Sumamed is intended for the treatment of acute respiratory diseases, and is also used for eye and epidermal lesions. This is one of the most popular drugs that are prescribed to fight infections of a bacterial nature. But, like any antibiotic, a medication can cause a number of side effects, and then the question arises of replacing Sumamed with analogues. This section lists the most popular products with similar effects.

Pharmacological properties, indications of Sumamed

Sumamed is an antibiotic manufactured by Croatia. By group affiliation, it belongs to macrolides and azalides, and also has a wide spectrum of action.

The active component of the drug is the compound azithromycin. This substance is able to suppress the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microflora, it is active against gram-negative, gram-positive, anaerobic and intracellular bacteria.

Once in the body, the drug is rapidly absorbed through the walls of the digestive tract into the blood and spreads through the cells. It should be borne in mind that when taking a medication with food decreases its effectiveness. The metabolic process is performed by the liver for a long period from 35 to 50 hours. Excretion occurs through bile and urine. About half of the drug comes out unchanged.

In pharmacies, the drug is presented in 3 forms: tablets of 0.125 and 0.5 g, capsules of 0.25 g, and powder for the manufacture of suspensions with a dosage of the active substance of 0.1 g in 5 ml. The last form of the drug is used in pediatrics.

Prescribe a medication when the following conditions are detected:

  • diseases of the respiratory organs of a bacterial nature (tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, pharyngitis and bronchitis);
  • lesions by bacteria of the epidermis and soft tissues (erysipelas, Lyme disease and others);
  • disorders in the work of the genitourinary system of a bacterial nature (cervicitis and urethritis);
  • diseases of the digestive organs caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.

The list of contraindications for the use of the drug is very small. It is forbidden to drink it to people suffering from hepatic and renal disorders, as well as hypersensitivity to the components of the composition.

Relative limitations include the period of gestation and lactation, as well as the presence of arrhythmia. In such cases, the medication is used only with the appointment of a doctor, and treatment is carried out under strict professional supervision.

As for the cost of the drug, it depends on the dosage and the number of tablets or capsules in the box. For example, Sumamed with a volume of the therapeutic component of 0.5 g, 3 tablets per pack will cost from 450 to 500 rubles. A drug in the same form, but with a dose of the active substance of 0.125 g, will cost less - about 350-380 rubles. The drug in the form of 0.25 g capsules is packaged in 6 pieces and costs from 450 to 520 rubles.

Analogs of Sumamed for adults and children

The question of the Sumamed substitute can arise for several reasons: the patient is not happy with the cost of the drug, the intolerance of the components of the drug is found, or the drug does not provide the necessary therapeutic effect.

In the first case, an analogue of Sumamed is selected cheaper, but with the same active substance. As for the last two situations, a drug is needed here, which contains another active component. Consider medications that can replace the discussed drug.

Azithromycin tablets

This medicinal composition is produced in Russia, but costs much less than Sumamed (approximately 45-65 rubles per package). Its dominant component is azithromycin dihydrate, which can affect the focus of inflammation. The drug substance is characterized by a wide spectrum of activity, it is active against many types of pathogenic microorganisms.

The drug is available in tablets with a dosage of 0.25 and 0.5 g. There are age restrictions: this medicinal composition is contraindicated for persons under 12 years of age. But in some cases, if absolutely necessary, it can be prescribed for six-year-old patients.

Other contraindications to the use of a medication include:

  • severe renal dysfunction;
  • allergic to lactose;
  • breast-feeding;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

On a note! A similar drug is produced in the Czech Republic, it is called Azithromycin Zentiva. Such a medicine is somewhat more expensive than a Russian remedy, but has the same properties.

Azitrox Capsules

This is another Russian analogue of Sumamed. Its price is approximately 180-200 rubles per package. The drug belongs to macrolide antibiotics and is based on azithromycin. Release form - capsules with a dosage of 0.25 and 0.5 g.

The drug is prescribed for disorders of an infectious and inflammatory nature. It has activity against a number of pathogenic organisms.

Adult patients and adolescents over 12 years old can drink it. Children's age is considered an absolute contraindication. In addition, the ban applies to cases such as severe hepatic and renal disorders, the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as individual intolerance to the components.

Hemomycin tablets

Hemomycin is presented in the form of capsules of blue-blue color. They are created on the basis of gelatin, and inside is a white suspension, which contains 0.5 g of the active substance - azithromycin dihydrate.And also there is another form of the drug, it is also available as a solution for infusion.

The cost of one package of the product is approximately 135-150 rubles. Despite the fact that such an antibiotic is much cheaper than Sumamed, it has an equally powerful effect on harmful microorganisms.

However, the list of contraindications for this medicinal composition is slightly wider than that of its more expensive counterpart. The main prohibitions on the use include not only allergies to components, liver and kidney failure, or other serious pathologies of these organs. Chemomycin should not be used for heart rhythm disturbances, as well as for the treatment of children under 12 years of age.


This tool is slightly more expensive than previous analogues of Sumamed. Its cost is almost the same as that of the drug under discussion (ranges from 320 to 450 rubles).

The dominant component of the composition is azithromycin dihydrate. The medicine is presented in white smooth elongated tablets with a film coating. Dosage may be 0.25 and 0.5 g.

This drug has a systemic effect on the body, and it can not be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding, severe disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver, as well as with severe allergies to the components of the drug. In addition, there is an age limit. Zitrox is not prescribed for children under 3 years of age.

Attention! When choosing this tool instead of Sumamed, it should be borne in mind that it will yield to its counterpart in pharmacological and pharmacokinetic characteristics. To achieve the desired result, you will need a longer therapy, and this is extremely undesirable when taking antibiotics.

Flemoxin Solutab

This tool is an analogue of Sumamed in effect, but the active component is different here. This is amoxicillin - a substance of the penicillin group. Such an antibiotic is active against many microorganisms, and is used in the treatment of a number of diseases of a bacterial origin.

The medication is presented in tablet form with a dosage of 0.125, 0.25, 0.5 and 1 g. The cost of it, depending on the packaging, is 250-350 rubles.

The list of contraindications is small. It is forbidden to use this remedy for hepatic and renal diseases, in the first trimester of pregnancy and in case of an allergic reaction to the components of the composition. Children are prescribed medicine, but treatment is carried out under the supervision of a specialist.

These are not all analogues of Sumamed that can be used in connection with violations of a bacterial nature. For example, there are relatively cheap domestic generic Z-factor or the drug Augmentin. They have a similar effect on the body.

What to choose - Sumamed or Azithromycin?

A similar active substance is included in Azithromycin, which is present in Sumamed. Regarding the composition of the drugs, the difference lies only in the auxiliary components.

In addition, differences are observed in the forms of release. Azithromycin is not produced in the form of a suspension, as its foreign analogue. The Russian drug is presented only in tablets.

And also the prices for these drugs vary. Azithromycin is several times cheaper, due to which quite often it is chosen by patients who are shown taking an antibiotic of this effect.

Regarding the effectiveness, it is worth noting that these drugs “work” the same way. The spectrum of their effects is very wide, and they can be used in the treatment of many diseases. But it should be borne in mind that Azithromycin contains lactose, and for people who are allergic to this drug, it is better to be treated with Sumamed, where this compound is absent.

Despite these factors, quite often the choice of patients and doctors still falls on Sumamed. The fact is that this remedy is considered to be an original medicine that has passed a number of tests and is considered relatively safe.

In any case, the doctor must deal with the selection of a medicinal product to eliminate a particular disease. Here it will be necessary to take into account a number of criteria, such as the nature of the disorder, concomitant diseases, age and individual characteristics of the patient. Self-medication can cause significant damage to health.