurants. Carcinogens from the composition of their dishes provoke the appearance of not only acne, but also keratitis.

Are keratomas dangerous?

It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. In general, such formations are safe, since they are benign. But under certain conditions, degeneration of keratoma cells into a cancerous tumor may occur. Therefore, it is so important to timely detect a tumor on your body and carefully monitor its condition.

Urgently see a doctor if keratoma:

  • grows rapidly (the main alarm is its diameter is more than 3 cm.);
  • suddenly began to bleed without preliminary damage;
  • started to itch.

Also, the danger of the education under discussion is that often even experienced specialists cannot distinguish some of its forms from melanoma. In this case, and when dangerous symptoms appear, it is required to visit a specialist. Most likely, the patient will be recommended to remove the "growth".

Species keratom

Several types of such neoplasms are known at once. The appearance of keratoma, its growth rate, location and some other factors depend on this.


Formations of this species slowly grow and develop. First, the patient notices a small yellowish spot on the body, which eventually becomes denser and crusts with cracks. Seborrheic keratoma is usually located on the head, back, chest, shoulders. If such an education has disappeared on its own, you need to urgently visit a doctor.


It is a nodule of skin color, which has clear boundaries. The diameter of the formation does not exceed 1 cm. Most often it is localized on the head, lips, cheeks. Such keratomas usually greatly interfere with the normal functioning of the patient, as they are easy to disrupt and damage, for example, in the process of normal hair combing or morning procedures.

This is the rarest form of formations. Usually it appears only among the fair sex.

Senile or senile

Such formations appear in elderly patients and have a diameter of up to 1.7 cm. Senile keratomas are usually located on the face, hands, neck and other noticeable places.

The formations have a brownish tint and are covered with keratinized scales. Usually asymptomatic. They can degenerate into skin cancer, for example, under the constant influence of direct sunlight.


It is a dark brown tubercle with an uneven scaly coating, which is very elevated above the surface of the skin. It can be of various forms. This is the most dangerous type of keratoma, upon detection of which a removal operation is immediately prescribed.

Horny keratomas are often formed in groups, can greatly increase in size and bleed.


This is a very extensive neoplasm. It is a scaly spot with gray or brown scales, which usually does not protrude above the surface of the skin. But in diameter, each of them can exceed 5 cm.

Such keratomas are also called solar. They more often appear in men on the face and other parts of the body exposed to the sun.

Keratoma: home treatment

It is only necessary to get rid of a defect if there is a risk of its dangerous degeneration or education gives the patient inconvenience. Typically, a laser keratoma removal method is selected. This is a very effective method that allows you to completely destroy the cell formation. For a final removal, usually one session is sufficient. Keratoma is evaporated or "cut out" by a laser beam. After 8-12 days, the treated area of ​​the skin completely heals.

Much less often, the patient is prescribed keratoma treatment with various modern drugs or natural natural remedies.

With the help of drugs and ointments

To cope with the discussed education, cytostatics and acids, produced in the form of ointments, creams, solutions or emulsions, help. Their active components are, for example, trichloroacetic acid or podophylline.

Only a doctor can treat the problem area with acids. But ointments and other drugs with cytostatics can be used independently at home. For example, for this, the formation is lubricated by Podophyllinum (25%) once a day. 5-6 hours after applying the drug, it must be washed off with warm water and a mild soap. The full course of treatment is 8-10 days.

Ointments with 5% fluorouracil are applied to problem areas twice a day. Their use will significantly increase the duration of therapy. You will have to use the product for 20-30 days.

After treatment with special drugs, an ulcer often appears at the site of the lesions. In this case, it is required to additionally treat it with Lokoid or Dexamethasone in order to accelerate the healing process of the skin.

Traditional medicine recipes

Instead of the listed ready-made pharmacy products, you can use them yourself made according to folk recipes. For example, walnut balm is very effective. For its preparation, quality vegetable oil and green nuts (10 to 1) are taken. The latter are laid out in a thermos. The oil is brought to a boil and poured onto walnuts. The remedy is infused for 9-11 hours. After thorough straining, they need to wipe the problem area on the skin 2-3 times daily. The full course of treatment is 12-14 days.

The ointment from the bay leaf was also effective. It is prepared from 7-8 leaves of spice and 1 leaf of juniper. Raw materials are crushed and well mixed. To it is added 70 g of high-quality fatty butter (unsalted). 3-4 drops of lavender or fir essential oil are introduced into the product. The ointment is rubbed into the surface of the formation 1-2 times a day for a week.

A very affordable folk remedy against keratitis is fresh potatoes. The vegetable is grated with the smallest holes, after which the slurry is applied to the problem area on the skin. Top place is covered with a clean cloth made of natural material.

The “mask” is aged for at least half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm water. The procedure is repeated 1-2 times a day. The full course of treatment with such a tool is about 20 days.