Viagra - pills for men that were originally invented to treat heart failure. But over time, doctors discovered their positive effect in the urological field. Small blue pills can help a man regain sexual strength at any age.

The mechanism of action of Viagra on men

Viagra is a drug that allows you to restore an erection. This problem occurs in many men and is aggravated with age, while the causes can be both physical ailments and the psycho-emotional state of a person. Dysfunction is a congenital pathology or acquired, but its manifestation is always the same - a man has a completely or partially no erection.

What is the effect of Viagra on men? To answer this question, one should understand why an erection disappears. The fact is that the body has an enzyme called phosphodiesterase, it is able to influence the blood flow in the cavernous bodies of the penis. Under the influence of certain factors (stress, urological infections, etc.), the enzyme affects blood circulation. In fact, he stops her in the cavernous bodies, thereby completely stopping the erection.

When a Viagra tablet is swallowed, the main active ingredient sildenafil, which is an inhibitor of this enzyme, is quickly absorbed into the thin walls of the intestine, and already circulates through the blood vessels 15-20 minutes after ingestion. Sildenafil blocks phosphodiesterase, relaxes smooth muscles, thereby restoring and increasing blood flow in the penis.After 30-60 minutes, the maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is observed, if it was drunk on an empty stomach. In this case, the drug does not treat the true cause of dysfunction, but successfully eliminates its manifestations.

It is important to understand that Viagra restores and strengthens an erection only in the presence of sexual arousal. Funny stories about her accidental reception and the absurdities that occur later are a myth. Without sexual desire, a man will not be able to achieve an erection, even if he takes a double dose of the drug.

Composition (active substance) of tablets

Viagra belongs to the class of phosphodiesterase inhibitors and its active substance is sildenafil citrate, which helps restore blood circulation in the penis. It is contained in one tablet of Viagra in a concentration of 50 to 100 mg.

In addition to it, the composition of the drug includes:

  • cellulose;
  • calcium hydrogen phosphate;
  • magnesium stearate.

Viagra has the appearance of small blue diamond-shaped tablets with an engraved abbreviation “VGR 50 (100)”. The medicine is sold in cardboard boxes, where there are 1-2 plastic blisters and instructions for use. Each of them contains from 1 to 4 tablets.

In what cases is the drug prescribed

Viagra is taken according to one indication - this is a detected chronic erectile dysfunction caused by various pathogenic factors. Prescribe medication to men from 18 years after testing and identifying the cause of the violation.

Impotence can be caused by:

  1. Constant stress and neurotic disorders.
  2. Depression
  3. Pathological addictions (alcoholism, drug addiction).
  4. Heart disease.
  5. Lesions of the spinal cord and brain (injuries to the back or skull, the development of infections).
  6. Hormonal disruptions.
  7. Diseases of the vessels and the genitourinary system (prostate adenoma, prostatitis, etc.).

Since Viagra does not treat the cause of impotence, the urologist is likely to prescribe a comprehensive medical therapy.

In 90% of cases, such a violation is completely treatable with a proper approach and a healthy lifestyle.

Sometimes impotence is associated with psychological factors, for example, a man cannot have sex if the partner is not blonde and so on. In this case, a visit to a psychologist will be recommended.

The disorder can develop in men of any age, cases of impotence are recorded in 18-20 years. But in the main risk group are men after 40 years who lead an unhealthy lifestyle, consume large amounts of alcohol, smoke and practice irregular sex life.

Instructions for use and dosage

Each tablet of Viagra contains 50 mg of sildenafil, so it is better to take it as directed by a doctor. Typically, the patient is prescribed 50 mg of the drug an hour before the intended contact, preferably 1 time per day. On the day of admission, you should refrain from fatty foods and alcohol, or the absorption time will increase. You can not drink more than 100 mg in one day.

Instructions for use of Viagra is simple: tablets should be taken orally with a little water. If a dosage of 100 mg has been prescribed, then you should drink two 50 mg tablets in a row.

And also it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the patient:

  1. If a man is diagnosed with renal failure (mild and moderate), then the dose for him cannot be more than 50 mg. If it is a severe form, then the volume is 25 mg.
  2. With abnormalities in the liver (especially with cirrhosis), you can not take more than 25 mg per day.

A dosage of 50 mg is standard for men and can only be reduced for health problems. Take 100 mg only by decision of the attending physician.

Drug interaction

It is imperative that you take the advice of your doctor before taking the medication, or at least consult a pharmacist, since in combination with a number of Viagra medications it can cause serious harm to your health.

Some drugs can change the effect of Viagra itself, so it should be taken carefully with such means:

  1. Medicines that include nitrates. Often these are drugs for the treatment of heart failure, for example, Nitroglycerin, Cardiogard, Sorbidine, etc. Better not to take Viagra at all.
  2. Medications from the group of alpha-blockers that are taken by patients with high blood pressure or problems with the prostate. Due to the combination of two different types of drugs, dizziness may begin due to a sharp increase in blood pressure.

Viagra can not be taken simultaneously with other drugs of the same action. Any pills and injections that cause an erection, as well as devices for the penis (implants, vacuum pumps) are prohibited.

Compatibility Viagra with alcohol

Alcohol is incompatible with certain types of drugs and it is not recommended to use it within 12 hours before taking Viagra, although there are no studies proving a possible negative reaction from their symbiosis. Nevertheless, it is better to refrain from using it, since during alcohol intoxication the man’s tactile feelings become dull, the muscles relax, and physical activity decreases. At the same time, the load on the heart increases, the speed of its contractions increases, and Viagra also leads to the same effect. Thus, you can provoke a heart attack.

Alcohol clouds the mind and reduces sexual desire along with the absorption of Viagra into the blood, which makes the drug ineffective. You can take alcohol at the same time as Viagra, but it will not be beneficial for the body, and even more so for the potency of a man.

Contraindications, side effects and overdose

Before taking Viagra, you need to consult a doctor, since there are a number of contraindications to its use:

  1. Hypersensitivity to the active substance.
  2. Taking medications with nitrates or nitrites in the composition.
  3. Lactose intolerance.
  4. Diseases of the liver (taking Viagra is possible only under the supervision of a doctor).
  5. Lesions of blood vessels or heart muscle (angina pectoris, history of heart attack).

As well as men with angulation or fibrosis of the penis muscles, they should carefully use any medications to restore an erection, especially Viagra.

Side effects of the drug can occur in various forms:

  1. Allergic manifestations (rash, itching, breathing problems).
  2. Strong headache.
  3. Visual impairment (patients can see everything in blue).
  4. Heart palpitations.
  5. Rush of blood to the skin (the man turns red).

In order to avoid overdose, you must strictly follow the scheme and follow the instructions. If it does happen, you should immediately rinse your stomach and consult a doctor.


There are only three types of active chemicals that can affect the erection and increase blood circulation in the cavernous bodies of the penis.

All of them are used in medicines:

  • sildenafil - in Viagra;
  • vardenafil - in Levitra;
  • tadalafil - in Cialis.

All three drugs are medicines for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, so Levitra and Cialis are the main analogues of Viagra.

In addition to them, you can also use:

  1. Sildenafil Vectra - take the drug 60 minutes before sexual intercourse, and the duration of action lasts for 4 hours.
  2. Viagra Gel - the principle of action is the same as that of tablets, but the composition begins to act immediately after application to the penis.
  3. Vectra Soft - tablets dissolve in the oral cavity and due to this act for 15-20 minutes after ingestion.
  4. Kamagra is a medicine in the form of a soluble citrus-flavored pop-up tablet. Compatible with a small amount of alcohol and fatty foods.

Viagra is an effective medicine that can restore male strength and restore sex life. The problem should not be embarrassed, it must be addressed through proper and competent therapy.But one cannot independently engage in fundraising; it is better to consult a specialist.

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