Jean-Marie Smith is an environmental teacher and artist from America, known for her unusual hay sculptures.

Four years ago, she began to create such figures for Halloween. Her first sculpture was Frankenstein.

Jean-Marie and her hay sculptures
Hay Frackenstein looks a bit menacing

Last year, she made another version of this character. Also in the company of Frankenstein were the Cat in the Hat, Batman from Lego, and Mignon.

Jean-Marie and her hay sculptures
Frankenstein from hay
Jean-Marie and her hay sculptures
Lego Batman
Jean-Marie and her hay sculptures
Cat in hat

In 2018, the third version of Frankenstein was published:

Jean-Marie and her hay sculptures
Another version of Frankenstein

And also with this figure the amazing sculpture of Harry Potter was seen in the company with his omnipresent wise owl Hedwig.

Harry Potter consists of two bales of hay. Hedwig - two times shorter in height, one turned out to be enough for him.

A friend advised Jean-Marie to make Harry Potter glasses from foam insulating material for pipes. It turned out pretty well:

Jean-Marie and her hay sculptures
Harry Potter Hay Sculpture

Another character - the mummy Murray from "Monsters on vacation":

Jean-Marie and her hay sculptures
Mummy Murray from Hay

The rest of her figures will also not leave anyone indifferent.

Jean-Marie and her hay sculptures
Finn from Adventure Time
Jean-Marie and her hay sculptures
Bulldog from the animated series "Adventure Time"
Jean-Marie and her hay sculptures
Marvel Comic Jack Lantern
Jean-Marie and her hay sculptures
The cute owl is one of the first works of Jean-Marie, which her students still like

Some say that the sculptures of Jean-Marie harm the environment, as they use hay and dyes. However, condemning a talented teacher for the use of paints and natural materials is the same as considering it wrong for an artist who paints on canvas from linen fabric. Everyone creates with the help of the means at hand that he has. Perhaps those who condemn Jean-Marie just do not know how to enjoy the results of her unusual talent.At least, students of the inventive teacher every year look forward to Halloween to see new unusual sculptures from ordinary hay.