The names of round flour products are so diverse and multinational that they can be listed indefinitely. Russian cuisine was glorified not only by pancakes and pancakes, but also by magnificent cakes on kefir in a pan. This is the most win-win option for a quick, satisfying, appetizing meal.

Features of the preparation of kefir dough for tortillas

To get a quality dish, we need, first of all, a fresh kefir dough for flat cakes. The technological process is very simple, but requiring attention.

Features of the preparation of dough on kefir:

  • For the production of magnificent bakery products, we use exclusively the highest quality flour. In its absence, you can add a handful of starch or semolina.
  • Before use, the bulk product must be sieved several times to remove foreign matter and saturate the flour with oxygen.
  • To make the dough of better quality, we are sure to arrange a short “rest” for it.
  • Do not abuse the amount of flour. Exceeding the limit specified in the recipe will make the product “clogged”, and cakes - less lush and tasty. These indicators do not depend on the amount of bulk component, but on the composition of the ingredients used.
  • It is not necessary to extinguish soda, but it must be thoroughly mixed with flour.

Kefir dough for flat cakes in a pan is prepared quickly and easily. The range of muffins is very diverse, so we will consider several options for preparing delicious products.

A simple recipe for tortillas in a cheese pan

Airy dough, a pleasant brackish-sour taste of cheese, the aroma of fresh herbs - these are the main components of crispy fried flat cakes.

Ingredients Composition:

  • Suluguni or Mozzarella cheese - 300 g;
  • kefir - 160 ml;
  • salt - 3 g;
  • sifted flour - 260 g;
  • soda - 6 g;
  • butter;
  • greens, pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift flour into the bowl, add soda and salt. We mix everything well, form a hill with a small indentation in the middle.
  2. Pour portions of slightly heated natural kefir, combine with the flour composition, make a batch of soft, non-sticky dough. We beat it a little on the table for better gluten formation. This is a well-known culinary technique in which the product does not remain on hand, but in fried products. Give the test half an hour to "rest" under a towel.
  3. For the filling, it is best to use young cheese ("Adygea") or "Mozzarella". Add chopped greens (arrows of green onions, dill and parsley) into the medium-grated chips, add everything carefully.
  4. We form cakes. To do this, we form small balls from a common kolobok, roll them in the form of round products with a diameter of up to 20 cm. We spread part of the filling in the middle. The dimensions of the cheese component and the dough ball should be approximately equal.
  5. We collect the edges of the crust up above the filling, pinch it tightly and carefully roll it out. Then turn it over. We continue to reduce the thickness of the reservoir until the greens begin to appear through a thin layer of dough.
  6. We pierce the surface of the tortilla with a fork in several places, fry until brown on both sides. You can do this in a dry and very hot pan or with a small amount of fat.

Thickly grease the hot cakes with cheese and homemade butter and spread on a dish in a neat pile. It is simply impossible to break away from this dish!

With minced meat

We continue to positively irritate our taste buds with the following masterpieces of delicious cakes, but with minced meat.

Grocery list:

  • small onion;
  • flour (preferably of the highest grade) - 260 g;
  • fresh kefir (fat content 2%) - 30 ml;
  • soda, salt - 1 tsp;
  • minced meat - 600 g;
  • pepper, dill.

Order of preparation:

  1. Pour soda into kefir at room temperature, mix slowly until a foamy “cap” appears.
  2. We collect the sifted flour in a low slide, slightly push the middle to the sides, pour in the sour-milk composition. Knead a lush, hand-pleasing dough. We beat it off a bit, then leave it for half an hour under the fabric to “rest” from our manipulations.
  3. We get the minced meat made from pork and beef. The ratio of products is 1: 2. The composition can be combined from other types of meat according to our own preferences.
  4. Grind a small peeled onion, add to the mass along with chopped dill, pepper and salt. Stir the minced meat thoroughly.
  5. Cut the dough into pieces, form small cakes. We spread the meat filling on them, connect the ends of the round donuts, roll out in the same order as we did in the previous recipe.
  6. You can slightly change the way the design of cakes. We divide the dough into parts, form thin rectangular sheets from them, and grease with a meat layer. We wrap the layers with rolls, cut each of them into 4 parts, roll it thinly. Fry products in a pan in oil.

Once again, we process the finished cakes with butter and enjoy the amazing taste of a hot dish.

With chicken

Now we will prepare a universal dough in which you can place almost any filling. For example, chicken.

Necessary components:

  • high-quality kefir - 600 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • flour - 900 g;
  • sugar, salt - 40 g each;
  • cheese - 250 g;
  • boiled chicken breast;
  • baking powder bag;
  • pepper, greens.

Stages of preparation:

  1. Sift into a spacious bowl about 2/3 of the total amount of flour. Introduce white sugar to neutralize some of the sourness of the dairy product. Add baking powder and salt.We connect the components, then put the egg, butter and kefir to them.
  2. Mix everything with a spoon, adding portions of flour. When the mass is thickened, we already knead soft dough with our hands. We make a ball out of it, cover it with a film and leave it for forty minutes alone.
  3. Cut the cooled chicken breast into small cubes, combine with grated cheese and chopped herbs. Salt and pepper the composition.
  4. Separate small pieces from the total mass of the dough, form buns from them, which we roll out in the form of squares.
  5. We spread the filling on the blanks, alternately connect the opposite ends, we get a kind of envelope. We roll out the products in a known manner, fry them to a beautiful rosy.

Cooked tortillas with chicken will make a “tasty” company for a cup of coffee or tea, will be a wonderful breakfast or a full dinner.

Lush cakes on kefir in a pan

For lovers of air baking, we also have a recipe for delicious lush cakes - a great alternative to fresh bread.

Product Set:

  • homemade sour cream - 50 g;
  • egg;
  • salt - 10 g;
  • sifted flour - up to 700 g;
  • kefir of any fat content - 450 ml;
  • baking soda - 12 g;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml.

All products are preliminarily taken out of the refrigerator, so that by the time of use they have acquired the room temperature.

Features of the preparation:

  1. Pour kefir into a spacious dish, add sour cream, soda, salt and oil to it, drive in an egg. After placing the next component, be sure to mix the composition with a whisk.
  2. Next, sift portions of flour, continuing the movement of products inside the bowl. When the mass becomes very thick, we “connect” the hands to the work. We knead the elastic dough already on the table, gently and gently knead the lush product. We form it into a ball, cover it with a towel and leave it for half an hour in this state.
  3. Divide the dough into several large pieces, roll out circles of them up to 5 cm thick. We spread each product in a well-heated pan with a small amount of vegetable oil.
  4. Fry the cakes in a closed form, turning over as a crispy crust is formed. It is in such conditions that the dough rises well, becomes appetizingly porous and crispy.

Break off a piece of lush cake, dip in aromatic honey, fresh homemade sour cream or thick jam. We send it into our mouth and enjoy the taste of this indescribably delicious meal!

Cooking with ham

You can create a small culinary masterpiece in a matter of minutes - just fry for breakfast luxurious cheese cakes with kefir stuffed with ham.

A similar recipe:cheese cakes

Required Components:

  • Russian cheese - 200 g;
  • natural kefir - 400 ml;
  • flour - 400 g;
  • butter (lean and cream) - 90 ml;
  • salt (20 g) and soda (30 g);
  • ham - 250 g

Cooking Method:

  1. Dissolve the soda in kefir, add salt, sift a little flour. By the way, instead of sodium bicarbonate, you can use fast yeast diluted in milk. The cakes on the resulting dough remain the same lush and soft the next day, and when they are warmed up in a frying pan, they look like they were just baked!
  2. We work with a whisk, connecting products to the consistency of liquid sour cream. Then add the small cheese chips and 2 tbsp. l vegetable oil. We continue kneading, adding portions of unused flour, and we get a soft and elastic dough. We form a ball out of it, which we leave under a waffle towel.
  3. Grind the ham on a coarse grater.
  4. Once again, we crush the dough, divide it into an equal number of servings, and then everything, as always. We roll out small circles from the balls, lay out the ham filling, connect the edges of the crumpets and use a rolling pin to give the products a flat shape.

Fry the cakes with ham until they are rosy, thickly grease the muffin with butter and - served!

With boiled sausage

In order not to frighten children with immense sandwiches, as from the TV show “Dad can!”, We will pack fresh sausage in a delicious cake.Any schoolgirl and her caring parent will be happy to eat such buns.

Product Composition:

  • grated cheese - a glass;
  • salt, ordinary sugar, soda - ½ tsp;
  • kefir - 250 g;
  • cooked sausage - 300 g;
  • flour - 260 g.

Cooking method:

  1. In a bowl we combine kefir with white sugar, soda and salt. Well interfere with the composition. After about three minutes, add the sifted flour and coarsely grated cheese. We make a batch of tender and elastic dough. We cover it with a cloth, leave it for half an hour to “enjoy” peace.
  2. We divide the product into small koloboks. Roll out each ball, lay out the filling from the sausage cut into thin strips or cubes. We pinch the edges of the crumpets and give the products a flat shape.
  3. If the family loves air buns, we use more dough and sausages for each serving, we roll out the crumpets not very much. Cooking cakes in a covered pan over medium heat.
  4. For lovers of crispy food we form thin circles from koloboks. After placing the filling and connecting the edges of the crust, we work with a rolling pin until we get products of the minimum thickness.

Flavor the food with butter and serve.

Cheese cakes with kefir and mushrooms

The filling of fried fresh champignons will make the meal hearty and especially aromatic.

List of ingredients:

  • lean oil - 100 ml;
  • ordinary sugar, salt, soda - ½ tsp;
  • cheese (ripe, hard) - 400 g;
  • flour (preferably wheat) - from 700 g;
  • bulb;
  • fresh mushrooms - 300 g;
  • kefir - 500 ml;
  • turkey ham - 300 g;

Order of preparation:

  1. First of all, let's take a test. Pour the fermented milk product into the bowl, pour soda, sugar and salt, mix the mixture. After the appearance of the reaction in the form of many bubbles, sift half the amount of flour.
  2. Coarsely rub the cheese, put it into a semi-liquid composition, then, adding small portions of flour, make a batch of elastic dough. As always, give him half an hour to "rest."
  3. In the meantime, prepare the filling. We peel the onion, finely chop, passer in oil. Rinse mushrooms, blot with napkins, cut into small pieces, add to the pan, fry until golden brown. We attach to the cooled composition the finely chopped turkey ham.
  4. Next, roll out several dumplings from the dough, place the filling, form cheese cakes stuffed with mushrooms. Fry the products until crispy.

Serve hot rosy pastries with fresh herbs. In the Caucasus, they are sure that the secret of longevity lies in the edible herbs.

Sweet Fried Tortillas

But the secret of a good and joyful mood is provided by sweet food. The pleasure delivered from her gives a feeling of peace and happiness.

The list of components:

  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • egg;
  • regular sugar - 80 g;
  • sifted flour - 400 g;
  • fresh kefir - 250 g;
  • vanillin;
  • baking soda, salt - up to 4 g.


  1. We drive an egg into a spacious bowl, add salt, sugar, baking soda, vanillin and oil to it. Thoroughly mix the products so that all components make up a homogeneous mass.
  2. Now pour the kefir and, continuing to work with a spoon, pour in portions previously sifted flour. When the dough becomes quite thick, we make the final batch with our hands. We form a ball, place it in a film, leave it in the refrigerator for several hours.
  3. We get our workpiece and cut it into the required number of parts. Roll out the oblong-shaped crumpets and fry them on average, turning over as an almost brown crust forms.

Hot muffin for tea turned out amazing - sweet, layered, appetizing crunchy.

It is worth trying kefir cakes fried in a pan once, so that the next time you think of quickly getting a luxurious muffin, you can choose any of the delicious recipes presented.