Cakes are the best option for a quick snack, they are tasty, nutritious and quickly satisfy your hunger. This dish can be prepared in various ways, taking as a basis yeast, yeast or puff pastry. And to make fried pies with potatoes in a pan even tastier, you can add to the main ingredient of the filling: onions, herbs, mushrooms, meat or offal.

Classic fried pies with potatoes in a pan

Potato pies are ideal for a quick bite to eat.

Pies in a pan can be prepared in different ways, but in the classic version they are made from such ingredients:

  • 0.25 liters of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 350 g of flour;
  • 5 g of salt;
  • 10 g of granulated sugar;
  • 30 g baking baking powder;
  • 50-70 ml of cooked refined fat;
  • 6-7 large potato tubers;
  • bulb;
  • spice.

Cooking baking is necessary in this order:

  1. Pour baking powder into warm milk, add salt, sugar and mix.
  2. When bubbles appear on the surface of the dough, add eggs, refined fat and mix until smooth.
  3. Introduce the flour in small portions into the liquid composition. The amount indicated in the list of ingredients is indicated approximately, this component should be as much as the "take" the dough.
  4. Knead uncooked base for pies and leave to come up, covering it with a towel.
  5. While the dough is approaching, boil the potatoes, mash it with a mortar in mashed potatoes, add the onion fried in oil, sprinkle with salt and spices.
  6. When the base is suitable, re-knead it, cut it into small pieces, form round cakes from them and mold the pies.
  7. Place the workpieces in a pan with hot fat seam down and fry on both sides.

Tip. After the baking is ready, it should be placed in one row on a paper-covered dish so that excess fat is absorbed and the pies are not too oily.

Quick pies stuffed with cabbage and potatoes in a pan

If you don’t have time to wait for the dough to work, you can make pies with cabbage and potatoes on a yeast-free basis.

Read also: fried pies with cabbage in a pan

This will require the following products:

  • 0.35 liters of water;
  • one egg;
  • 5 g of salt and sugar;
  • 10 g of soda;
  • 0.35-0.4 kg of flour;
  • 50 ml of vegetable fat;
  • 200 g of potatoes;
  • 200 g of cabbage;
  • onion;
  • dill greens.

To cook quick pies with potatoes and cabbage in a pan, you need to act like this:

  1. First make the filling. Boil potatoes in salted water and mashed, and fry cabbage and onions in a pan. After this, the components must be mixed and allowed to cool, and then pour chopped dill to them.
  2. While the filler is cold, you need to do the test. Beat the egg with a whisk, add salt, sugar, soda and pour the mixture with water.
  3. Add a little flour to the base until the dough stops sticking to your hands.
  4. Cut the base, mold the pies and fry them in vegetable fat.

To make the filling of yeastless pies more saturated, you can add grated carrots and finely chopped bell pepper to it.

Pies with potatoes from yeast dough in a pan

You can cook potato pies in a pan using pressed yeast for the test.

The pies will be light and airy.

In the cooking process you will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 400 ml of milk;
  • 45 g of pressed yeast;
  • 10 g of sugar;
  • 5 g of salt;
  • 50 g margarine;
  • 0.4-0.55 g flour;
  • medium-sized potatoes;
  • onion.

To prepare a dish, you must follow this procedure:

  1. Using a knife, cut pressed yeast into small pieces and dissolve in half the milk.
  2. Grind the egg yolk with sugar and salt, add the melted margarine and dilute with the remaining milk.
  3. Combine the resulting mixture with dough, add flour, knead uncooked dough and leave in a warm place for 60-90 minutes. The base will be ready when it increases at least one and a half times.
  4. While the dough is approaching, boil the potatoes, crush with a mortar, add salt and fried onions, then cool.
  5. Knead the approached base, cut into pieces, fashion pies and fry over medium heat.

Important! To make the yeast dough fit, it should be placed in a container with a tight-fitting lid, wrapped in a towel and placed away from drafts.

Puff pastry pies with potatoes and liver

As a basis for pies, you can take puff pastry, and make the filling of potatoes and liver.

This will require:

  • egg;
  • a pack of margarine;
  • 5 g of salt and soda;
  • 10 ml of vinegar;
  • 250 ml of water;
  • 700 g flour;
  • 3-4 potatoes;
  • 450 g of the liver;
  • onion;
  • spice.

To prepare such a dish, you need to do the following:

  1. Beat the egg with a whisk, add water, salt and soda, which is quenched with vinegar, to it then mix thoroughly.
  2. Grate the margarine and mix with flour, then add the resulting liquid to the dry components.
  3. Knead a cool dough, form a lump from it and send to the refrigerator.
  4. Boil the liver and potatoes, twist the offal in a meat grinder, and crush the fruits with a mortar, then mix the ingredients and add fried onions, salt and spices to them.
  5. Roll the puff pastry into a thin layer, cut out the squares, fill them with the filling and form triangular pies. Fry them in vegetable fat.

On a note. There is another option for cooking this dish. Formed “triangles” are smeared with egg yolk, sprinkled with sesame seeds and baked in the oven.

Lush pies from cottage cheese dough, cooked in a pan

To prepare tender and lush pies with potatoes, it is better to use cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 9% as the basis for the test.

The dough with the addition of cottage cheese is quite nutritious.

For cooking you will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • a pack of cottage cheese;
  • 5 g of soda;
  • 300 g flour;
  • 5-6 potato tubers;
  • a bunch of greenery;
  • seasonings.

To cook magnificent pies from cottage cheese dough, you need this:

  1. Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, add eggs and soda, knead until smooth.
  2. Add a little flour, knead the airy dough, and then leave it to come, covering with a towel.
  3. Boil potatoes in salted water, mashed, cool, then add chopped herbs and mix thoroughly.
  4. Cut the curd dough, form small pies and fry over low heat.

Attention! As the filling for the cakes from the curd dough, you can use only “non-flowing” components, for example, potatoes or meat, otherwise the workpieces will fall apart and the resulting juice will burn during frying.

"Lazy" batter with mushrooms and potatoes

Not every housewife can afford to spend a lot of time at the stove, but someone does not know how to handle the dough. In this case, the best option would be to cook “lazy” pies with mushrooms and liquid-based potatoes.

For cooking you will need:

  • 300 ml of sour milk or kefir;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g of flour;
  • salt and soda (a pinch);
  • 3-4 large potatoes;
  • 250 g of mushrooms of any kind.

Cooking “lazy” pies with potatoes and mushrooms is necessary in the following order:

  1. Fry the chopped mushrooms in a pan, sprinkle with salt and spices, and then put in a colander so that the glass is excess liquid.
  2. Peel the potato tubers and grate them on a coarse grater.
  3. Beat eggs, pour in sour milk or kefir, add salt, soda, grated potatoes and cooled mushrooms, and then mix until smooth.
  4. Pour so much flour into the mass so that it resembles a dough for fritters, and mix thoroughly.
  5. Put a tablespoon of the serving in a skillet with preheated fat and fry over medium heat.

If you follow this recipe, you can cope with cooking very quickly, and the resulting pies will not yield to the taste of those made in the traditional way.

Fried pies with potatoes and meat in a pan

Saying "potato pies", many imply that this component will be present in the filling. But there is a cooking option when root vegetables are added to the dough, and the filler is made from meat.

Potatoes are added to the dough itself, and the filling is prepared from meat.

In the cooking process you will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • a small piece of butter;
  • 200 g of flour;
  • 300 g of meat;
  • onion;
  • salt and spices.

Prepare the dish in the following order:

  1. Boil potatoes, salt, put butter, mashed and cool.
  2. Scroll the cooked meat in a meat grinder, sprinkle with seasonings and season with a fried onion.
  3. Add eggs and flour to the potatoes, knead the cool dough.
  4. Cut the base, fill with the filling and fry in a heated pan.

If desired, you can put greens in potato dough or stuffing, and serve pies with sour cream or mayonnaise.

Based on the above cooking methods, you can make your own adjustments to them and create many of your own baking recipes.