Forget-me-not flowers are a very delicate and beautiful decoration of the garden. Most often there are varieties of blue and pink. The plant blooms in the summer, species are perennial and annual.

Species, varieties and description

Forget-me-not, like any other plant, has many subspecies and varieties. All of them differ in cultivation features, a shade of flowers, and also the duration of flowering.

The main types:

  1. Forget-me-not garden or swamp. Most often found in landscape design. The flowers are bright, blue. The culture itself grows along the banks of rivers, streams and other bodies of water. It tolerates shade and excess moisture in the soil, so it easily adapts to almost any area in the garden.
  2. Alpine. It got its name because of growth in the alpine mountains. This species is a perennial with short dark blue flowers. He loves sunlight very much, so when planting, you should select a lit place.
  3. Forest. Bushes reach 30 cm in height. This variety is very moisture-loving and shade-tolerant. The flowers have a pale blue tint. It adapts almost everywhere, but does not grow very well under the scorching sun and in dry soil.
  4. Azov. Pretty picky look. He loves sunny, warm areas. It grows in light soil compositions. It requires a lot of care, but it looks bright and beautiful because of the blue colors.
  5. Reshteiner. This view is one of the most spectacular. It blooms with a dense blue carpet, on which it is difficult to make out leaves. Looks good both independently and as a background to other colors.

Also, gardeners grow forget-me-nots related, lazistan, pleasant and rarely flowered.

Varieties of this plant are not capricious, quickly adapt to almost any permissible conditions. Alpine forget-me-nots love sunshine the most, and the marsh well survives in a humid environment.

Planting flowering plants in the open ground

To plant a forget-me-not flower, you must first select the right place. The ground in the selected area should be slightly moist, too wet or too dry will not work. The plant feels great in the shade and in the open sun.

How to plant an already grown bush:

  1. Prepare the necessary site. Carefully level the soil, add humus and peat to it. Fertilizers need a little, because from a large amount of it, plants lose their decorative appearance.
  2. Dig up the forget-me-not from the old garden patch, being careful not to spoil the root system. But even if this happened, it sprouts well with damaged roots.
  3. Form a hole. Do not forget about drainage. To do this, it is recommended to lay a small amount of stones or gravel at a depth, and then sprinkle them with sand. Put the forget-me-not at the bottom and gently sprinkle with soil.
  4. Water the plant. The first time should be watered abundantly, the next time - moderately.

This is best done in the spring, in April or May. If the transplant is planned for the fall, you must do this before the first frost. All manipulations can also be carried out during the flowering period.

Features of growing and caring for flowers

Growing forget-me-nots involves caring for them. Plants will need to be watered, periodically fertilizing the soil with useful substances and, if necessary, treated from pests.

Care Tips:

  • top dressing should be moderate, it will be enough to add a small amount of organic fertilizers before flowering;
  • after flowering before frosts, perennials must be cut to the roots and covered with spruce branches;
  • annual forget-me-nots are dug up at the end of summer, since they no longer bear a decorative load;
  • the soil around the forget-me-not should be slightly moistened, when watering it is necessary to direct the watering can under the leaves;
  • when diseases or pests appear, it is recommended to immediately treat the culture with special solutions, as well as all intact flowers around.

A large number of fertilizers helps to stretch the stems and leaves, because of which decorativeness disappears. Excess moisture contributes to the appearance of mold and death of the crop.

If the plant is sick a lot and does not take root at the chosen place in the garden, the flowers can always be transplanted to any suitable area. As a rule, gardeners do not have problems with this, since forget-me-nots quickly adapt.

Forget-me-not propagation methods

Most often, forget-me-nots are planted with bushes or propagated using seeds. There is also propagation by cuttings. Each gardener will be able to choose the type of planting that will fully suit him. All growing options are simple.

How to propagate forget-me-not:

The seeds.

They must be sown in pre-prepared beds. The procedure should be performed in early summer, when the temperature at night will not drop below 15 degrees. You can also first grow seedlings in a tray, and then transplanted to a permanent place of residence.


This method is used in cases where the gardener wants to preserve all the properties of a particular variety. It is better to carry out the procedure in June. It is necessary to cut the freshest apical cuttings from the plant, having a length of about 5 centimeters. Then, cuttings should be planted along with seedlings that have already sprouted earlier.


Dig a bush and carefully divide the root system into several sections. All flowers received must immediately be planted in open ground. Forget-me-nots have a strong root system, so it survives well after propagation in this way.

Protection against diseases and pests

Pests do not bother this plant, if properly looked after.Often insects and mold start on those bushes that grow in waterlogged soil or next to other damaged crops.

To protect the flower from pests, it is necessary to periodically remove weeds in the plant growth area.

Most often, garden forget-me-not is prone to:

  • powdery mildew;
  • sulfur;
  • brown rot.

To get rid of these diseases, flowers should be sprayed with fungicides. If insects appeared, insecticides are used.

The combination of forget-me-nots with other colors


These flowering plants will decorate any garden. During flowering, forget-me-not is replete with a large number of small blue flowers, which because of their brightness can be seen from afar.

Large flowerbeds containing only this culture will look beautiful. But if you want to dilute the blue color, you can plant them near colorful tulips, as well as daffodils or lilies of the valley. Remarkably forget-me-nots look on the background of greenery, for example, ferns or lush host foliage.

How to use forget-me-nots in landscape design

Extensive flowerbeds from these flowers of different varieties look very beautiful. Around the plantings, you can lay out decorative stones, and plant a stonecrop or a bunch of fiery tulips in the center of the composition.


Harmoniously forget-me-nots will grow in bowls and amphorae around garden fountains, the most suitable for this is a marsh variety. Potted flowers can arrange a gazebo or entrance to the house. Also, the plant looks great as a border plantation.