Vaginal tablets and suppositories are intended for the treatment of genital candidiasis in women. Suppositories from thrush are cheap and effective drugs that quickly get rid of mild forms of the disease. The problem is that the yeast is returning, so care must be taken to prevent it.

Causes of thrush

The causative agent of candidiasis is Candida albicans. This is a conditionally pathogenic microorganism, which is a natural component of the vaginal microflora. In small quantities, Candida fungus is not dangerous, but especially aggressive subspecies cause thrush. The woman begins to worry about discharge and pain in the lower abdomen.

The main cause of candidiasis is the development of a yeast infection uncontrolled by the immune system against a background of hormonal imbalance, a change in the pH of the vagina. Under normal conditions, the growth of the fungus is restrained by lactic acid bacteria.

The main causes of changes in the vaginal microflora are weak immunity and antibiotic treatment. Hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle contribute to disorders, due to pregnancy, stress.

Signs of thrush:

  • mucous, whitish-gray or curdled vaginal discharge;
  • redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the vulva;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • itching and burning.

Symptoms of candidiasis infection worsen during urination, during intercourse. In advanced cases, the vagina is covered with erosion and ulcers. A yeast infection can spread to the urinary tract.It is necessary to consult a gynecologist to determine the exact disease.

Pros and cons of using candles

For the treatment of thrush at home, various medicines, folk remedies are used. "Candles" women are called suppositories, tablets and capsules, introduced into the vagina. They are convenient for local therapy for thrush. Antifungal drugs penetrate deep into the mucous membrane, are not absorbed into the local bloodstream.

The disadvantages of using candles are most often manifested with uncontrolled treatment. Inflammation progresses, various complications appear. Thrush often occurs with other sexually transmitted infections. In these cases, only the use of local funds is not enough, complex treatment is necessary.

There are types of suppositories that are injected into the vagina 1 time. This allows you to get rid of the symptoms, and when the process is resumed, repeated use after a week is required. Other local drugs are intended for course therapy (3-14 days). In this case, the costs increase significantly.

The development of drug resistance in yeast is minus not only suppositories, but also other forms of drug release.

The best candles from thrush, which ones to choose?

Vaginal suppositories differ in composition and duration of use. For women, such characteristics as effectiveness, contraindications, safety, price are important. To choose the right one, you need to know which candles can treat thrush, to compare the advantages and disadvantages of each drug.


Suppositories based on the antifungal drug natamycin have a fungicidal effect. The advantage of the remedy is the possibility of treatment during pregnancy. Another plus is the brevity of the treatment course. Symptoms of thrush disappear within three days. The price of a drug package (3 suppositories) is from 230 rubles.


Sertaconazole-based vaginal suppositories - a remedy for fungus. Suppositories are intended for the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis, used once at night. The effectiveness of the drug is also determined by the fact that recurrence of thrush after therapy is very rare. Sertaconazole stops the growth of the colony of the fungus, increases the resistance of the mucosa to infection. Zalain suppositories are allowed to be used on menstruation days, during pregnancy, if the benefits to the mother's body outweigh the possible risk to the fetus. The price of packaging (1 suppository) is from 500 rubles.


Popular vaginal suppositories, which most women respond positively. The active substance is povidone iodine. The active component has an antifungal and antibacterial effect. Betadine suppositories are allowed in the first trimester of pregnancy.

In the acute form of thrush, one suppository is administered twice a day for a week. In total, one package of 14 pieces will be required for the course of therapy at a price of 500 rubles. The advantage of the remedy is the possibility of treatment during menstruation. The disadvantage is leakage during the melting of the base.


This is a complex drug: antifungal, antibacterial and antiprotozoal. According to reviews, Macmirror candles are effective, convenient to use thanks to a special shell. Of the minuses, leakage and a relatively high price are mentioned - 700 rubles for 8 pieces.


The composition of vaginal capsules for the treatment of thrush includes antibiotics neomycin and polymyxin, a fungicidal agent nystatin. It is possible to use Polygynax capsules during menstruation, in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. According to the reviews of women, after the first administration of the soft capsule, improvement is noted. Among the shortcomings are called a relatively long treatment period (12 days), the need for preliminary soaking of the capsule before administration. The price of packaging is 580 rubles.

The inflammatory process fades due to the fact that the components of suppositories from thrush reduce the activity of fungi.Also, the strength of the manifestations of the disease affects the choice of the drug. With severe itching, burning, swelling of the vulva, it is necessary to take antihistamines inside, apply topically anti-inflammatory creams.


Vaginal tablets contain the antifungal agents ternidazole and nystatin, the antibiotic neomycin, and the corticosteroid prednisolone. The drug not only eliminates thrush, but also has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect. It can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Among the shortcomings can be noted the need to moisten the tablet with water before introduction into the vagina. The course of treatment is quite long - from 10 to 20 days. The price of 6 tablets is from 360 rubles.

Suppositories for thrush during pregnancy

During the period of expectation of the child, any ailments and diseases overshadow the condition of the woman. Treatment of thrush in pregnant women is complicated by an unstable hormonal background and a ban on the use of the most powerful drugs. Even the place used antifungal agents and antibiotics can negatively affect the body of the future mother and fetus.

All drugs undergo clinical trials, but pregnant women most often do not participate in research. Therefore, doctors, by indirect signs, make a conclusion about the possibility of using this or that remedy during pregnancy. The instructions for drugs usually contain a recommendation to consult a gynecologist.

Suppositories from thrush during pregnancy:

  • Irunin (in the second and third trimesters);
  • Livarol (in the third trimester);
  • Pimafucin;
  • Natamycin;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Betadine.

The doctor decides on the appointment of suppositories for the treatment of milk in pregnant women. Previously, a specialist assesses the benefits of the medicine for the woman’s body and the potential harm to the fetus. The clinical effect is observed 1–2 days after the start of the use of suppositories.

Top 5 Inexpensive Drugs

In mild forms of thrush, discomfort can pass after the first injection of a vaginal suppository. However, the risk of symptoms returning. In this case, it is undesirable to be treated with the same tool, it is necessary to change it.

Effective and inexpensive suppositories for thrush, vaginal tablets (quantity, price in rubles):

  1. Nystatin (10 suppositories, 32).
  2. Clotrimazole (6 suppositories, 30-60).
  3. Irunin (10 vaginal tablets, 320).
  4. Klion-D (10 vaginal tablets, 350).
  5. Ecofucin (3 suppositories, 350).

Vaginal suppositories with clotrimazole and nystatin are in great demand at an affordable price. Treatment of thrush with such drugs can be effective in the unexposed form of vaginal candidiasis. Of the shortcomings, the resistance of fungi should be noted, since the means have long been used in medical practice.

Rules for using candles against thrush

Before the introduction of suppositories or vaginal tablets, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications and side effects of the drugs. It is also necessary to observe the duration of the course of treatment - this is necessary to completely get rid of the fungus and prevent relapse.

Before the introduction of the suppository, they are washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, the skin around the labia is washed with water and liquid soap for intimate hygiene.

Therapy will achieve the goal if both partners use candidiasis medications (there are antifungal creams for men). If the rule is not followed, the thrush returns, as repeated infections occur during unprotected intercourse.

For mild symptoms, a vaginal suppository, for example, Zalain, is used once, or Pimafucin suppositories are administered for three consecutive days. In the future, you need to monitor intimate hygiene. Chronic candidiasis requires long-term treatment - about 3 weeks.

Candidiasis Prevention

Washing, sessile baths with infusion of medicinal plants will help maintain the vaginal microflora, pH values ​​in the range of 4.5-5.5.It is recommended not to get involved in douching - they disrupt the natural processes of self-cleaning of the mucosa.

Can be used to wash infusion of chamomile, string or sage, decoction of oak bark. Or dissolve the pharmacy tincture of calendula in warm water. The procedure is performed once a day, preferably before bedtime. Herbs have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, eliminate itching,

On sale there are means for intimate hygiene with lactic acid, which helps to preserve the natural composition of vaginal microorganisms. In order to avoid an imbalance in the intestinal microflora, on which the immune system depends, you should take supplements with probiotics.