Photoshop is a tool that allows you to make fun of the real reality. People with developed imagination see parts of another picture in ordinary images. And it turns out that photos that seem mundane at first glance take on completely new outlines. Today we have put together a collection of such humorous masterpieces that would surely win the world Photoshop award (if, of course, there was one). So, fasten your seat belts - we begin the journey into the world of absurdity and chaos, skillfully created using this program!

Squirrel on guard of justice

Another parody on the photo of Nicolas Cage

The best photo from the category "What is happening here?"

Tsar Leonid of "Three Hundred Spartans" noticeably younger and changed sex

Rescued sloth turns into a skater on ice

President of America Donald Trump decided to play with rubber dinosaurs

This winged dude knows his worth

“Just a moment, sir, I'm a representative of Kirby ...

Screaming Llama in a picture of Edward Munch

A frog with snails on its ears turns into Princess Leu

Cat falling from the couch in a picture of Salvador Dali

Delinquent leopard

Hugging dogs

“This is Sparta, baby”

DiCaprio is hiding from the paparazzi

“This city needs me”

The carved avocado, it turns out, is very similar to the mirror of the Stepmother from the Disney "Cinderella"

The cat, who fell asleep in a stump, turns into a decorative element

And here's what they did to the happy dog ​​in the tiara

"Stop behind the shoulder blade, itches!"

“It's nice to walk on a spring day ...”

Seals also love going to the movies

A parrot near the heater

This dog in his past life definitely loved playing poker

Here's what they did to Miss America.

Ronaldo angry at the referee during the 2018 FIFA Cup

Dog with pistols

Forest squirrel imagined herself a superhero of the ring

Pink flamingos in a dinosaur skeleton - a case that would certainly interest Dr. House

And which of these parodies did you like best? Tell us in the comments.