People (for the most part) usually ponder the consequences of actions. But even this does not save us one hundred percent from the unsuccessful outcome of events.

Decision making in the lives of people and dogs

Each person’s life is full of moments when it remains only to ask himself: “Why did I do this?” The older we get, the less likely this happens. But still, sometimes we continue to do things differently than we would like. "Live and learn", reminiscent of folk wisdom. And since the learning process never ends, then annoying mistakes can often not be avoided.

Dogs also look like people in decision making. Maybe this similarity makes four-legged pets so close and funny for us. The heroes of the following photos regretted their wrong choice. But the more fun these pictures turned out!

Initially, the caption for this photo was: “The neighbors bought a new dog. Apparently, she cannot live without ours. ”

Dogs regretting their decision
"Hi bro, I'm completely stuck."

"This is a dangerous place - a wardrobe."

Dogs regretting their decision
The dog, apparently, barely got out of the closet

“The kids painted a rainbow on the pavement. The dog took part. ”

Dogs regretting their decision
She still does not know about her rainbow coat

“Uh, that’s really fun ...”

Dogs regretting their decision
Corgi rushing on the ice

Life has taught this little poor man to never catch bees with his mouth.

Dogs regretting their decision

"Help! The sofa is trying to eat me alive! ”

Dogs regretting their decision
Dog fight with sofa

"Something in all of this is wrong ..."

Dogs regretting their decision
This dog is clearly aware that it is embarrassed

"Remember: when a frisbee flies, you need to run."

Dogs regretting their decision
Bad Frisbee Collision

A puppy that clearly made the wrong decision.

Dogs regretting their decision
Between heaven, earth and the netting

“Oh my God, what have I done?”

Dogs regretting their decision
Stuck between branches

“Yes, I'm fine. I specifically have a rest. I’m just not thinking about how to get out of these bushes. ”

Dogs regretting their decision
Corgi in an uncomfortable position

"What are you saying? I wear this hat on purpose! I just need help now to take it off. ”

Dogs regretting their decision
The dog stuck his head in a narrow cardboard box. She can’t obviously cope without help

“So why did they tell me not to drink from the toilet ...”

Hammock + Dog = bad decision.

Puppy stuck in hammock weave

"Please, help!"

Dogs regretting their decision
Judging by the pitiful gaze and tenacious paws holding on to the trunk, this dog realizes its difficulty

"Why is this road so narrow ??"

Dogs regretting their decision
Another captive mesh netting

“Excuse me, sir, could you help me get out of here?”

Dogs regretting their decision
A puppy stuck in a fence lattice silently expresses a polite request for help

Here is such a gallery. We hope that all of her heroes safely got out of the traps. Has your pet ever got into a predicament?