The cough can be relieved by the inexpensive and natural preparation Mukaltin, the instructions for use of which are simple and understandable. Cough - a protective reaction of the body to the ingestion of foreign bodies, pathological organisms and bacteria into the lungs and bronchi. This is just one of the symptoms of the disease, with the help of which the body tries to get rid of germs. Expectorants are designed specifically to make discharge more comfortable and speed recovery.

Composition of Cough Pills

Externally, these cough tablets look like small circles with dark spots in the form of numerous dots. The range of colors can be different, most often it is a mixture of brownish, gray, brown and greenish colors. In the mouth, they tweak a little and have a sour taste.


  • extract (extract) of the medicinal marshmallow;
  • aspartame;
  • wine acid;
  • magnesium carbonate and others.

The main active ingredient is marshmallow extract, which has long been used by people to treat respiratory diseases.

Pharmacological properties, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

In medicine, the roots, seeds, leaves and inflorescences of the marshmallow are used. The root of the plant is popularly called “mucus-grass” because of its strong enveloping properties.

This plant is known for its positive effect on the functioning of the bronchi: it stimulates the work of the ciliated epithelium and peristalsis of the bronchioles. As a result of this, the secretion secreted by the bronchial glands during coughing becomes less concentrated, therefore it is much easier to cough.

Additional components make the discharge less viscous, turning a dry cough into a wet one.

This is good because the discharge does not stagnate in the respiratory system, but is promptly excreted. After all, stagnant sputum becomes an excellent medium for the propagation of harmful microbes.

But a pronounced expectorant effect is not the only advantage of the medicine. The drug has a strong anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect and forms a thin protective film on the inflamed and damaged mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. This layer persists for a rather long time, helping to reduce inflammation and faster tissue repair.

What is Mukaltin prescribed for?

The list of diseases for which this drug is prescribed is quite extensive:

  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • all types of bronchitis;
  • pneumoconiosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • pneumonia;
  • pharyngitis and laryngitis;
  • tracheitis.

These tablets are recommended for all diseases of the respiratory system, accompanied by the formation of viscous, difficult to separate sputum. They act locally.

The product is dispensed in a pharmacy without a prescription in paper or PVC packaging of 10 tablets or in plastic containers with special caps of 30 or 50 pieces. Manufacturing countries - Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine.

With which, dry or wet cough, take the drug

Many do not know with what cough to take this medicine. This drug is universal. It helps to make a dry cough productive, while a wet one softens it, making it easier to remove sputum.

You need to understand that "Mukaltin" is not a cough treatment, but rather an assistant. But as part of complex therapy, he undoubtedly plays a role, alleviating symptoms and removing phlegm. In neglected cases, it is difficult to achieve a positive effect from taking Mukaltin, but at the initial stage it helps to prevent the transition of the disease to a complicated form.

Instructions for use Mucaltin for children and adults

These pills are good because they do not need to be swallowed. Swallowing tablets and capsules for many children and adults is becoming a real problem. Mukaltin simply dissolve until completely dissolved. If desired, the medicine can simply be crushed to a powder state and drunk with a glass of water.

So how to take pills? The standard schedule of admission is 3-4 times a day for 40-50 minutes. before eating. An adult can drink 1 to 2 tablets at a time.

There is no consensus on the minimum age for admission: some companies indicate that children can only drink the drug from 3 years old, others from 12 months old. Therefore, in such cases, the advisability of taking Mukaltin should be discussed with the doctor.

Mukaltin is recommended for children aged 3 to 12 to drink 1 pc. three times a day every 4 hours. Children from a year, as a rule, are prescribed 0.5 pcs. It is advisable to crush the child’s medicine and dilute it in a third of a glass of juice or compote. The tablets have a specific grassy taste with acid, which the baby may not like.

In order for the remedy to work to its maximum efficiency, it is necessary to consume a lot of liquid during the period of administration. The duration of the course is 7-14 days. In very rare cases, the doctor may advise you to extend the course of treatment for up to 2 months.

During pregnancy and lactation

"Mukaltin" during pregnancy and HB should be taken with caution. Of course, the plus is that it is a drug of natural origin and is considered harmless.

But still, lactating women should not take the remedy, since for babies up to a year it is contraindicated.Together with breast milk, active substances can enter the baby’s digestive tract and provoke a negative reaction.

A debilitating cough can greatly harm pregnant women, so treatment should be started in a timely manner. Constant coughing tremors provoke a sharp contraction of the bronchial muscles, which as a result can cause excessive tension or even reflex contraction of the uterus, and this is a direct path to miscarriage.

But in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is better to refuse this medicine, since there is evidence that the marshmallow can also provoke an increased tone of the uterus.

At later dates, it is better to push the tablets to a powder state and take them in a dissolved form. Reception of "Mukaltin" will harm mother less, in comparison with a strong cough.

But if the future mother has a threat of abortion, this drug must definitely find a safe replacement.

Drug interaction

The drug is not recommended to drink along with antitussive medicines, which contain codeine, since the nature of the action of these funds contradicts each other. "Mukaltin" refers to a group of expectorant drugs, therefore, when it is taken, sputum is intensively excreted from the body. Codeine antitussives inhibit coughing, while increased sputum production can trigger serious illnesses (bronchitis and pneumonia) or cause suffocation.

Expectorants and other antitussive drugs can be taken in combination with Mukaltin.

Contraindications, side effects

The list of contraindications is quite limited. The standard restriction applies to people with hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug. Also, the drug is not prescribed for ulcer patients.

Side effects are manifested in the form of allergic reactions. This is rare, but in case of abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, the drug should be stopped.

Mukaltin's analogs

In the pharmacy you can buy "Mukaltin" in other medicinal forms, for example, suspension (syrup). You can also use Althea officinalis herb extract. The drug contains a compound of polysaccharides of this plant and is used for various diseases of the respiratory system. A positive effect is noticeable after a few days of use. Of the structural analogues, Mukaltin Forte, chewable tablets with vitamin C, should be mentioned.

List of available analogues and substitutes:

  • "Bronchoplant." Syrup from thyme extract. The tool is good in that the ethanol content in it is minimal, so it is often given to children from one year old, but only on the advice of a doctor.
  • Pertussin. A solution based on extracts from thyme and potassium bromide in a 100 ml vial. This mucolytic reduces the excitability of the cough center, so it is prescribed for dry cough in adults (1 tbsp. 3 times a day), as well as for whooping cough in babies (only from three years old). For preschool and school children, the dose of the drug is reduced. In such cases, the dosage ranges from 0.5 tsp. up to 1 dl.
  • "Dr. Mom." Indian-made vegetable syrup based on aloe, licorice and ginger. The composition of the medicine also includes a substance with anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. The tool is effective, but due to the presence of several plant components, it often causes allergic reactions.
  • Amtersol. Dark brown syrup in 100 ml bottles with a peculiar smell. The main active ingredients are extracts from thermopsis and licorice root. The ethanol content is quite high - 10%, so the drug is contraindicated in children under 3 years old. The same applies to pregnant and lactating women.
  • "Thermopsol." Russian-made tablets of greenish-gray color. This is a herbal preparation based on powdered herbs Thermopsis and baking soda. Increases mucus secretion and accelerates sputum discharge. Therefore, for a better effect, you need to drink more.
  • Tussamag. Available in the form of a syrup or solution (for administration in the form of drops).Manufacturer - Germany. Syrup of brown color with a specific smell. The main active ingredients are liquid alcoholic extract of thyme and chestnut leaves. The syrup is taken orally after a meal, drops - on a piece of sugar or in water.

You need to understand that only a specialist can prescribe medications. Therefore, it is not worth it to cancel the drug itself and replace it with another (even an analog) at your own discretion.

Knowing how to drink Mukaltin, you can relieve a debilitating cough and make it more effective. Modern pharmaceuticals offers many new-generation drugs for cough treatment, but Mukaltin is still in demand due to the herbal composition and low price.