Since its inception, selfies have not lost popularity. They are made by everyone who has phones - from small to large. But not always their authors manage to make successful photographs. Most often, difficulties arise with the background. Fans of self-portraits on the phone focus on their appearance, body position. As for the background, they safely forget about it.

But even worse, they post such photos on the Web. At best, woeful authors after some time notice that their creations are failing. But in the end, subscribers, and even the heroes of such selfies, can laugh heartily at such photos. So, let's begin to consider one of these galleries unsuccessful but wildly funny selfies.

Dad is not without a sense of humor:

The most failed selfies

Oops, it seems she forgot about the presence of a mirror in the "room for reflection" ...

The most failed selfies

Ahem ... the choice of products of such a plan is perhaps not the best time to create a selfie.

The most failed selfies


When the police are tired of your tricks:

The most failed selfies

Is it possible to find an even nicer photo of dad, child and dog? Doubt it!

The most failed selfies

Selfies very close up:

The most failed selfies

And a time machine is not necessary. When he took a selfie with himself in twenty years:

Selfies very close up:

“Son, you have a real macho!”

The most failed selfies

But we see who is in the background:

The most failed selfies

Not a selfie, but a bomb!

The most failed selfies

The spider on the bed ruined the fun:

The most failed selfies

When even a dog is tired of your selfie addiction:

The most failed selfies

The inscription is read backwards in a completely different way than we would like ...

The most failed selfies

That awkward moment when the camera focuses on the horse, not on you:

The most failed selfies

They took a photo, and only then realized that people in the background were loading a cannon with a child:

The most failed selfies

“One wrong move - and it will be mine!”

The most failed selfies

“Only me, my majesty, and no one but me”:

The most failed selfies

When you observe the process:

The most failed selfies

“Yes, sister, taking another selfie is a bad idea”:

The most failed selfies

This photograph hung on their refrigerator for a month before they noticed the catch:

The most failed selfies

Good story for a horror movie:

The most failed selfies

Brother summed up:

The most failed selfies

Three in a room, not counting webcams:

The most failed selfies

Due to this psychological trauma, she will have to visit a therapist for years:

The most failed selfies

We knew Voldemort was alive:

The most failed selfies

Ooh, gee, how much fat:

The most failed selfies

This treacherous shadow ...

The most failed selfies

"The child photographed me sleeping":

The most failed selfies

Mirror Reflection:

The most failed selfies

I wanted to take a selfie with dogs, but ...

The most failed selfies

Put a drinker on the cat, please!

The most failed selfies

"What the hell is she doing?"

The most failed selfies

Rat among the trash?

The most failed selfies