The original “3 chocolates” cake is a delicate delicacy consisting of biscuit and mousse layers coated with shiny glaze. Such a dessert can be made in your kitchen from the available products that are in any supermarket. Chocolate cake has an amazing taste and looks very impressive, so it’s ideal for a gala banquet.

Classic cake "3 chocolates"

The peculiarity of the sweet product is that its layers have a different color, thanks to the addition of white, black and milk chocolate.

To make the cake especially tasty, it is recommended to use only high-quality and fresh ingredients, and it is better to bake the biscuit base in advance - it will be easier to cut and soak it.

Products for biscuit:

  • large egg;
  • baking powder - 10 g;
  • granulated sugar - 110 g;
  • cocoa powder - 23 g;
  • a pinch of vanilla;
  • wheat flour - 90 g.

For multi-colored mousses:

  • dark, milk and white chocolate - 1 bar each;
  • cream (33%) - 580 ml;
  • gelatin - 75 g;
  • oil - 45 g.


  1. To make a biscuit, you need to combine a raw egg with vanilla, add granulated sugar and beat everything with a mixer.
  2. When the composition increases in volume, introduce flour and sprinkle cocoa. Then mix well until a semi-liquid dough is obtained.
  3. Now grease the heat-resistant form with margarine, fill with a flour base and put in an oven heated to 185 degrees. Bake the product for fifteen minutes, then remove and cool well.
  4. To prepare the mousse, it is necessary to dissolve 25 g of gelatin in three separate containers with warm water (50 ml).
  5. To obtain brown mousse, you need to melt a bar of dark chocolate over boiling water, then place the liquid mass in a bowl with gelatin and stir.
  6. After that, mix the cream (20 ml) with butter (15 g) and beat thoroughly.
  7. Combine the resulting mixture with a chocolate solution and mix. Put the finished mousse on a biscuit base and put on cold to solidify.
  8. Now, according to the same principle, you need to make mousses of milk and white chocolate, which later should also be distributed on the product, given that the white layer should be applied last.
  9. Put the formed cake in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 hours, then take it out, put it on a dish and use a knife to trim the side.

It is recommended to decorate a sweet product with biscuit crumbs and large nuts. Serve the Three Chocolates cake cold with fragrant tea or black coffee.

With mirror glaze

Homemade dessert, covered with a mirror filling of chocolate, looks simply delicious and has a delicate and very pleasant taste.


The icing made according to this recipe turns out to be glossy, dense, able to evenly lie on the cake, so it practically does not need additional decor.

Glaze Products:

  • granulated sugar - 60 g;
  • water - 55 ml;
  • dark chocolate - 35 g;
  • gelatin - 5 g;
  • honey - 17 g.


  1. First you need to make a 3 chocolate mousse cake in a classic way. Then set it in the cold and wait until it hardens and soaks. After that, you can cook the glaze and cover it with the product.
  2. To prepare the chocolate pouring, gelatin must be soaked in water for half an hour.
  3. Then break the chocolate into squares and place in a bowl with sugar and honey.
  4. Then, stirring regularly, melt the products in a water bath, and then add gelatin with a thin stream.
  5. Pour the cake with hot glaze and leave for an hour to harden.

Slices of tropical fruits or ripe berries can be laid out on the shiny surface of the dessert - then it will look even more elegant. Trot "Three Chocolates" goes well with fruit juice or green tea.

Step-by-step recipe from Emma's grandmother

To surprise guests at a family holiday, a chocolate cake prepared according to a recipe from Emma's grandmother will help. The magnificent, bright and beautiful delicacy will adequately decorate the festive table and will surely appeal to all lovers of sweets.

Products for biscuit:

  • two egg yolks;
  • icing sugar - 80 g;
  • protein from two eggs;
  • a tablespoon of flour;
  • cocoa - 18 g.

For cream:

  • milk (3.2%) - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 60 g;
  • egg yolk;
  • gelatin - 7 g.

For mousse:

  • curd cheese - 0.35 g;
  • chocolate (white, black, milk), 85 g each;
  • cream - 0.7 l.


  1. Combine egg whites with powder and shake until elastic foam appears.
  2. In a separate container, mix the yolks with cocoa, pour flour in small portions and grind well. Then add the flour mixture to the whipped protein mixture and mix.
  3. Pour the finished dough into a mold and bake for a quarter of an hour at a temperature of 165 degrees.
  4. To get the cream, you need to fill the gelatin with cool water and leave to swell.
  5. Now beat the egg yolk with sugar, then add warm milk and place the mixture on low heat. Warm it up, stirring constantly, until it becomes thicker.
  6. After that add gelatin, dissolve it well in the cream and turn off the oven.
  7. To make the mousse, you need to thoroughly shake the cream, then put the curd cheese and stir. Then divide the creamy-curd mass into three parts and combine one of them with melted white chocolate, the second with milk, and the third with dark.
  8. Now cover the baked biscuit with brown mousse and put it in the freezer for an hour. After this time, it is necessary to apply a layer of milk chocolate and put the dessert in the cold again. After 45 - 50 minutes, cover the product with white mousse, then decorate as you wish and send to harden.

When the cake becomes hard, it needs to be transferred to a large plate, cut into portions and treated to all those present. This dessert can be stored in the freezer for about two weeks.

Mousse cake “3 chocolates”

To pamper your family during an evening tea party, you can make a chocolate cake with mousse layers and white icing. Thanks to the addition of liquor and nuts, the gourmet delicacy has an amazing taste that can surprise even sophisticated sweet tooth.

Products for biscuit:

  • two eggs;
  • sugar - 110 g;
  • cocoa - 85 g;
  • wheat flour - 90 g;
  • baking powder - 12 g;
  • liquor (fruit) - 55 ml;
  • walnuts (chopped) - 75 g.

For mousse:

  • chocolates (3 different colors) - 100 g each;
  • cream (25%) - 0.5 ml;
  • gelatin - 40 g;
  • liquor (any) - 0.15 L;
  • oil - 95 g.

For glaze:

  • white chocolate - 95 g;
  • cream (35%) - 52 ml;
  • oil (82%) - 50 g.


  1. Granulate sugar with raw eggs. Then add the remaining components for the biscuit and mix until a dough is formed.
  2. Move the flour base into a round shape and bake in an oven with a temperature of 180 degrees for twenty minutes.
  3. Cool the baked cake, then soak with liquor and put in a cold room for half an hour.
  4. Now in cream (50 ml) you need to soak the gelatin for fifteen minutes.
  5. Then melt the chocolates in three different circles and add an equal amount of liquor to them. Then pour gelatin into containers with chocolate mixture and mix.
  6. Beat the cream with a mixer and also add to the mugs with a sweet mass. The result should be three different-colored mousses.
  7. After that, cover the biscuit with mousse layers and put in the freezer for thirty minutes.
  8. To cook the glaze, you need to combine the butter with cream, put on fire and gradually heat. When the composition becomes warm, add white chocolate broken into pieces and continue to warm until it dissolves, then set aside.
  9. Pour the frozen cake with warm glaze and send again to the cold.

Serve a treat in a few hours after manufacture. It is advisable to offer hot coffee, fruit cocktail or dry wine.

Cooking from biscuit cakes

For busy housewives there is a quick recipe for chocolate cake, which is made from store cakes. Here you will need biscuits of a dark and light shade, ingredients for making mousse cream and half an hour of free time!

Required Products:

  • biscuit cakes (of different shades) - 2 pcs.;
  • butter from cream - 0.4 kg;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • icing sugar - 60 g;
  • three types of chocolate - 1 bar each;
  • cocoa powder - 50 g.


  1. To get the cream, you need to beat all the ingredients (except chocolate) until a dense and lush mass is formed.
  2. Now you need to melt the chocolates in separate containers. In a bowl with dark chocolate, add a little cocoa powder to make the color more saturated.
  3. After that, divide the whipped composition into three parts and add to containers with liquid chocolate. Then mix well.
  4. Remove the cakes from the packages and coat them with cream of the corresponding shade, then fold them on top of each other, alternating light and dark products.
  5. Decorate the finished cake with the rest of the cream and put in a cold room for impregnation.

A wonderful dessert will be a hearty breakfast before the start of the school or work day. It should be used in combination with your favorite drinks.

Agar Agar Dessert

Another interesting recipe for the “3 Chocolate” cake, which is based on agar-agar - a natural thickener made from algae.


The dessert consists of mousse cakes without a biscuit base, so it has an airy structure and a deliciously delicate taste.

Required Products:

  • icing sugar - 120 g;
  • cream (28%) - 0.6 l;
  • agar-agar - 5 g;
  • cheese (soft) - 0.65 g;
  • three bars of colorful chocolate.


  1. Heat the cream (55 ml) and dissolve agar-agar in them.
  2. Melt the chocolates by heating.
  3. Beat the rest of the cream in a blender, then add a thickener, add cheese and grind again.
  4. Divide the whipped mass into three portions and color each of them with liquid chocolate of a different color. Mix the resulting mousses thoroughly with a mixer.
  5. Then form a cake from a multi-colored souffle and refrigerate for two hours.

It is recommended to decorate a frozen product with marshmallows and coffee cookies. The use of agar agar allows the dessert to maintain a smooth and strong structure in a warm room for a long time.

Souffle treat with mastic

Cake "Three chocolates", covered with mastic, looks bright, elegant and can become the main decoration of the table at the festive event. It is prepared according to the standard scheme, and at the end it is leveled with a confectionery composition and enclosed in a sweet shell.

Required Products:

  • condensed milk - 120 g;
  • butter - a pack;
  • shortbread cookies (crushed) - 0.01 kg;
  • mastic (color) - packaging.


  1. First you need to cook trot, and then cool it well.
  2. Now it is necessary to smooth its surface so that the mastic lies as evenly as possible. To do this, condensed milk must be combined with biscuits and softened butter, then mix vigorously.
  3. Using a wooden spatula, coat the entire product with an even mass in an even layer.
  4. Roll out the mastic layers, then cut out the parts that fit the size and fit the cake.

Pour the finished delicacy with peanuts, set it in the cold and serve it in a few hours. Bon Appetit!

How to decorate the Three Chocolates cake

Confectionery, with additional decor, look very appetizing and elegant.

To decorate the cake “3 chocolates”, you can use the advice of experienced chefs:

  1. Pour the dessert with dark or white glaze.
  2. Sprinkle with chocolate chips or cocoa.
  3. Spread large nuts, fresh berries or fruit slices on the surface of the product.
  4. Make creams of different colors and decorate the cake using a pastry syringe with nozzles.
  5. Use marshmallows halves, breakfast cereals, and unusual shaped sweets.

A treat prepared with love and good mood will surely turn out to be tasty, fragrant, beautiful and will delight all invited guests!