Dumplings with cottage cheese - a dish of Ukrainian cuisine, which perfectly stuck among Russian housewives. It is interesting that such a treat can be not only sweet, but also salty. It is convenient to prepare it for the future and serve it on the table in those days when there is no time to stand at the stove, because the dumplings are perfectly stored in the freezer.

Dough for dumplings with cottage cheese: recipes

To make the dish under discussion really successful, you need to take care not only of the delicious filling, but also of the dough for dumplings. A properly prepared base will allow you to save the whole treat during the cooking process and for a long time to store it frozen in an ordinary bag or container.

Classic dumpling for dumplings with cottage cheese

Ingredients: half a faceted glass of purified water and fat milk, 4.5 cups of first-class flour, 2 raw egg proteins and 1 yolk, ½ small. tablespoons of salt.

  1. The egg ingredients indicated in the recipe beat well together. Foam should appear on the mass.
  2. All non-cold liquid components are poured into the egg mixture, salt is added.
  3. First-class flour is sifted into this bowl. Hands thoroughly knead the dough.
  4. The resulting "bun" is covered with a napkin and left on the table for 30-40 minutes.

While the dough is infused, you can start cooking the selected version of the curd filling.

Soft and plastic mineral base

Ingredients: ½ small.tablespoons of sea salt, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of first-class wheat flour, a whole glass of carbonated mineral water, a large egg, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of deodorized oil, ½ small. tablespoons of granulated sugar.

  1. The stronger the selected mineral water is, the better for the future test. Water is poured into a bowl, a large chicken egg is driven into it.
  2. Oil and sea salt are added immediately. After mixing, sand is poured.
  3. Then you can pour in small portions of flour saturated with oxygen (sifted).
  4. All products are well mixed until smooth - first with a spoon and then with greased hands.
  5. It will take a long time to work with the test - 10-12 minutes.

The resulting mass is left to rest for half an hour, after which you can sculpt dumplings from it.

A simple recipe for kefir

Ingredients: 420 g of first-class wheat flour, a little more than a glass of medium-fat kefir, 2 large raw eggs, 7-9 g of table salt.

  1. Flour is sifted from a high distance into a roomy bowl.
  2. It is not cold kefir that is poured onto the bulk product.
  3. Fine salt and slightly beaten eggs are added to the mass.
  4. First, all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed with a wide wooden spoon or spatula. Continue until a plastic dough is in the bowl.
  5. Then it is transferred to a table sprinkled with flour. Kneading continues with your hands.

When the composition acquires the desired density, you can cover it with a towel made of natural fabric, leave it for half an hour and only then use it to sculpt the dumplings.

Choux pastry

Ingredients: 470 g of first-class flour, 275 ml of boiling water, 2/3 mal. tablespoons of coarse rock salt, 55 ml of deodorized oil.

  1. Freshly boiled water is poured into a bowl. Salt is dissolved in boiling water. Oil is poured there. In the process of adding new ingredients, the mass must be constantly stirred. It is more convenient to use a special mixer nozzle designed for the test.
  2. Half of the declared amount of flour is poured into the mass. You need to add it in small portions.
  3. When the mixture has cooled sufficiently, the dough is already kneading by hand. Little by little the remaining flour is poured into the mass.

When the finished custard dough for dumplings acquires the desired plasticity and uniformity, you need to cover it with cling film and leave it to lie down for half an hour.

Cooking with Yeast

Ingredients: 1 cup of milk, 20-25 g of pressed yeast, a pinch of coarse salt, 1 tbsp. l granulated sugar, 420-440 g flour.

  1. Milk is sent to the microwave or to the stove. It needs to be heated to approximately 33-35 degrees. The liquid should turn out to be a little warm, but by no means burning hot.
  2. If there is little milk at hand, you can dilute it with water. Or even use only water.
  3. Crushed yeast, sand, salt dissolve in the selected heated liquid. 2-3 tablespoons of first-grade flour are added. After mixing, let the mass stand for a while. In about 15-17 minutes, yeast “wake up” and begin to “work”.
  4. When the dough becomes viscous and becomes covered with bubbles, you can continue kneading.
  5. The remaining flour is poured into the mass. First, the ingredients are mixed with a spoon, then - laid out on the table and kneading hands.

As a result, the dough will be dense, but rather soft. Let it rest a bit in the heat, while the hostess will be engaged in the filling for refreshments.

A variety of recipes for dumplings with cottage cheese, from sweet to salty

For many culinary experts, it will certainly be a real discovery that dumplings with cottage cheese can be not only sweet, but also salty. For example, if you add fresh or frozen greens to the filling, you will be able to cook a full, hearty meal. And the sweet version with chocolate will become an original dessert, which will especially appeal to younger family members.

Sweet dumplings with cottage cheese

Read also:dumpling dumplings with potatoes

Ingredients: a pound of dough according to any recipe, 230 g of fat cottage cheese, 60 g of granulated sugar, a large raw egg.

  1. For classic sweet curd dumplings, you can choose any dough that attracts the hostess. It is thinly rolled and “cut” in even circles with a glass. The remaining dough is collected in a lump, kneading and rolling out again.
  2. For the filling, the cottage cheese is kneaded with a fork, combined with a raw egg and sugar. The amount of the latter can be adjusted to your liking. If in the end it is planned to sprinkle the dish with powdered sugar, it is worth using sand in the filling to a minimum.
  3. The resulting dough pieces begin with cottage cheese, their edges are very securely fixed.

You can cook dumplings with cherries on the same principle. To do this, fresh or frozen berries, slightly sprinkled with starch, are added to the cottage cheese along with sugar.

Cooking in Ukrainian

Ingredients: 5 tbsp. first-class flour, 2 tbsp. l granulated sugar and baking soda, 1 tsp. salt, a large raw egg, half a liter of sour milk, yogurt or whey, a pack of cottage cheese, sugar to taste.

  1. Sand spills out to the egg. Usually enough 1 tbsp. l., but sweet tooth can safely increase the amount of sugar by 2-3 times. The ingredients are slightly whipped.
  2. In a separate bowl, the flour is sifted from a high distance along with soda and salt. The components are mixed. Soda needs to be added to flour. Not in yogurt, and not in eggs!
  3. The flour pours out onto the table with a slide, in the middle of it a groove is made, into which not cold curdled milk (or another selected dairy product) is poured. A sweet egg mixture is slowly added there.
  4. Now you can start kneading the dough. It is more convenient to mash the ingredients with hands lubricated with any vegetable oil.
  5. The resulting mass is covered with a clean towel and left to stand for about 30-40 minutes. No need to put the dough in the refrigerator.
  6. While it's time to cook the filling. For this, the curd is combined with the remaining sugar (1 tbsp. L.). If the product is dry, you can add a raw egg or a little fat sour cream to it. Some housewives also use any fresh or frozen berries for the filling. For example, blueberries.
  7. The finished dough is rolled out, divided with the help of a glass into even circles, into which the resulting filling is laid.

It remains to close the edges of the dumplings very tightly and send them to boil. Serve delicious with sour cream or melted rustic oil.

Lazy recipe

Ingredients: 470 g of fat cottage cheese, 2 large tablespoons of granulated sugar, raw chicken egg, 140 g of first-class wheat flour, a pinch of fine salt.

  1. Curd is laid out in a capacious bowl. If the product is purchased in packs, then you need to slightly knead it with a fork.
  2. Separately, the egg is whipped with salt.
  3. The resulting mixture is poured into the curd.
  4. Sugar is added. Mixing is repeated.
  5. The last sifted flour is poured a couple of times to the curd.
  6. First, the mass is mixed with a fork, then laid out on the table. Kneading continues with your hands.
  7. The finished dough should be moist and slightly sticky.
  8. Small parts are cut from it, rolled into a sausage and cut into pieces. The latter are - lazy dumplings from cottage cheese. If desired, they can be given any shape.

Ready dumplings can be immediately cooked, or put in a freezer for storage.

Filled with cottage cheese and greens

Ingredients: a pound of custard dough or kefir option, 320 g of fat cottage cheese, a bunch of fresh green onions, 2 pinches of fine salt.

  1. The dough prepared according to the selected recipe is thinly rolled. Then it is cut into smooth, neat circles, on which the filling will be laid out.
  2. Cottage cheese is kneaded with a fork, salted to taste. If desired, you can add any spices to it. For example, a mixture of peppers.
  3. Feathers of onions are well washed, excess fluid is shaken from them. Further, the greens are chopped very finely and interferes with the curd.
  4. About 1 tsp is laid out for each circle of dough. toppings. Dumplings gently stick with their hands. You can form a beautiful ornate edge, which will make the dish especially delicious.It is convenient to use at this stage a special device that allows you to blind 15-17 (and sometimes more) products in one go.

It remains to cook the dumplings with cottage cheese and green onions, dropping them for 8-9 minutes in boiling water. A dinner dish with any fresh herbs and sour cream is served.

Dumplings with salted cottage cheese

Ingredients: 320 g of first-class flour, 2 large eggs, 380 g of fat cottage cheese, a glass of purified water, half a bunch of various herbs, salt and a mixture of peppers to taste.

  1. Flour is poured onto a clean countertop through a fine sieve. On the surface should be a small slide. One egg breaks into its center. The ingredients are gently mixed by hand.
  2. To the test, water is poured in small portions with the salt and peppers dissolved in it.
  3. The resulting product is folded into a "bun", covered with a single layer of cling film and left for 30-40 minutes directly on the table.
  4. In a deep plate, cottage cheese is mixed with the remaining raw egg. To it is added very finely chopped greens, salt to taste.
  5. The dough is rolled out, cut into circles, in the middle of each of which is curd filling. The edges of the workpieces are densely molded.

It remains to send the finished dumplings to cook or put them in the freezer for storage.

With strawberries

Ingredients: 420 g of washed and dried fresh berries, a pound of homemade cottage cheese, 2 large eggs, 9 tbsp. l white and a bag of vanilla sugar, 2.5 tbsp. first-class wheat flour, ¼ pack of butter, 190 g of ordinary sugar cookies. How to cook dumplings with fresh strawberries is described in detail below.

  1. Raw eggs are poured into a wide container. Two types of sugar immediately get enough sleep. The mixture is slightly whipped with a regular whisk.
  2. The cottage cheese is first passed through a meat grinder and only after that it is laid out to a sweet egg mixture. Softened oil is sent there. The components are well mixed with a wide spoon.
  3. To the basis for future dough, first-class flour is poured through the smallest sieve.
  4. A soft tender mass is mixed. Small pieces are plucked from it and rolled into flat cakes. A whole strawberry is laid out on each piece. The edges are tightly pinched and even balls are formed from dumplings with their hands.
  5. Ready lumps with strawberries are immersed in boiling water. After boiling water again, they boil for another 5-6 minutes and are carefully removed from the pan with a slotted spoon.
  6. Cookies turn into small crumbs. Still hot balls with strawberries are falling in it. You can add powdered sugar to the dry mixture.
  7. Ready dumplings are cooled, after which they are cleaned for about an hour in the refrigerator. This will fix the crushed sweet crumbs on them.

Chilled table treat is served. It is perfectly complemented by strawberry or any other berry yogurt.

Dumplings as in kindergarten

Ingredients: 620 g of homemade cottage cheese, 2 large eggs, 1 tbsp. first-class flour, 2 tbsp. l white granulated sugar, 45 g butter, a pinch of fine salt, vanillin to taste.

  1. All listed products are laid out in turn in a convenient mixing bowl. If necessary, the cottage cheese is kneaded with a fork or rubbed through a large sieve. The flour is sifted a couple of times before being added.
  2. Components knead to homogeneity. The result should be a thick gruel without lumps.
  3. She leaves for 15-17 minutes in the refrigerator. During this time, gluten in the flour will swell, the mass will hold together well.
  4. Next, the dough is divided into 3-4 parts, each of which rolls into a sausage. The resulting blanks are cut with a knife into small pieces so that they are approximately the same and not more than 3 cm thick.

The resulting dumplings are boiled in salted boiling water and served hot on plates, richly greased with butter.

Hearty option with the addition of potatoes

Ingredients: half a kilo of any dough for dumplings you like, half a kilo of fat cottage cheese and potatoes, 2 tablespoons, a mixture of peppers, salt.

  1. The potato is cut large and boiled in salt water for about half an hour with a slight boil.During this time, it should soften well. Next, almost the entire broth is drained from the pan, and the vegetable is kneaded to a state of homogeneous puree without lumps.
  2. Cottage cheese is separately rubbed through a sieve or passed through a meat grinder.
  3. The prepared ingredients from the previous steps are combined. Salt to taste is sent to them, a mixture of ground peppers, raw eggs.
  4. The finished dough is rolled out on the table, circles are cut out of it with the top of the glass.
  5. 1.5 tsp is placed in the center of the blanks. fillings, their edges are very tightly nipped with fingers.

Then you can boil the finished dumplings or transfer them to a board sprinkled with flour, and send them to the refrigerator.

Amazing Chocolate Dumplings with Cottage Cheese

Ingredients: 220-240 g of sifted flour, 180 ml of boiling water, 2 large tablespoons of cocoa, refined oil, sour cream, 230 g of cottage cheese, 3 large tablespoons of granulated sugar, 1 tsp. with a slide of starch, a pinch of vanillin.

  1. Flour is sifted through a very fine sieve along with cocoa and fine salt. With vigorous stirring, the freshly boiled water is poured into the dry mass. As a result, a tight but supple dough is kneaded. It is better to do this with your hands and knead the mass for at least 7-8 minutes.
  2. The finished dough is wrapped in 1-2 layers of cling film, after which it is left at room temperature for 15-17 minutes.
  3. Cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve. Instead, you can kill it with a blender. Vanillin, sand is added. When the sweet grains dissolve in the curd, sour cream and starch are laid out to it. The ingredients are well ground.
  4. When the dough is ready, you can roll it thinly and divide it into circles. A small portion of the filling is laid out on each resulting cake. Its edges are very tightly fixed.
  5. At this stage, you can put the dumplings on a baking powder sprinkled with flour and send them to freeze or cook in salted boiling water.

Served hot dinner dish with sour cream and plenty of melted butter.

Steaming Recipe

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. kefir, kilo flour, large egg, 4 tbsp. l granulated sugar, 1 tsp each. with a slide of fine salt and instant yeast, 380 g fat cottage cheese, 2 large spoons of sour cream.

  1. For the filling, cottage cheese, half the sugar and sour cream are mixed. The mass should be a bit dry.
  2. The remaining sugar, instant yeast dissolves in warm kefir.
  3. The egg is slightly beaten.
  4. The masses from the second and third steps are combined, flour is poured in small portions to them. Its exact amount depends on its quality.
  5. Under a towel made of natural fabric, the dough will rest for about an hour.
  6. The approached mass is laid out on the table and is well kneaded by hands.
  7. The dough is not rolled thinly (about ½ cm thick). Circles are squeezed out of the reservoir with a glass.
  8. A small spoon of curd filling is laid out in each cake. The edges of the dumplings are tightly connected.
  9. Water is poured into the pan and the container goes to the stove. A steam cooker is installed on top. The pan is covered with gauze, folded in two layers.
  10. When the water in the lower tank begins to boil, dumplings are laid out on the double boiler.
  11. Preparing a dish under the lid for 6-7 minutes. It is not necessary to turn the dumplings with cottage cheese for a couple.

Served hot after cooking.

With cottage cheese and semolina

Ingredients: 420 g fat cottage cheese, 2 large eggs, 2 tbsp. l granulated sugar, 5 tbsp. l semolina, a pinch of vanilla sugar and the same amount of salt, 1.5 tbsp. first-class flour.

  1. To the slightly beaten eggs, all the dry components are poured out, except for the flour.
  2. Cottage cheese is laid out in the resulting mixture, the components are thoroughly mixed. The future dough is left for 15-17 minutes, so that semolina has time to swell.
  3. Further, flour is poured in minimal portions to the products. A slightly sticky dough is mixed.
  4. It rolls into a sausage, then cut into small pieces.

Boil dumplings in boiling water for 2-3 minutes.

A few secrets to sculpt and cook dumplings

To make dumplings easier, you need to do this in a cool room. If it’s hot at home, the dough is placed in a bowl and placed in a pan with ice water. The optimal shape for dumplings is in the form of a crescent.

Since the edges of the workpieces are always thinner than the dough in other places, during the modeling process they need to be greased with egg white or plain water. This will avoid further digestion of the product.

For dry toppings, the dough can be rolled out in a very thin layer - about 1.5 mm. If it includes, for example, berries, then the optimal thickness of the cakes is 2.5 mm.

It is convenient to cook the dish in a wide roomy pan. Salt water immediately. During the process, the dumplings are constantly stirred with a slotted spoon so that they do not stick together. After boiling the liquid, the fire is reduced to medium, and the treat is cooked for another 4-5 minutes. Completely prepared dumplings float to the surface of the water.