It seems to people that they let animals into their world. While four-legged pets think completely different. Tamed animals, although they abandoned many wild habits many millennia ago, still retain the main instinct - research. And it seems to them that it is not they who live on the territory of the owner. On the contrary, it is people who walk on their possessions. When there are no owners, animals have the opportunity to create whatever they want in the house.

Should I scold a pet?

Of course, you can scold a little pet for their deeds. After all, if you do not demonstrate who is the boss in the house, then you will have to constantly deal with the results of such “creativity” of animals. To do this, in a firm tone, say: “Fu! It is impossible! What have you done?". You can easily give a little face. But purely symbolic - so that the animal does not hurt.

Funny pictures

Yes, pets can easily sprinkle food throughout the floor, bring home decoration in a “festive” look, and visit a refrigerator. But from this we love them no less. And they reciprocate.

Your attention is a selection of photographs in which animals are caught "on the hot." The reaction of the pets is quite similar to the human one. Some on the face written a sense of hopelessness. They are afraid that the owner will scold them now. Others calmly continue to do their job - to sleep, play, and even crawl up the wall. Still others are ready to fight back: why does the owner not let them calmly examine the contents of the refrigerator?

Consider some of these photos with comments from animal owners and observers.

“This is what happens if you accidentally leave the refrigerator open ...”

Animals caught red-handed
The cat does not intend to justify its actions

"I am tormented by vague doubts that now the seeds in this pot will never germinate ..."

Animals caught red-handed
It’s nice to sleep in a flower pot.Especially if you are a cat

“He decided to roll the balls. Instead of us. ”

Animals caught red-handed
While there are no owners, you can play billiards

"Nothing unusual. Just a raccoon crawling up the wall at the height of the fifteenth floor. "

Animals caught red-handed
Raccoon crouching right on the wall

“It seems our pussycat wants to learn how to walk on the ceiling. Well, we will not interfere with him in this good undertaking. ”

Animals caught red-handed
Upside down you can look at the world in a completely different way.

“You just have to leave an empty box on the floor for 5 minutes ...”

Animals caught red-handed
This cat will give odds to any pose of the Kama Sutra

“My dog ​​seems to want to talk seriously with me ...”

Animals caught red-handed
This dog looks like a boss, waiting for subordinates in his office.

“Damn it, my dog ​​works great in photographs, even if she did a dirty trick!”

Animals caught red-handed
This dog is by no means "stooped". It looks very photogenic

“I have no idea what she is looking for there ...”

Animals caught red-handed
The cat is stubbornly looking for something in the refrigerator

“There will be no strawberries this year.”

Animals caught red-handed
The main thing is that the bed is sized

"It seems the owner spotted me."

Animals caught red-handed
It seems that the treasure hunt in the bowels of the pot was stopped in full swing

"Yes, I was just hungry."

"My dog ​​is able to remain calm and calm in absolutely any situation."

Animals caught red-handed
Perhaps the most unflappable dog in the world

“I think I interrupted some important meeting ...”

Animals caught red-handed
“Conversation” of peacocks at the table

“You can’t forbid my cat to consider himself a squirrel. Or maybe it's just a reincarnated climber. Who knows".

Animals caught red-handed
Probably, this cat in a past life was a climber. Or maybe it will be in the future ...



"Yes, I just wanted to eat after you, do not be angry!"

Animals caught red-handed
For a long time this raccoon had to starve, then to encroach on the remains of human food

“What did you dig?” I needed only an elastic band. ”

Animals caught red-handed
It is unlikely that this cat is tormented by remorse for the mess

“Master, do not drive out. It's so comfortable to sleep here! ”

Animals caught red-handed
Ferret found a cozy place

“The cat, as it were, wants to tell me:“ It is not a very good idea to leave flour on the table. ”

Animals caught red-handed
A cat who sprinkled flour is not very tormented by remorse

“My cat is a great actress. Even when caught red-handed, she easily pretends to be out of business. ”

Animals caught red-handed
“Is this a human closet? No, I didn’t know ”

That's how funny animals behave, while there are no people nearby. And on what "crimes" did you manage to catch your favorite? Share in the comments.