Many do not know why they are prescribing the remedy, and why the Levomekol ointment helps. This homogeneous mass of dense texture of snow-white or slightly yellowish color perfectly heals wounds, bedsores, burns and other injuries. When the drug is applied to the skin, under the influence of the human body temperature, its characteristics change: it becomes more liquid and easily penetrates the tissues, providing a therapeutic local effect.

Drug Overview

This ointment should be made in your home medicine cabinet, as it has almost no side effects and has a wide range of uses. Shelf life is 3 years.

The composition of the drug:

  • chloramphenicol - a substance with strong antibacterial properties;
  • methyluracil - a component that promotes the regeneration and increase of local immunity;
  • polyethylene oxides - auxiliary ingredients that facilitate the penetration of active substances into;
  • purified water.

The tool removes inflammation, kills pathogenic bacteria, stimulates the body's defenses, accelerates healing and normalizes metabolism in the damaged area.

The drug has practically no contraindications. Of the cases requiring special attention, fungal skin lesions, psoriasis, hypersensitivity or an allergic reaction to one of the constituent ingredients are distinguished. Before use, you need to check if there is an allergy by applying the product on the elbow bend from the inside.

If the drug gets into the mouth, throat or eyes, it must be thoroughly rinsed with running water. In case of accidental ingestion, the victim must drink a sorbent and seek medical advice.

There are no age restrictions, however, children under 3 years of age can be treated with ointment only with the consent of a doctor. The same applies to pregnant and lactating women. Active substances act locally and do not enter, therefore, they are unlikely to cause harm to the fetus or penetrate into milk, but medical supervision will not be superfluous.

What helps ointment Levomekol

The spectrum of action of the ointment is wide enough.

It is used in such cases:

  • diaper rash;
  • severe burns;
  • frostbite;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • bedsores and necrosis;
  • postoperative sutures;
  • purulent diseases of the ears and nose;
  • insect and animal bites;
  • postpartum wounds;
  • certain types of eczema;
  • purulent wounds;
  • thrush, vulvitis, gonorrhea;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • suppuration of the skin, acne, boils, carbuncles;
  • trophic ulcers;

The ointment is effective even with a strong secretion of pus and exudate. The duration of the ointment is about a day, so sometimes even one dressing per day is enough.

The technique of the procedure depends on the nature of the damage.

Instructions for use look like this:

  • For minor injuries, the ointment is applied evenly to the affected area every 12 hours, then covered with a bandage or gauze. The duration of treatment is a week, further use is possible only on the advice of a doctor.
  • Deep wounds with pus are filled with homemade cotton swabs and gauze soaked in ointment, previously heated to a liquid state. Top damage is covered with a bandage. Tampons need to be changed every 5 to 6 hours, as they are quickly saturated with purulent exudate.
  • In the case of punctured, deep and narrow cuts and wounds, the ointment is injected inside with a syringe, after removing the needle, and a long rubber tube.
  • Mild eczema, boils, acne do not require the use of fixing dressings: the drug is applied directly to the skin with light movements.

For sinusitis, it is recommended to insert cotton tows lubricated with Levomekol into the nasal passages. The same applies to severe cases of otitis media with the release of pus.

How to effectively apply in gynecology

Use the drug to treat "female" problems is permissible only on the advice of a doctor, as the manufacturer does not indicate that this tool can be used in gynecology.

This anti-inflammatory ointment is most often prescribed for the treatment of various kinds of injuries after a difficult birth, tears, cracks, postoperative sutures, as well as in the treatment of various "female" diseases of bacterial origin.

Features of use:

  1. Wash thoroughly with soap for intimate hygiene.
  2. Spread the ointment evenly on a homemade swab and insert it inside. Since cotton wool and gauze are quickly saturated with secretions, they must be removed in a timely manner - after 7 - 8 hours. It is most convenient to do the procedure before going to bed.
  3. Remove the swab and wash. The frequency of procedures is once a day.

Sometimes, on the advice of a doctor, a warm liquid ointment is injected with a syringe directly into the wound area.

With thrush and cervical erosion, you need to use the product carefully. The drug heals erosive areas well, however, in exceptional cases, methyluracil can cause the development of a tumor. In the case of thrush, it is better not to use tampons as a treatment method, but to use the product in a different way.

With hemorrhoids

You can use Levomekol ointment for hemorrhoids. It is often recommended by proctologists as a relatively safe tool in the treatment of the disease in the early stages and in cases of complications. Inflamed hemorrhoid cones give the patient a lot of inconvenience and threaten his health, because, getting on wounds and cracks, excrement can provoke an infection.

The active substances that make up the ointment destroy pathogens, stimulate local immune defense, heal damage, and prevent further complications.

The method of application is simple: after washing, the product is applied to the cones and covered with a gauze cloth, so that the mass is not absorbed into the underwear. You can simply attach gauze to the anus, folded in 4 to 5 layers and generously lubricated with the drug. It is very convenient to do at night. The course of treatment is approximately 1.5 weeks.

If there are cracks in the anus, one application will not be enough. In such cases, the ointment needs to be heated to a pleasant warmth so that it becomes liquid, a swab is made, dipped in a warm mass and carefully inserted inside. The procedure is enough to do once every 24 hours.

Of course, it is impossible to completely get rid of hemorrhoids with the help of Levomekol, however, as a component of complex therapy, this drug deserves special attention. He eliminates unpleasant symptoms quite quickly. However, you can not use the ointment for a long time, as this can provoke the appearance of side effects. Therefore, after improvement, the doctor often prescribes other drugs so that there is no addiction.

Acne Use

The active substances of the ointment accelerate the healing of acne, prevent scarring, normalize the nutrition and blood supply to the skin. But you should not constantly use the tool for this purpose, since it contains an antibiotic that, when overused, loses its effectiveness and causes a lot of negative reactions.

This tool is considered an emergency method of restoring normal skin condition. Acne must be treated “from the inside”, looking for the real cause of persistent inflammation and rashes.


  1. Wipe the skin with an antiseptic.
  2. Apply ointment to problem areas precisely. To prevent the mass from spreading, you can use a thin gauze napkin.
  3. Into deep internal acne, comedones and boils, administer the drug with a sterile syringe.

"Levomekol" is sometimes used to remove spots from acne. To do this, lightly smear the face with the product and leave for half an hour. The residues are removed with a paper towel, and the skin is washed with a decoction of medicinal herbs.

Which is better, Levomekol or Vishnevsky ointment

Doctors often prescribe these drugs to treat all sorts of wounds and skin lesions. To understand which of them is better, you must first understand how these tools differ.

  • Levomekol is an antibacterial drug with a rather pleasant smell.
  • Vishnevsky ointment is an antiseptic with a pronounced specific aroma of tar.

For this banal reason, many prefer to turn to the first option.

In the treatment of severe skin lesions and, if necessary, a quick therapeutic effect, it is better to use Levomekol, since an antibiotic is present in it. Liniment Vishnevsky is recommended for use in non-extensive purulent processes that do not require emergency therapy.

Both drugs have an affordable price and a wide range of uses, so they should take their rightful place in a home medicine cabinet.