Fashion all the time dictates new rules relating to various aspects of female appearance. No exception and eyebrows. Each seeks to one degree or another to comply with the canons of beauty. If for one lady it’s normal to visit a beauty salon several times a month, for another it’s enough and a little to conjure over eyebrows in order to feel like a beauty.

When fashion is turning into a nightmare

But as for women from the next gallery ... Apparently, they have something wrong with a sense of style. Or they themselves do not see what they turned themselves into. Or they got such a terrible master that they decided to make all of this out of grief a parody. So to speak, squeeze lemonade out of sour and nasty lemon.

However, it is not known how these ladies are actually doing. We can only devote some time to studying their photos - so that they never become like them. And of course, have some fun.

Some eyebrows make a girl of any age, skin color or nationality Jamsut or Ravshan. Although ... there is a plus to this mod. Against the backdrop of such beauties, you can very profitably differ.

The worst eyebrows in history
A look with such eyebrows becomes angrier and bitchier. Also, if the distance on the bridge of the nose tends to zero

One would like to ask these women: why do they spoil themselves like that?

The worst eyebrows in history
These thin strings combined with piercings ...

It seems that she did everything in her power to turn her eyes into two small clicks.

The worst eyebrows in history
Usually eyebrows are designed to make the eyes visually larger ... But these stripes turned the eyes into small clicks

What ?? Just two strips instead of eyebrows?

The worst eyebrows in history
This miss is probably a math lover. So I decided to draw two minuses instead of eyebrows. After all, minus minus gives a plus.

Oh horror, she is not alone!

The worst eyebrows in history
Another fan of the cons

Full eyebrows should be visible from space. But in general, I wonder how much money she dumps in a bro-bar?

The worst eyebrows in history
Unearthly beauty

The main thing is minimalism.

The worst eyebrows in history
“The less, the better,” - apparently, this madam was guided by this principle

We dare to suggest that she just gathered for some kind of masquerade.

The worst eyebrows in history
As if this girl was making eyebrows under a huge stencil

Something tells us that, ceteris paribus, the owner of these "threads" would have looked much more attractive ...

The worst eyebrows in history
Just two thin strips. Probably sweat in black ink

Red eye adds piquancy to this photo.

The worst eyebrows in history
Everything is beautiful in it: the poisonous pink color of the shadows, and barely noticeable threads of an indefinite shape.

Is this by any chance a scary thriller maniac?

The worst eyebrows in history
Some men, too, would do well to follow the eyebrows ... so that they do not have such thickets

The confusion in her eyes harmonizes with these scattering points.

The worst eyebrows in history
They say that this woman has a blind husband. Therefore, she creates with her appearance whatever she pleases.

The lover of birds decided to bring her image closer to the bird. Eyebrow feathers - very original!

The worst eyebrows in history
Feathers inspired by bird feathers

A relative of the Bigfoot. What is the female counterpart of the name "Etti" - "Etta"? Or maybe Ettinia?

The worst eyebrows in history
Bigfoot found

When you adore plants and want to share your passion with the world.

The worst eyebrows in history
Just twigs of some climbing plant over the eyes

It's good that this browning is not fat. Otherwise, it’s scary to imagine what would happen to the appearance of this woman.

The worst eyebrows in history
The combined arc above the eyes harmoniously harmonizes with the lips encircled by a black pencil.

Whose eyebrows are steeper?

The worst eyebrows in history
It’s not even clear who is more beautiful ...

Following fashion is, of course, good ... But not turning your face into a laughing stock due to trends.

The worst eyebrows in history
Interestingly, the relatives of this girl are not scared at night, accidentally encountering her on the way to the toilet?

Looks like a May bug.

The worst eyebrows in history
Another eyebrow masterpiece

Tribute to the Middle Ages.

The worst eyebrows in history
Eyebrows No, not heard

Semicircles over the eyes. The main thing is not under the eyes.

The worst eyebrows in history
In the shape of a semicircle

Maybe this is a hint of a third eye? Since the forehead over the bridge of the nose has been circled, will it soon open? Or this eyebrow indicates belonging to the rank of saints?

The worst eyebrows in history
With this, she wants to portray a shining halo over her head. But you will not go with a halo. So the solution arrived with eyebrows

Not only do these eyebrows look like two huge, carnivorous commas (unless, of course, predatory punctuation marks exist in any of the cosmic dimensions). So they are also a terrible brown color, so ridiculously contrasting with her pale skin.

The worst eyebrows in history
Very bold commas

A worthy instance for the parade of the most ridiculous eyebrows.

The worst eyebrows in history
Well, what can I say ... these eyebrows are laureates in the nomination "The Most Angular Arts on a Woman's Face"

I must admit: of all the galleries this girl has one of the most accurate eyebrows. But a pencil ?? Why would she do this?

The worst eyebrows in history
Oh, clearly, she just needs a pencil

Looks like fluffy tails of some squirrels or martens. Or maybe it's just half-finished eyebrows prepared for further drawing New Year's spruce branches.

The worst eyebrows in history
Fir branches above the eyes. It is not enough just to paint them green and finish a pair of colorful balls

Well, that's the whole parade of the most terrible eyebrows for today. Have you ever come across something similar?