The Klenzit and Klenzit-S preparations effectively fight acne and prevent the appearance of new rashes. Depending on the nature and severity of the disease, choose one of the means or combine their use.

What is the difference between the composition "Klenzit" and "Klenzit-S" from acne

Klenzit is a 0.1% gel in a 15 ml package. The main active substance in its composition is adaptale, which belongs to the class of retinoids. It is often used in the manufacture of acne remedies, since adaptal helps to relieve inflammation and eliminate rashes, dissolves existing black spots and prevents the emergence of new ones. The substance normalizes the metabolism in the dermis, reduces the number of keratinized cells that accumulate in the hair follicles, which prevents the occurrence of acne.

“Klenzit-S” for acne additionally contains an antimicrobial component - clindamycin. This substance destroys the bacteria that contribute to the occurrence of comedones and normalizes the sebaceous glands, making the habitat of bacteria less suitable for their lives. It acts as an antiseptic, relieves inflammation and removes dead skin cells, improves its protective barrier. The drug is a gel with 1 mg of adapalene and 10 mg of clindamycin in the composition.

Which acne remedy is better

If the problem is acne, increased greasiness, the presence of small comedones, then it is better to use Klenzit. He will calmly eliminate these troubles. The drug should be used if any antibiotic is taken orally.

"Klenzit-S" is suitable if there are many inflammations, redness on the skin.This tool is used for purulent rashes, which are signs of a bacterial infection.

Important! The use of Klenzit-S gel should be avoided if any antibiotic is already used.

Instructions for use

"Klenzit-S" and "Klenzit" acne gels are produced for external use. They are applied 1 time per day in the evening to clean, dry skin. A small amount is gently rubbed without affecting the lips and around the eyes. Means can cause redness, so they are applied in the evening, so that by morning the skin looked normal.

  • It is undesirable to apply "Klenzit" and "Klenzit-S" one day before appearing on the beach or in the solarium, as well as during the day after.
  • Do not use the product with sensitive, allergic skin.
  • Also do not use gels after burns or in damaged areas.

The use of funds with retinoids suggests an additional powerful hydration of the skin. A couple of times a week you need to do moisturizing face masks, and apply serum and cream every morning.

Important! When using any preparations with retinoids in the composition, the skin must be protected from the sun. Every morning, Sanskrin with a high level of SPF is required, preferably 50. For those with dark skin, 30 is enough.


The first results of the drug will be noticeable after 1 - 2 months of use. To prevent acne from returning, the minimum duration of 1 course is 3 months.

If irritation or allergies occur, discontinue treatment until the skin returns to normal. Further use is allowed only after consultation with a doctor.


This drug can be used for no more than 4 weeks. If necessary, repeat the course, but only after agreement with the doctor. Prolonged use of an antibiotic may disrupt the bacterial balance of the skin.

In case of severe inflammation and a large number of acne, it is recommended to first undergo a course of treatment with Klenzit-C, and then immediately use Klenzit gel.

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The Klenzit gel itself is an Indian analogue of the European acne medicine Differin. However, there are other drugs with a similar principle of action or the same active substance in the composition.

Analogs of "Klenzita":

  1. Retinoic ointment is an inexpensive analogue of Klenzit. As part of another substance - isotretinoin. Available in the form of ointment 0.05% or 0.1%. May cause other side effects. It costs 250 - 300 p. An ointment with a higher concentration will cost more.
  2. “Videstim” is a cheap analogue with retinol in the composition. The dosage of the substance is 0.5%. It is not allowed to use in case of an overdose of vitamin A or sensitive skin. Price 100 - 200 p. depending on the size of the tube.
  3. "Adaklin" - contains 1 mg adapalene. It is produced in the form of a cream in a tube of 30 ml. Apply in the same way as Klenzit. The cost of 500 - 550 p.

Analogs of "Klenzita-S":

  1. Effezel. Contains adapalene and benzoyl peroxide (antibiotic). It acts in much the same way as Klenzit-S. Price 1000 - 1300 p.
  2. "Azelik" - a gel containing azelaic acid in the composition. Reduces oily skin and evens complexion. The cost of 300 - 500 p. depending on the size of the package.
  3. “Baziron AS” - contains benzoyl peroxide. Destroys harmful bacteria and reduces skin greasiness, relieves inflammation. Price 750 - 800 p.

Before using "Klenzita" and "Klenzita-S" it is necessary to consult a doctor to exclude the likelihood of side effects and an allergic reaction. With proper use of drugs, acne will pass and will not return.