Sinusitis is one of the common groups of ENT diseases. Ineffective treatment of these ailments can lead to the transition of the disease into a chronic form and frequent relapses. Sinupret tablets are an effective medicine of natural origin, which perfectly helps in the fight against sinusitis.

The composition of the drug

"Sinupret" is made in the form of tablets (dragees). Small, convex dragees on both sides are covered with a light green sweet shell. The medicine is packaged in blisters placed in a cardboard box. One pack contains 50 or 100 tablets.

The active components of Sinupret are plants that are highly effective in the treatment of otolaryngological diseases:

  1. Verbena herb - 18 mg. In ancient times, verbena was attributed to magical properties and was considered a universal cure for many diseases. In traditional medicine, it is used as an expectorant for bronchitis, decongestant, and pain medication. In traditional European medicine, the antiviral and antisecretory properties of a plant are appreciated.
  2. Bitter Sorrel herb - 18 mg. The plant grows everywhere. Due to the high content of vitamin C, sorrel was widely used in the Middle Ages for scurvy. In modern medicine, various diseases of the upper respiratory tract are treated with it. The substances contained in the plant contribute to the thinning of viscous exudate and its excretion from the sinuses.Sorrel also has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, restores the body's defenses.
  3. Black elderberry flowers - 18 mg. The plant is found in many countries of Europe and Central Asia. In folk medicine, elderberry is used as a diaphoretic for colds and infectious respiratory diseases, for seizures, swelling and inflammation. Elderberry juice is taken as a laxative to cleanse the intestines. A valuable property of plant berries is their ability to liquefy sputum in inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx.
  4. Primrose flowers (primrose) - 18 mg. In the Middle Ages, the plant was used to thin the sputum and as a mild laxative. Currently, dry primrose flowers are used for inflammation of the sinuses and bronchitis to facilitate the discharge of sputum. The substances that the plant contains contribute to the discharge of purulent contents from the sinuses, have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Gentian root - 6 mg. In the Middle Ages it was used as an antipyretic in the treatment of plague. Gastrointestinal diseases were also treated using the plant. The substances contained in the plant are able to dilute the pathological contents of the sinuses with sinusitis, helping to relieve nasal congestion.

In addition to medicinal plant materials, the preparation contains auxiliary components designed to correct taste and color, shape.

In this case, they include:

  • potato and corn starch;
  • sugars and sweeteners (sucrose, milk sugar, sorbitol);
  • dyes and pigments;
  • octadecanoic acid;
  • talc;
  • castor oil and others.

Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics

The effect of the drug is due to the pharmaceutical effects of the plants present in its composition. Sinupret has anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial effects.

Active components contribute to the dilution of purulent discharge of the sinuses and facilitate its excretion. Against the background of treatment with the drug, nasal breathing is restored, painful sensations in the area of ​​the sinuses pass. Verbena, elderberry and gentian have an antiseptic effect, killing pathogenic bacteria.


Sinupret also has moderate antiviral activity and immunomodulatory effects. When using the drug in the complex therapy of various types of sinusitis, the patient's recovery time is reduced, the risk of complications is significantly reduced.

In the presence of chronic sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and other diseases characterized by accumulation of exudate in the sinuses, after treatment with Sinupret, exacerbations of diseases occur much less frequently.

The official instructions for use do not contain information on the pharmacokinetics of Sinupret.

What are Sinupret tablets prescribed for?

According to the official instructions, indications for the use of Sinupret are acute and chronic sinusitis. It should be remembered that this diagnosis can only be made by a specialist on the basis of examination, palpation and x-ray examination.

Sinusitis is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. Common symptoms of the disease are: thick green or yellow discharge from the nose, nasal congestion, headache and soreness of certain parts of the face. Sometimes there is a temperature and general malaise.

The drug is prescribed for almost all types of sinusitis, which include:

  • sinusitis - inflammation of the maxillary (maxillary) sinuses;
  • frontitis - inflammation of the frontal sinuses;
  • ethmoiditis - a pathological process localized in the cells of the ethmoid labyrinth;
  • sphenoiditis is an inflammatory process localized in the sphenoid sinuses.

Sinupret tablets are also suitable for the complex treatment of acute and chronic rhinitis, which is characterized by the presence of a viscous purulent discharge. In this situation, taking dragees will prevent the development of complications.

Instructions for use for adults and children

Dragees are taken orally, regardless of the meal. The drug is washed down with a small volume of water, without chewing.

"Sinupret" adults should take 2 tablets three times a day. Children from 6 years old - 1 tablet 3 times a day. Reception lasts 1-2 weeks. If after the specified time the signs of the disease persist, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

During pregnancy and lactation

Specialists quite often prescribe Sinupret to expectant mothers, since pregnancy is not a direct contraindication to use. The necessity and possibility of taking the drug is determined by the state of health of the woman and how her pregnancy proceeds. In any case, Sinupret and other tablets from the common cold while waiting for the baby are drunk strictly on the recommendation of a doctor.

Due to the lack of reliable data, it is not recommended to use the product during breastfeeding. If there is an urgent need for taking Sinupret, experts recommend stopping breastfeeding for the treatment period.

Drug interaction

The interaction of the components of the drug with other drugs was not detected. The official instructions to Sinupret indicate that co-administration of the drug with antibiotics is permissible and rational. Antibiotics of the penicillin and tetracycline series, azithromycin and other macrolides, cephalosporins, aminoglycosides give a good effect in the treatment of sinusitis when used in combination with sinupret. It is important to remember that the use of internal antibacterial agents should be strictly prescribed by a specialist who will select the most suitable drug and the optimal dosage regimen depending on the particular course of the disease.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Despite the relative safety, Sinupret tablets have their contraindications, which include:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • violation of the absorption of sugars (lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption);
  • preschool age.

Sinupret is generally well tolerated. Concomitant effects such as redness of the skin, itching, rash, urticaria, edema, and other allergic manifestations are extremely rare. Nausea or abdominal pain may also occur. With the development of side effects, the drug should be discontinued and a specialist should be consulted.

With an overdose, nausea and abdominal pain are observed. In this case, symptomatic treatment is performed.

Sinupret analog in tablets

In addition to Sinupret tablets, in pharmacies you can find Sinupret Forte, which has the same active ingredients, indications and contraindications. It differs in a double dosage of active substances. Adults should drink it 1 tablet three times a day.

The tablet preparation can be replaced with the Sinupret liquid dosage form.

The solution for internal use contains the same active ingredients as tablets, but it has several differences:

  • liquid dosage form can be used in children older than 2 years;
  • the solution contains ethyl alcohol, therefore it is contraindicated for persons suffering from alcoholism and in conditions after anti-alcohol treatment;
  • use the remedy for serious mental disorders, liver dysfunction, brain injuries, epilepsy should only be with the permission of the attending physician.

Before taking the indicated number of drops of liquid form is added to half a glass of water.

The intake of Sinupret solution for different age categories is as follows:

  • adults: 50 drops three times a day;
  • children over 6 years: 25 drops three times a day;
  • children from 2 to 6 years: 15 drops three times a day.

Perhaps the only complete analogue of Sinupret in tablets containing identical active and auxiliary components is the Sinupret Forte dragee.Among other drugs for the treatment of sinusitis, there are no completely similar ones. Similar effects have homeopathic remedies "Korizalia" and "Cinnabsin."