Is it necessary to pay expensive when buying a quality hemorrhoid ointment? There are inexpensive and effective drugs in any pharmacy, you just need to know which one you should ask your pharmacist.

How to choose an effective ointment for hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids - a very insidious disease, indiscriminate by gender. Both women and men face this delicate but very serious illness in about the same percentage of cases. Discomfort in the anal area, itching, pain, bleeding, prolapse of nodes - these symptoms quickly develop in a similar order, significantly worsening the general well-being of the patient and threatening with serious complications. There are two types of disease - acute and chronic.

Acute hemorrhoids occur in several stages:

  • the nodes become inflamed, become cyanotic, pain on palpation occurs;
  • tissue adjacent to hemorrhoidal nodes becomes inflamed;
  • necrosis develops - the nodes begin to blacken.

In chronic hemorrhoids, the following stages:

  • nodes do not fall out, but bleeding is observed;
  • the nodes tend to fall out during bowel movements, but after the process is completed they retract independently;
  • nodes can be adjusted only by hand;
  • prolapse occurs with minimal physical exertion up to sneezing, thrombosis develops, hospital treatment is required.

External antihemorrhoidal agents, which include ointments, are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids of both types of the first and second degree, as well as in the complex treatment of the disease.

For men

There are a huge number of ointments designed as antihemorrhoidal drugs, as well as multi-purpose drugs effective for this disease. It is advisable to entrust the appointment with a specialist, in this case, a proctologist or coloproctologist.

For women

There is no fundamental difference, for men or for women, an ointment against hemorrhoids is selected. The only reservation, but very significant, is that some drugs may have contraindications during pregnancy and breastfeeding. For the appointment of a suitable drug should contact a proctologist or phlebologist. During pregnancy, a gynecologist can give important recommendations for the prevention of hemorrhoids and their treatment (although this disease is not the responsibility of this doctor).

Inexpensive and effective ointments

There are several types of ointments, each of which is most appropriate to use at different stages of the disease progression.

From external hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids is characterized by the location of nodes around the anus, outside the rectum. At the developmental stage, the main task that the ointment from external hemorrhoids should perform is the removal of edema, inflammation and the elimination of itching. Many of these ointments contain anesthetics to relieve pain and substances that promote regeneration and damaged tissues. It is advisable to use ointments with blood-thinning components for the resorption of blood clots already existing and for the prevention of new ones.

The most affordable and effective ointments in this case are Heparin, Troxevasin.

With hemorrhoids

If hemorrhoids is characterized by the development of internal nodes, it is more advisable to use rectal suppositories, but ointments have also proven themselves well. They relieve swelling, pain, eliminate itching.

With hemorrhoids and cracks

When hemorrhoids manifest themselves by the appearance of cracks and bleeding, it is worth paying attention to those ointments that act in combination: they narrow the blood vessels, relieve inflammation, and have anesthetic and venotonic effects.

Ointments for hemorrhoids: description and application

Therapy with hemorrhoid ointments has its own characteristics. Before using the product, you should try to empty the intestines and hygiene the anal area using cool water and soap. Then dry the crotch with a soft cloth. With hemorrhoids of the external type, the ointment is applied to the affected tissue with a thin layer. With internal hemorrhoids - injected into the rectum using an applicator, cotton swab or finger. Apply 2-3 times a day after each act of defecation. With the disappearance of symptoms, therapy is continued for the recommended time once a day. The most popular remedies for hemorrhoids in the form of ointments are discussed below.


Troxevasin ointment is most effective in getting rid of external hemorrhoids. The active substance is troxerutin, which is characterized by venoprotective and venotonic effects. Troxevasin has a beneficial effect on the state of the walls of blood vessels, making them stronger and more elastic. Additionally, there are anti-inflammatory and decongestant actions, itching is relieved. The cost of ointment - from 180 rubles

Hepatrombin G

Thanks to the heparin sodium, prednisolone acetate and lauromacrogol 600 that are part of Hepatrombin G, the drug has a complex effect: venosclerosing, antithrombotic, antipruritic, local anesthetic, decongestant and anti-inflammatory. It is used both for external and internal type of hemorrhoids. The cost of the ointment is about 170 rubles.

Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids

It has long been proven, heparin ointment with hemorrhoids has a local analgesic and anticoagulant effect.The main active substances of the drug are heparin and benzocaine. The use is advisable both for external and chronic internal hemorrhoids. The cost of heparin ointment is about 30 rubles per tube of 25 grams.

Chinese ointment

The composition of the drug includes natural musk. Chinese ointment is designed to relieve hemorrhoidal inflammation, eliminate burning sensation, has decongestant and analgesic effects. Effective at the initial stage of the disease. The cost is about 600 rubles.


Proctosan ointment is intended for an integrated approach in the treatment of hemorrhoids. Its composition is bismuth subgallate, bufexamak, lidocaine and titanium dioxide. Effects of the use of the drug: anti-inflammatory, astringent, wound healing, anesthetic. Helps with cracks, hemorrhoids 1 and 2 degrees. The average cost in pharmacies is 350 rubles.


Bezornil belongs to the group of drugs that are equally effective at any stage of hemorrhoids. The composition of Bezornil includes: borneol, amber, zinc, musk, pearls, bezoar. The drug has a complex effect, providing anti-inflammatory, decongestant, healing effect. It is dispensed without a prescription from any pharmacies, the cost is approximately 390 rubles.

Vishnevsky ointment for hemorrhoids

Everything has been heard about Vishnevsky ointment: this remedy is used for many diseases, including hemorrhoids. Due to the active components - birch tar, castor oil and xeroform, Vishnevsky ointment reduces inflammation, accelerates tissue regeneration. One of the cheapest means of a similar series: only about 45 rubles.


Hirudoproct ointment is designed specifically for the treatment of hemorrhoids as a homeopathic remedy. It contains extracts of leeches, horse chestnuts, fruits of sea buckthorn and methyluracil. Due to this, the ointment has analgesic and antipruritic effects, promotes tissue regeneration, healing of anal fissures. The cost of Hirudoproct is 130 rubles (average price).

Fleming Ointment

Another effective remedy for the homeopathic series is Fleming's ointment. Its composition is plant extracts (calendula, witch hazel, menthol) and zinc oxide. The product relieves inflammation, promotes healing of cracks, dries and quickly eliminates itching. There is an ointment about 320 rubles.

Heparoid Zentiva

Heparinoid ointment has a complex composition, the main active substance is similar to the name of the drug (heparinoid). Ointment has pronounced antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory effects. The cost of the drug in pharmacies in Russia is about 165 rubles.


Each gram of Posterisan ointment contains about 500000000 Escherichia coli bacteria cells and 2.5 milligrams of hydrocortisone, which provides a powerful effect in strengthening immunity (general and local), as well as antipruritic, anti-inflammatory effect. Posterizan is released - the ointment from pharmacies is non-prescription, the cost is about 300 rubles per tube.


Aurobin ointment is equally effective for external and internal types of hemorrhoids. In its composition, such components as: Prednisolone, lidocaine, Dexpanthenol. It has a combined drug effect, eliminating the symptoms of hemorrhoids, contributing to the speedy tissue regeneration. The cost in pharmacies is about 300 rubles.

Hemorrhoids ointment Relief Ultra, Relief Advance

If you need an effective ointment for hemorrhoids, you should pay attention to Relief (Ultra and Advance). It contains benzocaine and shark liver oil, which provide a quick result at the initial stage of the disease. The cost of ointments: Advance - 400-420 rubles, Ultra - 480-490 rubles.


In its composition, Proctosedil has benzocaine, hydrocortisone, framycetin and heparin. Providing a complex effect in hemorrhoids, the ointment allows you to quickly remove the symptoms of the disease. The cost in pharmacies is within 350 rubles.


Created as a regenerating ointment for various skin diseases, Levomekol showed itself well in the treatment of hemorrhoids. The active substance of the drug is dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidini chloramphenicol. The ointment acts against inflammation, heals cracks, and has an anti-pyogenic effect. Very affordable - just over 100 rubles per tube.


Ichthyol ointment has antiseptic, regenerating and analgesic effects due to the composition of ichthammol, polyethylene glycol and petrolatum. The cost of the drug is not more than 50 rubles with over-the-counter leave from pharmacies.

Hemorrhoid ointments during pregnancy

During pregnancy, hemorrhoids become a problem for many expectant mothers. However, the delicate position does not allow the use of most medicines because of the possible toxic effects on the fetus. Therefore, taking pills and rectal suppositories is not the most suitable treatment option.

There are a fairly large number of hemorrhoids ointments that are harmless to expectant mothers, as they are applied topically and do not enter the esophagus or the bloodstream. Among them, inexpensive and high-quality - Vishnevsky and Fleming, Ichthyol, Heparin, Troxevasin.

Before choosing an ointment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, it is worth consulting with a gynecologist. Hemorrhoids - a disease that not everyone can talk about even with their doctor. But treatment cannot be delayed, since complications of the disease have a serious consequence for the whole organism! Hemorrhoidal ointments are a good and reliable tool with minimal side effects, which allows you to quickly forget about unpleasant symptoms.