Rhododendron is a highly ornamental shrub that belongs to the Heather family. There are a large number of varieties and varieties of this plant. In nature, rhododendron can be found in the form of a bush and a tree. Rhododendron: planting and care requires special attention from the gardener.

Description of species and varieties

The height of the rhododendron depends on its type and variety. So cultures with high decorativeness differ in leaf shape. I distinguish 26 species, which are divided into three groups.

Table 1 - Groups and types of rhododendrons

GroupsDescription of groupsGrade name
EvergreenThese are shrubs that do not drop leaves even in winter. Foliage has a dark green color. Flowers are large, have a diverse color. They grow mainly on well-drained, peat-rich soil.Daurian rhododendron is an evergreen bush that reaches a height of 2-4 m. The leaves are glossy, small in size. The flowers are large, the diameter does not exceed 4 cm, mainly purple. Flowering continues for a month. Perfectly propagated by cuttings.
Adams Rhododendron is a winter-resistant, evergreen bush with a spreading crown. Leaves are green, egg-shaped. The flowers are small, in one inflorescence no more than 15 pcs.
Caucasian rhododendron is a low, evergreen shrub. The leaves are dark green, have an oblong shape.
DeciduousThis is a shrub that discards foliage before winter. During flowering, the bush is fully decorated with flowers.Canadian rhododendron is a shrub with dense branches up to 1 m in diameter. It blooms in the first half of May, flowers up to 3 cm in diameter are bright lilac in color, sometimes they are white. In one year it grows by 15 cm.
Kamchatka rhododendron is a dwarf shrub with a height of not more than 0.3 m. It begins to bloom in the first half of June, the flowers are large-shaped, have a raspberry color. It is able to withstand temperatures up to -27 degrees. Prefers moist, well-lit areas.
Rhododendron yellow is a deciduous bush, reaches a height of 2 m. It has small flowers of bright yellow color. The leaves are elongated, green. Yellow azalea blooms in early May.
HybridThese are the varieties of rhododendrons bred by breeders when crossing different species.Azurvolke is a hybrid, evergreen rhododendron. It reaches a height of up to 1 m. The diameter of the crown is 1.5 m. The flowers are blue, sometimes purple. The leaves are oblong up to 3 cm long and 1 cm wide, have a dark green color.
“Berry Rose” is a hybrid, deciduous shrub reaching a height of up to 1.5-2 m. The leaves are green up to 5 cm long, up to 3 cm wide. It blooms in the second half of May and blooms until the third decade of July. Flowers - pink, with a diameter of up to 8 cm.
“Blue Tit” is a hybrid, evergreen shrub, up to 1 m high. It has a rounded crown, up to 1.5 m in diameter. The leaves are round in shape, bluish-green in color. It blooms in the first half of May. Lavender-blue flowers, 3.5 cm in diameter. The variety is resistant to low temperatures.

The nuances of growing plants

The place for planting rhododendron should be on a hill so that water does not stagnate at the roots. Azalea does not tolerate drafts and burning sunlight. On the north side, the plant must be protected from cold gusts of wind, and in the spring from the scorching sun. Therefore, the northeast or north side of the fence, the building, is a good place to land.

Coniferous plants will become the best neighbors for rhododendron. And plants with roots of a superficial type will be unsuccessful: willow, maple, linden.

Shrubs will not grow on alkaline or normal soil. It should be acidic with a large layer of humus, without lime, and good oxygen transmission.

Outdoor landing

Rhododendrons: planting and care in the open ground require special attention from the gardener. So before planting, it is necessary to prepare material for growing. The best soil for the flower is a mixture of peat and clay in equal proportions.

The order of planting rhododendron:

  • a hole is dug up to a depth of 0.4 m and a width of 0.6 m;
  • a drainage layer of sand and pebbles 0.15 m high is laid on the bottom;
  • then fall asleep with a mixture of peat (most) and loam;
  • tamp the soil and make a hole for an earthen coma of rhododendron seedling;
  • the roots of a seedling are lowered into a hole and covered with soil. The root neck should be on a par with the surface of the earth;
  • after planting, the bush is abundantly watered with not cold water;
  • mulch from above with straw, moss, rotted needles.

To make the plant better taken, a few minutes before planting, the seedling is soaked in a bucket of water. And they hold in it until air bubbles disappear from the surface of the water.

How to care for rhododendron

Rhododendron flower requires regular watering, weed removal, seasonal fertilizer and pest treatment.

The plant has a superficial root system. Therefore, when loosening the soil around the bush, a person should be very careful. Weed removal must be done only manually, and digging the ground under the plant is prohibited.

The shrub does not like severe waterlogging, but daily requires spraying and watering.

Before planting in a chosen place, the gardener needs to make sure that the groundwater does not come close to the surface of the soil. Otherwise, the roots of the plant are oversaturated with moisture and simply rot.

Water for irrigation should be slightly acidified, for this, 3 parts of sphagnum peat are added to a bucket of rain, spring, and settled water (at least half a day).

The flower requires constant fertilizer:

  • in the spring, rhododendron is watered with nitrogen-containing fertilizers (50 g of ammonium is added per 1 cubic meter of land);
  • in July, the amount of nitrogen top dressing is reduced to 20 g;
  • after 2 years, the topsoil is renewed. To do this, mix peat with humus and sprinkle the earth around the rhododendron.

Only well-watered plants can be fertilized.

Flower propagation methods

In garden conditions, the multiplication of rhododendron occurs in several ways:

  • planting seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • digging in layering.

The most time-consuming process is plant propagation by seeds. First, dry and healthy seeds are selected from the collected planting material, then they are sown in containers with a mixture of peat and sand. Top boxes are covered with polyethylene or glass.

Propagation by cuttings also requires some effort. To do this, cut a woody shoot near the bush, then cut it into twigs 0.1 m long. Then they plant it in a peat mixture and cover it like in the case of seeds. Cuttings root for 3-4 months, then they are transplanted into a separate container, then taken out to a room with a temperature not lower than +10 degrees. In the open ground planted in the spring.

For propagation using layering, the lower branch of the bush is bent to the soil and instilled to a depth of 0.12 m. This part of the bush is looked after in the same way as an adult plant is watered, sprayed.

Protection against diseases and pests

A beautiful and majestic shrub under its crown collects many insects. Thick shade and moisture are especially preferred by different types of snails, slugs. Therefore, the inspection of the bush should be carried out daily and you need to collect mollusks only by hand.

To avoid the spread of ticks, bedbugs, scale insects, the plant is treated with Karbofos.

If the watering schedule is not observed and there is no drainage layer under the root, the plant can become infected with a fungal disease. Bordeaux fluid is used as a prophylactic.

Rhododendron in landscape design


To enjoy the beautiful flowers of rhododendron for a long time, you can plant the plant in groups with different flowering periods. The best place to land would be a site near the fountain, an artificial pond. Such ponds can increase the humidity around the bush, and the gardener does not have to constantly spray it.

Lingonberries, blueberries or other lovers of acidic soil will be good neighbors for him.


Rhododendron is for gardeners who love beauty and want to constantly care for plants. Do not care about the plant can only those who have conditions on the site fully meet the requirements of this beautiful flowering bush.