You can argue endlessly about the benefits and dangers of semolina, but from this cereal from this cereal will not become less beloved by children and adults. Her successful recipes are passed down from generation to generation and are constantly being improved. And it will not be difficult for a novice housewife to make delicious semolina porridge. Recipes of this dish, which are especially popular among culinary specialists, are published later.

How to cook semolina porridge in milk?

As a rule, fat cow's milk is chosen as the basis for the discussed porridge.

It takes 1 full glass. The remaining ingredients: 7 teaspoons semolina, 1 teaspoon white sugar, a pinch of salt.

  1. First, a little water is poured into the saucepan. So that the liquid just covers the bottom of the tank. Milk spills from above.
  2. When the liquid begins to cover with the first bubbles (a sign of boiling), it can be salted, sweetened, and covered with cereal. Do this with a fine, neat stream and do not forget about the continuous stirring.
  3. When the milk boils again, the fire decreases to the lower limit, and the dish is cooked for 5-6 minutes.

Already in a bowl porridge is seasoned with melted butter.

More materials:semolina porridge in milk

How much time to cook?

It is very important to use non-stick or enameled dishes for cooking such a dish. As soon as the liquid boils after adding the cereal, it is aged on the stove for 2 to 6 minutes.


It all depends on the intensity of heating and on which treat which consistency is planned to be obtained in the end. It is advisable to let the finished dish brew for another 10-12 minutes under the lid and only then try it.

Approximate proportions of milk and semolina

In the preparation of such porridge, the proportions of milk and semolina may be different.They depend on how thick you want to get the dish. The generally accepted ratio is 7 teaspoons of cereal per glass of liquid.

If the dish is prepared for kids, then it should turn out to be liquidish. In this case, the proportions of liquid and cereals are 10 to 1.

On the water without lumps

Even on the basis of ordinary filtered water, you can cook tasty treats without lumps. Ingredients: 370 ml of liquid, 35 g of semolina, a pinch of fine salt, 45 g of sugar, 30 g of fatty butter.

More materials:how to cook semolina porridge in the water

  1. A little trick - for the uniformity of the dish, the cereal is soaked in ordinary cold water for 20 minutes before cooking.
  2. When the semolina swells, the water drains along with the smallest litter.
  3. The cereal is transferred to a stainless container, filled with the amount of water specified in the recipe and put on fire.
  4. After boiling the mass, the fire decreases, the remaining dry components fall asleep. The dish is prepared with continuous stirring for 8-9 minutes.

After adding oil, the cooked porridge will be infused in a sealed container for 10-12 minutes.

Semolina porridge in a slow cooker

Interestingly, it is the “smart pot” that allows you to cook the perfect semolina. In it, the treat is obtained without lumps - it does not collapse and does not stick together. As a basis, you can use both cow's milk and plain water.

Milk recipe

Ingredients: half a glass (measured multi-cooked) semolina, 3 same glasses of milk, 1 glass of water, 3 dessert spoons of white sugar, 70 g of fatty butter, a pinch of salt.

  1. All dry ingredients are immediately poured into the device's container.
  2. Liquid components from the recipe pour out from above.
  3. Butter is slightly smeared over the capacity of the device. Leftovers are thrown into the foundation of future porridge.
  4. In extinguishing mode, the treat will languish for half an hour under the lid. From time to time, the contents of the container are mixed.

When the semolina becomes the desired consistency, you can lay it out and serve with fresh berries.

How to cook on water?

Ingredients: 240 g of semolina, 6 cups of filtered water, 2 teaspoons of dried cream, a tablespoon of granulated sugar, a slice of butter, any fruit or berry additives.

  1. The sides and bottom of the appliance bowl are well smeared with a little melted butter.
  2. From above, cereal is poured into the container and poured with a portion of non-cold purified water.
  3. After adding dry ingredients from the recipe, all products mix well.
  4. In the "Porridge" mode, the dish is cooked for 12-14 minutes. At the very end of the process, you can fill in pieces of selected berries and fruits in food.

It remains to spread the porridge in portions and serve hot.

How to cook in milk and water?

To turn such a porridge into a real dessert, it is worth adding fresh or frozen strawberries to it. She is taken a pound. The remaining ingredients: half a liter of fat milk and filtered water, 180 g of granulated sugar (you can take brown).

  1. The cereal is poured into an already boiling liquid. First, the mass is left on low heat for 3-4 minutes. This does not stop stirring.
  2. Then the container is tightly covered with a lid, the gas turns off. Porridge will be infused to the desired consistency.
  3. Sugar is ground with fresh or thawed berries. The easiest way to beat the mass with a special nozzle blender.
  4. The already prepared porridge, laid out on portioned plates, is poured with a strawberry sweet mixture.

The treat is served warm.

Microwave recipe

This is a simplified recipe that is perfect for those who do not have access to a gas stove or want to cook a harmless breakfast in minutes. No special device mode is required. It will be enough to include the usual heating at maximum power of the device. Ingredients: 1 cup of fat cow's milk, 40 ml of boiled water, 3 tablespoons of semolina, a pinch of vanillin, 3-4 teaspoons of sugar, 30 g of butter, additives in the form of chocolate or nuts.

  1. First, butter is laid out in a suitable for heating in a microwave bowl.
  2. All dry components from the recipe pour out from above and mix. It is important to choose high-quality semolina with plain cream grains. And if necessary, wash even the smallest garbage out of them.
  3. Milk, ideally, take homemade. It is brought to a boil in a separate bowl and only after that it is poured onto the resulting dry mixture.
  4. First porridge is cooked for 5-6 minutes. Further, the components of the dish mix well, and cooking continues as much.

It remains to flavor your favorite nuts and melted chocolate.

Semolina porridge: benefits and harms

If a couple of decades ago, liquid semolina was used even for feeding babies from birth instead of breast milk. No one even thought that it could be harmful.

In fact, using the dish in question is useful for problems with the digestive tract. A viscous substance envelops the intestines and heals cracks in it. True, for this effect, it must be prepared fresh and on the water. Also semolina is able to saturate a person with energy for a long time, protect him from depression and stress.

As for harm, semolina, like any starchy product, is harmful to people suffering from ailments of the respiratory system. It helps to increase the amount of mucus in the lungs.


In addition, such a dish does not fully absorb calcium. That is why it is not recommended for children under 2 years of age.